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Birthday: 06 Jun 1994
Gender: m
Showing 31 to 33 of 33 reviews
TRA Columns set 1
by Trangel

Fantastic work! These columns are brilliant looking! Original: 10 First Anniversary to ever be released. Quality: 9 They look great in game! Usability: 10 Nothing is ever perfectly usable, and I don't think that you should lose points just because of that. Custom Meshes: 10 Very well made, and they look just like the TRA ones.

(06 May 2008 03:07)
New Backflip
by jocb17

[b]Originality: 9/10[/b] Very original, I've never seen this animation made before. However it is a remake so I dropped one point. [b]Quality: 7/10[/b] Overall the quality is great for a first animation. I dropped a few points because the camera is very wobbly, which makes it difficult to see the backflip and is also a bit nauseating. Also, the animation is a bit choppy. I'd add a few more frames to make the animation appear more smooth and look more realistic. The ending especially needs smoothing out. Lara jumps up far too quickly. I know the animation is fast like that but you've gone a tad over. [b]Usability: 10/10[/b] It's a standard animation, so 10/10. That's the beauty of animations. It's as usable as Lara's stand anim. [b]Custom Animation (overall) 8.7/10[/b] Keep up the good work! I hope you smooth out the animation a bit more. [i]Edited by d|r[/i]

(22 Dec 2007 20:02)
Lara - Fetish (fixed)
by Horus-Goddess
dark_raider (d|r)

[b]Originality: 10/10[/b] This outift is very unique, and I don't think I've ever seen anything like it before! =) [b]Quality: 10/10[/b] Flawless, much like the rest of your work. [b]Useable: 8/10[/b] I dropped points only because to me this outfit would seem more appropriate as a type catsuit, and not really jungle rading gear if you know what I mean. =0? [b]Custom Textures: 10000/10 (lol)[/b] These textures are beautiful, very well made! Very very high quality, you should be extremely proud! I believe you painted them yourself? Big thumbs up!! =D [b]Custom Meshes: 10/10[/b] Your meshes blow away any other buiders I've ever seen! (and a lot of other builders are extremely talented at mesh making!!) Lara's headmesh is brilliant! A great mix between your own style and Lara. The careful detail is spectacular! =D [b]Custom Animations: none/none[/b] I don't believe this outift includes any custom anims, so none. =) [b]Other[/b] Horus, I cannot wait to see what other masterpieces you'll make in the future!! I really hope your next Lara outfit is a bit more tombish because I know we can expect something fresh and completely new in super HQ! [b]ROCK ON![/b]

(11 Sep 2007 04:02)
Author Reply
:gush: Awwhhh thank you! You inspire me greatly, thank you so much! And yes, I do plan to make better and more TR-ish outfits in the future whenever I have the time. :)

Showing 31 to 33 of 33 reviews
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