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Location: Azores - Portugal
Interests: wouldn´t you like to know... :p
Birthday: 28 Sep 1993
Gender: m
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 reviews
TRU Styled Backflip
by Just Do It
Good one!

I gotta say, when i saw the title i was a bit ceptic ´cos for me this animation is quite difficult to reproduce (at least i can´t do it lol) But the result was great!!!I really enjoyed the animation, (P.S i spent minutes on a level just backfliping lol) but umm, it looks kinda "slow" when compared to the other jumps..It kinda looks like lara is defying gravity a little bit..but maybe its just me :p Anyways,great job ;)

(08 Dec 2010 12:15)
Author Reply
Thank you for your comment:D I know it's kinda slow and all, but thats how it ended up being after awhile, I couldn't find a way to fix it, so it was either: it be slow, or me start all the way over from step one. But I'll probally remake it later on, seeing as I myself am not as happy with the outcome as I'd wanted to be, thanky you for your feedback! And is it really that cool in game?

TR3 Home Remake
by Horus-Goddess
Amazing as always ;)

Another great outfit,you´re really good at this Horus-Goddess :D gave u a 10 at everything because the outfit is great and i love cammo :D speaking of that,could u make the special forces urban outfit from tr legend? that would be very cool!!!

(24 Jul 2010 14:51)

It´s looks great!!!! it is just like resident evil remake´s rocket launcher but didn´t that rocket launcher have 4 holes on front and on the back? bah who cares :P it looks great anyways :D

(21 Jul 2010 16:32)
Nevada Remake
by Horus-Goddess

Ok,when i saw the outfit i was happy enough for remaking the nevada outfit because i like the nevada levels too,but when i saw that u had also made a shorts outfit i was like OMG!!! that looks great!!!! anyways putting that aside let´s review Original: 9- Even tough it´s a remake it was preety original to make a shorts outfit because nobody else tought of that,not even core fact why did they make lara wear pants in a place like nevada?:p Quality: 10- The camo looks awesome!!!!!and so as the rest of the outfit :p Useable: 10- I think they are useable everywhere Custom Textures/Meshes: 10- Because they look awesome and i LOVE camo xD [i]Edited by dontnou3[/i]

(20 Jul 2010 15:31)
Outfit Update Pack
by Horus-Goddess

I must say that i always loved the sola outfit,so the fact that you remade it is good news indeed I like the other too,they are very well remade,but sola is my favorite :) so with that said let´s review Original: I gave you an 8,because it is a remake so it´s based on something that was already made,but if we were to put that aside i´d give u a 10 for the new weapons u made and for the sunglasses u added to lara´s head,that was a nice touch :p Quality: I gave u a 10 because everything is very well made and the quality of the textures is awesome. Useable: Gave u a 10 because they are useable everywhere (if u choose a diferent outfit for different environment :p) Custom Textures: 10 because their quality is great and if i remember well u said the guns were made from photographs of real guns right? so they aren´t from any tr game and i bet u had some work remaking the outfit textures also,so...10 u deserve it ;) Custom meshes: Everything is preety well made so...10 (even tough i think u could have had some more work on the pistols,but that´s just me :) I didn´t know how to rate the custom animations because i think the only custom animation is the rocket launcher anim and that one is based on tr3´s not something important either ´cos u´re uploading an outfit not custom animations :p Hope to see more outfits from you,keep up the good work ;) [i]Edited by dontnou3[/i]

(20 Jul 2010 15:14)
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 reviews
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