This is very new item, brillent for city type levels, it reminds of a 1930's gangster car, but still looks modern.
Fantastic quality almost perfect textures and meshes, I only noticed 2 minor glitchs, 1: There was no mesh at the bottem of the car, 2: you can just see lara's head when shes getting into the car.
It can be used in only any sort of city level, but thats alright because we've already got loads of jeeps so why not try something different, also it dosen't even have to be in a jeep slot, it also a very nice static object, the only annoying thing is this mesh has its lights on so it can only really be used at night but I'm sure theres away to change that.
Custom textures, meshes and animations
Brillent custom textures and meshes, no new animations.
[i]Edited by EnTech12[/i]
Wow this is great, what an original idea and it dosen't make other 2d horizons seem to obsilite, its useful for enclosed levels. I might just make a quarry level.
Hopping to see more horizons like this
I give it 10 out of 10