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Location: Berlin (Germany)
Interests: many
Birthday: 15 Jul 1990
Gender: f
Showing 1 to 15 of 119 reviews

Original: 10/10 Umm I don't think that this outfit is like your previous ones.... It's YOUR style, and I think I can give the full scroe, because it's a new outfit which is different. :) Quality: The textures and meshes have an exellent quality and I saw no bugs on the whole outfit, great work :) Useable: Well, it's just useable for city levels or yeah, maybe home levels but I think this is OK. So I give 9 points :) Textures & Meshes: 10/10 They were wonderful! The textures looked realistic and were well rotated and placed. All the meshes were well shaped and fit with the outfit. Good work :) And I LOVE the way you presented the outfit :)

(24 Jan 2006 16:05)
Author Reply
Thank you!

by teme9

Original: 10/10 Because I think we don't have any custom ivys here. Quality: Everything works fine, the textures are right placed and rotated and the mesh is nice, too. Useable: I think you can use it nearly everywhere. Not only in jungles!! Textures: Well there's only one :P But this one is great ;) Meshes: I don't rate it, because it's simple. But it's well done :) Keep it on! =)

(13 Nov 2005 10:07)
Author Reply
Thank you!

Laser beam and door
by cornchild

Originality: Ten points, I never saw something like this before and it's pretty cool :-) Quality: Good Textures, perfect animation without bugs, everything's good :-) Nothing to downrate. Useable: It may be used in VCI Levels, maybe in City Levels, but ummm I think the best location are VCI levels ;) Textures: They are all good rotated and everything fits great together. Meshes: They are all well shaped and are really great! Animation: The animation was PERFECT! The laser cuts the door off and it alll fits together!! You all have to try it out, it's GREAT :D

(14 Aug 2005 20:21)
*.* Lara in Boxers *.*
by gestosierra

Original: Well, I think it was original, cause I think that it's a bit new, although we had some outfits with shorts and so on. Well, her style wasn't so orginal, but I gave an 8. Quality: I found no bugs, but I think this is cause your outfit is based on one of Danilo's outfits ;) Useable: Umm... I think you can use it in home levels only, cause the clothes look like those, Lara wears in her free-time (if there is any :D) Textures: There weren't many, you can say: the black shirt texture and the gray striped pant texture. The rest were standard textures. And those, that were custom, looked like they were done with paint. Meshes: They fit well together but I didn't rate them, cause they were made by Danilo. Well, it was still one of your first outfits, so I hope you keep on making outfits, cause nearly all of us outfit creators started like you :)

(05 May 2005 09:21)
"Springs a comin"
Nicely done! =)

Original: Though we don't have an outfit like this one, it still reminds me of another one, I just don't know which one. Maybe it's the shirt or the jeans, dunno what, I would give a 9.5 . ;) Quality: The wrists are added to the hands holding the pistols. You don't notice it in game, but it's still a little little minus ;) I saw no holes and bad rotated textures, so a 9. Useable: I think it's useable in many types of levels, but I would prefer it for city typed levels or city levels. Textures: I liked the jeans' ones. They were detailed and well placed, althoug I think you've used them in some other outfits before. The green shirt texture could have been a bit better, but it was nice though :) I didn't like the eye texture, Lara looks like she didn't sleep enough, they looked too small. The hair texture was good, but I think it was a little bit too much shimmer. That looked a bit un-nature, but it was okay :) Meshes: I did like the torso mesh, it was really nice! It reminds me a bit of Trinity's snowflake angel torso, but that's another one. This was the best mesh on the outfit! :) The rest of the meshes looked good, either, I just didn't like the lower leg mesh. It looked a little strange: huge trousers and a really slim leg beyond it.... Hmmm.... The socks were nice, I think it was the first outfit, where Lara is wearing socks, lol :D This was a really nice outfit, but I would just make the head better. The mesh was nice, but I would prefer other eye textures, you may take the ones from Gecko Kid's outfit. :) Keep the nice work on :)

(10 Mar 2005 14:58)
Sponge Bob Lara
by Squidward

Originality: Well, you released some spongebob stuff before, but this is the first outfit that is based on spongebob. Quality: No holes and no bugs. But I have to downrate because the textures were TOO BIG. One yellow texture filled a complete texture page, that's really too big! Useable: It's colourful, maybe someone will use it in a jungle level or maybe a city level. textures: well they show some small details, but altogether they were plain. I just rate the shirt ones, because the rest was from the standard outfit. I also downrated it, because they were too big. meshes/animations: no new

(27 Feb 2005 15:14)
24 Camo pack
by Trinity

Original: We had some camo outfits before, but I liked these new ones, so I think it's a 10 :) Quality: No bugs, no holes or something like this ;) Full rating. Useable: Cause of the different colours it can be used in many different kinds of levels. Not in all of them, but in most of them, so I gave a 9. Textutres: Um, well: There were different shirt and camo textures in every outfit. This gives some more to choose. The textures were nicely done, and I liked the colours. But it's very easy to make textures in another colour, many graphic-tools have this function ;) But those are 24 Outfits, and so you had to create a lot of different colours. This was not easy, I can (really :D) imagine. Meshes: They were all well shaped and nicely done :) I liked the gunbelt, but I think you used it in your Snowflake Angel outfit before ;) But this doesn't change my opinion ;) The headmesh was nice, like always and I liked the new position of the ponytail :) Good work, Trinity (Like always :P :D)

(11 Jan 2005 21:02)
Author Reply
Thanks for your reveiw! :) Yes making 24 versions was alot of work, I stayed on the pc for almost 2 days and stayed up till 3am and got up as soon as possible to work on it. lol. Don't ask why I did that, I just did. :p (I guess that means I could really make hunders of outfits in one month if I wanted to. o.0 ) And this is a new belt. Snowflake had 2 belts, this one has 3. ;)

by Squidward

original: really original and funny, but that's it ;) I gave 10 points, it's really the first one ;) quality: Well there are some holes and it doesn't fit right to a normal body, cause you changed the connections to the neck. Cause of that you can only use it, if the neck is connected to the torso. useable: well, just in joke levels?? And cause of the high number of vertices, you can't use it in game... meshes: the mesh wasn't well shaped, it could be better, but it was okay. I liked the hat, and the idea behind ;) Um, I didn't understand why there were just holes instead of eyes, and behind the holes there was just one face, this doesn't look good. well, like often: nice idea, but it needs some work! ;) I hope you keep your work on and try to get better :) [i]Edited by C/y[/i]

(01 Jan 2005 23:22)

Original: Wow, like said before, I think this is the first and also the last :D AoD outfit which is still original! I like the way it's mixed up with the Resident Evil style, well done :) Quality: Umm, there a few little, little bugs... Sometimes they are noticeble in game, sometimes not, strange ones... First one: [img=] Sometimes you saw a small hole at each side of the shoulders. Most of the time you did not see them, but when she's standing and breathin' you can see it. Second one: [img=] This one was also strange and it also happend while standing. The shoe joint was blinking sometimes (?!) You can see it in the picture... Sometimes it was normal, but then it looked like the joint is missing... I don't know who this can happen! Then there was another thing, but this was not noticeble in game: In StrPix I saw that the headmesh has two small holes at the connection from the hair to the head. Useable: It's useable in nearly all kind of levels, so the useablelity is high :) Textures: I just didn't like the face textures, like the hair, it looked strange. But all the other textures looked really nice, wow :) The pants textures were really detailed, but as Michiel said: The textures at the knees didn't look good, but I was quite okay ;) The jacket had a realistic look, awesome textures :) Meshes: All of the meshes were really lovely done, I loved the torso and the hip with its pocket on it!! Just the head, looked strange, I think the lips were too small and the nose textures didn't fit to the face... But this won't take the razing down too much ;) Great meshes!! This outfit was really good, great work!!

(01 Jan 2005 21:27)

Original: Wow, a really cool style, never seen before :) It reminds me a bit of myself. ;) Quality: Oh oh oh, many, many bugs :( And I really know, that's not your "style", Trinity :( First one: [img=] The right knee-mesh was corrupt. While Lara was in this posizion it was noticible, in the normal position not. Second one: [img=] The joint which connects the shoe and the lower leg was missing at the right leg. I looked it up in StrPix, and I saw, that it was textured pink. I don't know why?! Third one: [img=] Well, you told the bug in the description, but I would have add the normal ponytail, a bug-free one. Fourth one: [img=] I don't know why, but the ponytail made strange movements... Sometimes it was biiiiig, sometimes smaller. Confusing... Fifth and last one: [img=] First: The ellbow mesh was missing Second: While using the Uzis, this black strange thing came out of her ellbow. I don't know why this happend... Useable: I can imangine, that it can be used in city levels and maybe VCI levels, just maybe ;) Texture: Awesome, like always :) All of them were well placed. Meshes: Awesome, too. The headmesh looked soooooo cool!! Also the torsomesh was lovely done and also all the other meshes. I loved them all!! Well Trinity, this outfit was quite good, but it had too many bugs, I think. :( I really hope, there will be an update of the outfit, would be very sad for the beautiful outfit :) I made this review with some screenshots, so that you can see, where the bugs are and what they look like! I'm still a fan of your outfits and I wish you as much luck as I can for a new bug-free version of this beautiful outfit :) I know you can fit that, girl :D :);)

(27 Dec 2004 17:04)
Author Reply
Thank you for your reveiw and bug finds. ;) I will try to fix it! I had noticed all of these except for the Uzis! :o Thank you for informing me. :D

Cover Lara
by Squidward

Original: Well, I don't know how to rate... You say it's the Lara from the cover of the TR 4 cd... But it looks more like a remake of the normal TR 4 Lara. And we had that often, so I gave a 6. Quality: Cause many skin joints were missing, the quality isn't very good. While swimming or kneeing, jumping and so on, there were holes... Especially the connection from the torso to the hip as noticible in game. But the meshes hadn't no holes. Textures: Well, nearly all of them were Po Yu's... The face textures you made looked really strange! They were of high quality, I might say, but really bad placed, but that's cause of the headmesh. But I rated the textures, cause the colthes' textures looked okay, but a little plain. Meshes: No rating. All meshes exept the head were Po Yu's. Po Yu's meshes were nice, but they were not made by you. The headmesh was really strange. It was not well shaped and it had no ponytail (I know, you asked in the readme if someone could make a poytail for you... Hopefully I understand german ;) lol). One eye was bigger than the other and the rest looked really strange. I hope your next outfit will be better :) Try Trinitys outfit/head-mesh making tutorial and for troubles with the skin joints try MrNiceGuys New Era outfit. With some imrovements and more own meshes this outfit would be better!

(27 Dec 2004 16:01)

My god, I think a huge "Sailor moon (mercury, whatever...)-wave" came over the SE. :-/ Original: Well, after 3 other outfit of this kind.... The originality is lower... Always the same meshes, only some other textures... Boring. Quality: Was quite good, but there were just the small problem with the skirt, like always :D Useable: You can use it only in yound lara levels and it's very colourful, so the useablelity is very low. Textures: First I wanted to give 4 points, but then I decided to give 5. The textures are very plain, just one texture shows some detail. The others seemed to be done with paint. They could use huge improvemnts Meshes: Well, the meshes were very well done, but they were not yours. Just the modified skirt, but you just add two faces, shall I review them? :D :D All of the sailor outfits can use some improvements!! I hope, we'll see soon a sailor moon outfit with better textures ;)

(14 Dec 2004 19:49)
Avril Lavigne
by Golden Dawn

Original: I don't know, who made a Avril outfit first, you or Trinity, but I gave 10 points :) Quality: I found no holes. But some moves looke strange, cause the head is connected to the torso. Useable: I think it can be used in city levels, hm or school levels, if someone would create one ;) Textures: They were great, the hair could have been rotated a bit better, but it still looks good :) The shoe textures looked a bit plain. Meshes: woooow!! They were awesome :)!! I really liked the headmesh and the arm meshes with the spikes, my god, I liked them all!!! Great job!! p.s.: I didn't understand, why the shooting head's shirt was in another colour (?)

(11 Dec 2004 11:48)

Originality: Well, it was an AOD outfit, but I think it was one of the best, so I gave 9 points ;) Quality: Like Trinity said, the first time in game it runs a bit slow, but I think this is no quality fact. I saw 2 small holes in the headmesh. Also the textures could have been rotated better. Useable: It's useable in many levels. VCI levels or city levels :) Textures: Well, as I said, they could have been better, some were plain, and some could have been rotated better. Meshes: The headmesh looks a bit strange to me, but maybe that's a matter of opinion. ;) This outfit had many polygons, but most of the meshes were done via mesh smoothing with meta and putted together with the old "connections" to the joints. But they were nicely done :) Good work :)

(11 Dec 2004 11:14)

Originality: Well, it's a remake, so it can't get the full rating, but it was a good one, so I gave an 8 Quality: I found no bugs or holes, but some textures weren't good. Useable: It can be used in home levels and city levels, maybe in jungle levels, too Textures: They could have been better. The textures of the shirt were plain and the pant texture looked like it was done with Paint (But I started like this, too :D Doesn't matter, lol :D) Meshes: The ones you made were nice. I liked the spikes, although they did not fit 100%ly. But this gives the outfit a touch of something new :) Good work, joontje ;)

(05 Dec 2004 13:01)
Showing 1 to 15 of 119 reviews
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