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Silent Viper

Location: Germany
Interests: Modeling
Gender: m
Showing 1 to 15 of 31 reviews
Emerald Evil
by Trinity
Huh,can I sleep tonight,maybe even without nightmares ? :o

Originality: I'd say the 10 is for sure,nothing like that was ever out before. Quality: Also a 10 as I couldnt find a bug besides the projectiles not hitting,but I aint know if that was intended like that. Useable:a 9 for beeing useable in mutant,horror,templeguardian,lab/base levels and even gremlinlevels (reminded me somehow of a tranformed gremlin). The Textures looked great,but the somehow reminded me of the TR1 ones recolored,but they still looked good ;) Custom Meshes: great,even if they seemed standart again,they fit,only bad point about it is,that they are a little lowpoly,so a 9,5,but we aint 0,5-grades,so a 10 ;) Animations: a 10,I couldnt find a bug,and that animations made the thing look ugly and scary in a good way ! I recommend them to everyone building a Horror Level,or at least something dark with mutants !

(11 Jan 2005 22:18)
Author Reply
Thanks for the reveiw! :) The textures are from Half life1 I belive and then others made by me. So they are not TR1 recolored. ;)

Ever wanted to meet Trinity in Person ?

With this you can (title,hint hint :D) The Originality is uhm,not high,but anything but low,there is just 1 (or was it 2) other Matrix Outfit,unfortunatley a Trinity,but if we can give the AOD Outfits 3 points Maximum,we need to get one step up for none AOD-Outfits,aye ? :D The Quality is pretty high for me,in my 10 minutes test-level with all the possible things,I found no bug,everything delivered,worked as it was supposed to. The Useability is high,unlike most other Character-Remakes,as it can be used in City Levels (not calling her trinity in those),or in Matrix Specific Levels,also in Base/VCI Levels,but not if those are in the middle of the jungle,desert or antarctica (city level,yeah :p). The Textures werent bad,but they were to,hmm,cant describe them,they reflected the light to much,even for vinyl :p The Meshes were good,nothing bad,and they even looked good,nothing speaking against a 10 in this,aye ?

(11 Jan 2005 22:08)
Jungle military
by Danilo
A double crosser,telling she is Miliatry Jungle but actually is AOD

Origniality: Its actually called Military Jungle and maybe was intended to be,but it is actually AOD,and not beeing like the average reviewer I review originality after look,not after name,I'd say this cant get worse !!! Quality against is TOP NOTCH,no bugs,nothing pretty much noticeable (maybe in stripx on the head,but not ingame and ingame is what counts on this category). The Useability is high,but not 10pts worth. Its useable in any kind of Military Levels,in Jungle,in Desert and in City-Levels,but not in cold levels,because both,the textures aswell as the intent of the clothing wont match snow. The Customtextures are actually a 9,9,but I gave it a 10,the only reason to downrate is,that that beast of outfit had to big and to many textures. Out of a 12-texturepage-wad it made a 14-page one (so replacing the old already texture-space-taking outfit aswell as taking its own),high res textures are always good,but remember,that Stripx and TRLE resize the textures with a worse quality. The Meshes are outstanding and detailed,nothing more to say expect for the only in stripx notieable bug in laras head-mesh,to be exact,the hair that stands out has no backside which is pretty well visible in Stripx,but to save your 10,ingame its not noticeable. To the guns which DONT affect the rating,I can only say that they are pretty bad choosen. The Vectors had a strange look aswell as the shotgun and the weapons were standart unlike those hipoly hands which are too highpoly for my Weapons,but trying that outfit also with my weapons,you didnt really notice a big difference.

(12 Dec 2004 13:02)
Author Reply
The only AOD thing on this outfits is the cammo,The head isnt, the shirt isnt, the buts arent, the ponytail isnt, and you rated it like I´ve made an completly AOD outfit :/

Night Fright
by Trinity
Highly Amazing

Looking at it just gives you a lot of pleasure,the thing doesnt lack ANY bit of detail and just looks extremly hot,especially the skirt on the the hot black pantys. Originality is a pure 10 as we didnt have any other that hot Outfits,neither did we have such cool kinds of night-dresses nor do we have a lot of lila Outfits on the SE :p (could also be an 11 for beeing so hot) The quality is just a 8.5(uprate to 9) for 1 and a half bug,so one is minor ,that would be the hair that is moving into the head when shooting and the not so important and barley noticeable texture-error on the pantys ,on the frontside there is a purple skirt-texture instead of the black panty-one Useability isnt that high,because you cant use that dress in military,nor in a jungle or desert or even arctic-adventure. It might be best used in Hotel-Levels or levels beeing made by todays hollywood directors who just think,bad movies are cheap,but sex sells :p,while in this case,the level would be pure pleasure,just because that outfit. Custom-Textures are 10 as I couldnt find any problems with it,and they were just applied to look heavily sexy :p The Meshes are pure grade A ones,no bugs,again hot and sexy,and I just LOVE this head,its so cute,cool, and hot at the same time. So to resume the whole thing,but if you read carefully (or even not,still the message is highly noticeable) I fell in love with this AMAZING outfit,if there wouldnt be those 1,5bugs and the low useability,it should have gottn 11 of 10 possible points !!! ☺♥

(22 Nov 2004 18:10)
Author Reply
I'm glad you liked it, but I did'nt mean for it to look "Sexy". lol. Oh well, I guess she is from a guy's point of veiw. ;) The bugs you mentioned have now been fixed. Thank you for pointing them out. :)

by Trinity
AMAZING !!!!!!!! :o *beeing shocked*

The Outfit is just amazing,couldnt get out of beeing shocked by its perfectness. The Originality is rather high as it is the second FF Character which in no way would affect the rating,and as there are NO Rikku Outfits out there,nor are there any that similar Outfits,nothing less than 10 full points. The Quality is high,but could be better,I think it looked good,but to perfection it needed recaluclated normals on the meshes and the scraf should have been put into the "hair-Slot" to have it beeing animated which would have required new animations,so that wont go as much into effect as the wrong lightning effects (not recalculated normals). So just 9 Points here. The Outfits isnt very useable as its fantasy,but thats what I exactly expected. Anyway would it be highly useable because it HEAVILY lacks of bugs,I didnt see any and the 12 hours debugging were worth it, 9 Points. (as its in a Fantasy Category and its useable in most fantasy if you aint call it Rikku in none-FF-Levels,the Fantasy-part just has a low percentage downrate) Custome Textures were top notch,I'd like to give Trinity 11 Points here,but that option unfortunatley aint exist. Trinitys Job on the textures is as high as always and even better. Custom Meshes are also very good,expect for some points on the Bra that I dont take into consideration,as they are only for better texturing-possiblitys,I didnt find any bugs and the shape was perfect,in combination with the textures that outfit and girl together have been that sexy I cant get enough off (thats why I aint close the Testing Level yet but go on test her !!!!) Well worth a download,even if just looking at !

(07 Oct 2004 16:26)
Walther MPL
by baudabing
WOW,I'm hardcore Impressed.

Just like the Review Name says,I hate to give items ratings as good as mine,but this one really earned it. It had a lot of detail. So as I mentioned the detail,let's now start backwards. The Animations were just great,no bugs,no fast movements of the hand like if they beamed over ...,it was just AMAZING !!! The Custommesh was HIGHLY detailed and even looked good,no bugs or mistakes anyway.(I'm not familiar with that gun,but as I've seen it on pictures already I can say,it has no wrong placed triggergroup like the HKG36 :D) The Textures were rather good,one was a littlebit to big,but it is still good looking and fitted into that gun well. It's useable anywhere like most guns,although it'd need to get a 9,5 (but we uprate in such cases,pure mathematics) because it's littlebit old and might not fit into hands of modern soldiers,but that is no problems,as it should fit into Laras hands,and it does that job well,only the pickupplace should be choosen well :D (rather in a museum or in a weapon-fan-gunstorage). The Quality is high,but I found some textures bugs that annoyed me a little on Laras hands. The Originality is high as always as it's the first gun of it's kind,one of just a few UZI replacements,and the first reanimated UZI-Replacements. That gun really impressed me and will give me some Nightmares today (I'm no longer the onlyest one with such hiquality Weapons ... :()and I think I will think of it a long time and might even use at least the animations in my next level (but I might replace it with a more modern gun and recorrect the hand-problems ...)

(18 Aug 2004 00:49)
H&K G36
by baudabing

The Originality is High,the first HKG36 including an onmounted grenadelauncher (I also thought about that on my M4 but because of to high verticcount I didn't do it). He's first on both,the G36 Assault Rifle and the Grenadelauncher The Quality is high,I didnt find any bug related to the gun ingame or in Stripx,even if the mesh itself compared to the real counterpart wasnt that good,but at all for a "first" realeased weapon (ok,it was the second),it's fairly amazing,if I remeber my first totally new gun ... (not thinking about the first tr-gunmodifications of the MP5 and Shotgun :D). The customtextures weren't that good,they were to plain and dark,and a lot to big (also was the triggergroup placed wrong,it should have been over the grip,not the mag,but as this is just a simple mistake on the reality of the gun,it doesn't count). The Meshes were good too,but I missed out the detail,but you barley noticed it ingame,only on a close look. At all a good replacement that really can compete with my "middle class" guns (Gunpack4-6) and is well useable,best used on levels in german bases or with german soldiers (who should also get that gun) or on black ops,also good for TR1-House-Remake levels,as that was the gun the intruders had. [Edit] I forgot to mention the new crossbow_bolt that I didn't like that much as it was ways to big and it should be less visible,but the Ammo-packages than looked good enough,although I just know the ammopackages for rifleammunation where the projectile of the bullet looks to the ground and the trigger is on the upside,so it's standing on it's head,but that doesn't affect the rating in any way,as those are just a few giveaways that if,than only uprated that object:) [/Edit] [i]Edited by Silent Viper[/i]

(18 Aug 2004 00:40)
Alias: Blue
by Trinity
Alias in a Catsuit

The outfit is showing Alias in a catsuit with blue hair. the originality is high because I've not yet seen an alias outfit with Blue hair but I think I can remember some in the Series. The quality is good,I've found no bugs or not so well applied textures. Its not very useable because unlike MNG Catsuit that catsuit seems not to be a latex suit ,so it's heavy when getting of water and it is not so well protecting against coldness,but still it is useable in desert (even if it might get a little warm) ,in all kinds of citys and of course in bases. The textures on her face really reminded me of Sydney ,even more than MDNs,and the hair-texture was good,as it was a well recolor and not just a cut off of AOD-Hair,so the quality of it increased,even if the resolution did not. But the textures had a downpoint,as those none shiny Catsuits are something I still don't like a lot ,what I missed was the shiny effect and the latex-shining (a more round effect by a grizzeled white line along a plain black texture). The Meshes again were top notch of it's time and looked well,even the 3Dbelts and all ... For People who need it,get it,it looks really better ingame than on the picture

(16 Aug 2004 15:15)
Dragunov Rifle
by Danilo

Good Idea,but not that good item ... The originality deserves a 10 as this is not only the first sniperifle,but even a dragunov. The Quality is OK,it has no minor bugs,but for a sniper rifle I'd liked to see Lara really aiming with it instead of firing it out of her stomach,no SWAT team,nor any military guy does this even with an assault rifle and thats a sniper rifle,it was designed to aim. It is not that useable because it's a rather cheap weapon that only finds use in Middle east,Asia and Russia,so there only a 8. The Textures were rather plain ,the cooling-holes were missed out completly,the wood did look like plastic,which normaly is black on guns (expect for the AK74 magazine which has a very different brown). The Meshes were rather poor and lowpoly (in the inventory,the Lasersight even had no mounting,there I'd rather prefer no mount ...),the magazine was way to thick,so was the gun and the magazine also rather looked like an SSV-9x18mm Clip (which made the Gun look like an SSV-gun;thats a similar 9mm Carbine) At all the Gun was rather undetailed and heavily lowpoly,the barrel looked just plain and the buttstock was just a kind of cube with a cubish hole in it ... Nothing spectacular,but who still needs a russian Sniper Rifle in his Level should download it as far as there are no other Sniper Rifles in the time that gun would find it's use,also fits perfectly to the standart TR3 Guns which also have been to cuby.

(12 Aug 2004 13:19)
Assasin's Catsuit
by MrNiceGuy
Very Good !

To start with the Originality which is unlike Golden Dawn said very high,because there are no Assasin Suits ,only Catsuits,other Catsuits are just plain Latex on skin with one little gunbelt on it,and mostly they don't even shine and suck,so that gets a originality of 10. Quality is also very High as I couldn't find any Bugs or not so well made meshes that had holes,so a 10 here too. Ok,it's no useable everywhere BUT,you can use it in VCI-Styled high-rise levels,in AOD-Styled Museums,in Citys,on Rooftops to eliminate SAS with Magnums and Sniperrifles Replacing the Crossbow, in Jungles and even in Antarctica (in those things it's very hot (not because of looking at it,but because no Air goes out tru the latex and so it's getting the 37,5°C and warms Up our hero)). Only thing I find it can't be used is in Deserts because it's getting too hot and in temples I think it's not necessary to be like the wind (not to visible). The Custom Textures were GOOD,but didn't have a such high resolution (ok,no reason to downrate,they textures were not 3x3 Pixels ,lol),but the mask around the eyes had a not so round shape a just closed off (not beeing thicker at the end). But for the complete outfit you'll get a 10 as the textures were still some hiqual stuff and stuff you don't find alot on other outfits,not even the top10 ones. The Custommeshes get indeed a 10 as in combination with that, I just found Lara very SEXY :p and I didn't find any bugs,the detail on the meshes was very high,and the new 3D Belts weren't just paperthin but they had a cool thickness. Another thing is the reshaped head,that looks more like a Skimask than just a standart head that is retextured in just plain 1x1 Black-Texture,meaning MrNiceGuy did indeed take himself some time in doing something GREAT. All in All a very good outfit that makes Lara look Sexy But for the Guns expect for the HK USP/Mk.23 Socom (pistol) I'd liked some more new guns like a new slienced sniperrifle instead of a harpoon,the UZIs were fine,but I'd still liked some more modern stuff like steyr TMPs or HKMP7s with sliencer,the Shotgun had to be replaced in any way (looked not very hitech at all :D) But that all are just extras that have no reason to downrate something,but might be able to uprate. So go download this,than review it and you might even be able to use it in one of your levels,and you'll be surprised how sexy it looks in intensive lights in the LE.

(12 Aug 2004 11:07)
Author Reply
Ah, I love it when people understand the meaning behind the choices I make when creating outfits! Understanding that a catsuit of this caliber can be used for almost every situation is not something anybody can do, as it requires quite a bit of imagination! Thank you for understanding this, and thank you for the positive review! Also, thank you for giving me that awesome weapon picture I used for modeling the SOCOM! Couldn't have done it without you!

Summer Time 2
by deskj
Great,but looks even more bitchy -> not very adventourus

To be true,not unoriginal,qualtiy is high,but has the same and only downpoint as the meshes,that the lightening on the meshes is bad (thats what I fixed at my outfit till Geckokid liked it too ... :P) it has the problem,that it is nearly nowhere useable,as it is a bathing bra,only at the beach,but not on adventures (and again,heavily to bitchy ...) Custom-Textures are well,but MUCH to big ,the whole detail would still be,maybe even better because of TRLE's resizing,if the texture was smaller,also would it so be more useable in big wads,the downrate on the meshes was already told in quality ...

(25 Jun 2004 13:10)
Movie Guns
by Keith

As the Master of Weapons I have to review the higherquality arms,don't I have to ? The Originality is high because no one ever thought of making those,did someone ?,Quality is well expect for the invisibled parts (purple texture),that looked crap,cause there was no inside ... The Textures were ok,but heavily to big ,they would have better quality in lower resolution as Stripx and also the tomb4.exe decreases the quality when the texture is too big. Unfortunatley that gun is missing the new mesh to make the author "the king" under the Weaponbuilders. "a little quote : but not many weapons" (not completly right,look into my gunwads,there is a whole lot stuff,also for all the weaponbuilders there could be some inspiration or even stuff to take (if you ain't forget to credit me))

(17 Jun 2004 09:45)
by P@trick
TRC-Snowsuit with headset

Plain and simple headset on the russian snowsuit of TRC,nothing original as both is of trc and quality can be rated as high as it is just one mesh that is redone or at least got a part of another mesh useable only on snowy landscapes and the meshes aren't good either,as those are just mixed standart meshes ->a 5min job

(13 Jun 2004 14:06)
At all wellmade ... /worth a download

The originality of that outfit is low,as it is an AOD one,which we have more than a lot of,but it's still higher than I would rate a normal AOD one,as it is the wetsuit ... the quality is good,although it has bad lightning,but more to that when I'm explaining the part of the meshes ;) the useabilty is not very good,as you can only use it in waterlevels ... the Customtextures are great,expect for the clip of the belt,which had strange colorchanges(for what i would suggest ripping them of my RE4/Aod LetherJacket Outfit,but please don't forget the credits than ;)) the meshes are also great,but they had a bug with the ligthning,for what I would suggest,what geckokid suggested me to do with my aodletherjacked outfit,which would be to recalculate the normals ... Altough that Outfit is called AOD Wetsuit,it isn't made very authentic with the clours and the colorchange-part,like the but looks more like jazzpantys than like a thong in AOD (wasn't it like that) and the bright colour of that outfit had to heavy colors,for what i would suggest using irfanview to lower the colors a LITTLE ,but all in all,that outfit is a wellmade aod one and has much better quality than most others ...

(25 Apr 2004 12:00)
Wrong name for that item

The idea is cool,although for a pistolgripped shotgun,lara already holds it well in the original animation. the quality is just poor and the anim looks like a 2minutes rush ... As i think it's more than very ugly and unrealistic,I can tell you I wont use it,and the useability is more than low there ain't customtextures or meshes,as they were made by me,and not even mentioned in the readme,whats something ,thats violating my terms of use for my wads ... and back to the animations,they were really poorly done,lara shoots automatic,but a shotgun thats selfloading can't be hold like that,and if,lara would stick in the wall after firing a fully automatic shotgun ... also a Shotgun isn't aimed like that,atleast the shotgun how we know it,as a shotgun normally has NO sights,so there ain't a reason why to aim like if there were sights ... Lara also aims the gun all the time,what makes the animation even more unrealistic,that would get lara some long arms ... also that anim couldn't be used for an assault rifle,as the way lara holds it,ain't like someone would hold an assault rifle,but it gets muchmore close to that,than the shotgun would

(25 Apr 2004 11:53)
Showing 1 to 15 of 31 reviews
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