Well just perfect!
10 for quality, useability (could fit in any level) I use it in a jungle level.
Great job and thanks for sharing this masterpiece =D
I think the same as D|r, you just make a plagiarism of the hard work by deskj and you don\'t even mentionned him!! You should... no you HAD to give him a credit!!! --\'
That\'s why some creator wouldn\'t share their objects... I\'m getting to thing the same! ><
Et au cas où l\'anglais est trop compliqué (xD) :
"Je pense que D|r as tout as fait raison, tu n\'as fait que du plagiat du travail de deskj qui a sans doute été beaucoup plus difficile... sans même mentionné son nom! Le minimum c\'est de lui adresser un crédit!!! --\'
Voilà pourquoi maintenant, beaucoup de créateurs ne veulent plus partager leur objets... Je commence à penser la même chose qu\'eux! ><"
[i]Edited by Level NextGen[/i]
(18 Jun 2010 13:37)
Author Reply
Oui, j'ai compris pour les crédits.
Dans la mesure ou je demmande aucun crédit pour mes objets, je fais pas attention au crédit que demmande les autres créateurs, et je m'en excuse.
Original :
I rate 8 because it's a remake of TR2 textures but it's not a "HQ" copy of them it's quiet different and new!! Hum... I'm just unhappy you use one of my water texture without even credit me! It's just the minimum... well...
Quality :
10, it's almost perfect... there're few mistakes but it's very well done!
Usability :
9, because we can't use it everywhere (otherwise I'll rate 10 ^^).
Custom textures :
10, it's a good job!!
If I forget you miss to credit me... It's a GREAT job as all you do! ^^
(14 May 2010 22:47)
Author Reply
thank you for the review :) but i think you might havent read the readme in the archive of the object,
i have credited you there,i just havent noticed you in the description box of the object:)