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Birthday: 06 Jun 1994
Gender: m
Showing 1 to 15 of 33 reviews
by x_Alexis__Xx
Unique outfit; lacking proper credit

EDIT: Removed my comments about credit not given. The author has given proper credit to Po Yu, thank you. :) Moving on, this is the first FMV style classic outfit to make an appearance on the search engine, which definitely makes it unique. Ultimately it\'s the same classic outfit we\'ve been seeing for years, and it\'s made of several meshes from Po Yu\'s classic remake outfit, but factoring in the uniqueness I chose 7 for originality. Apart from the chest, head and feet, all of the meshes come from Po Yu\'s original classic remake outfit. However, the author has replaced original detailed textures with a solid skin texture. The few original meshes (chest, head and feet) are built well enough, but lack detailed and precise texturing. Lara\'s chest is ok at first glance, but a closer look shows textures that are not seamless. Also, Lara\'s head mesh is lacking detail severely. She\'s close to the FMV model, but the lack of skin texture does not compliment the mesh. Lara ears have no texture at all, just a solid skin color. Because of the lacking detail, quality gets a 6. Usability is always hard to rate. In this case, a classic outfit would work almost anywhere. But there\'s too little detail for this outfit to look right in a modern high quality level. It would fit better in something in the classic TR1/2/3 style. Usability come in at a 6. Some of the outfit\'s textures belong to Po Yu, and as I\'ve said quite a bit now, the genuine custom textures do not supply much detail and are not the best quality. For these reasons, custom textures receives a 5. The couple meshes that are custom are ok, but could have perhaps been better optimized for the TRLE. For example, it may not have been necessary to sculpt the stands of hair as complete tubes, but rather as flat surfaces with a fringe texture. However, they are unique and do match their FMV origins. 8 for custom meshes. All in all this is a really interesting outfit. As a kid I thought of what it would be like playing a TR game at the same quality of the FMVs, and this kind of gives you an idea. I would recommend checking it out. IN RESPONSE TO THE AUTHOR: I would like to clarify that I did not give low ratings base on the fact that the outfit uses some of Po Yu\'s meshes and textures. I rated based on what I felt was appropriate. This is a very unique outfit, which I mentioned several times, and I mean that as a compliment. But solid skin textures are not detailed whatsoever. It may be faithful to the original model, but the original model itself lacked detail. I rated based on the quality, NOT how close it looked to the original FMV model. I\'m sorry you don\'t agree. But in my opinion a 3/5 star rating is not low. A 1/5 star would be low. 3/5 is good, 4/5 is great, and 5/5 would be perfect. This outfit is not perfect, it is good. [i]Edited by d|r[/i]

(17 Jul 2014 08:09)
Author Reply
Some meshes and textures are by Po Yo and yes, I'm wrong to don't credit him in the readme file, sorry! I changed the readme.txt, anyway. Edit: After a thorough review of outfit I can say that: No, I do not agree with your comment. Okay that I have not credited Po Yu for the some texture and meshes, but do not tell me that ALL MESHES OR TEXTURES are by Po Yu! I want to talk about the meshes: The outfit started with a Po Yu's outfits as a starting point ( Then, when I chose to edit my Lara's head I used a original Lara and I took a very few some meshes of the outfit by Po Yu. I'm a 3D modelling and I create a meshes for this outfit. I did not take much, just the backside and hands (and their texture). Po Yu also was inspired by the original Lara in this outfit. and if it looks similar as my outfit, this is normal. And my outfits, even if it is not so innovative, I did it by me with original Lara, my meshes and some meshes by Po Yu. This insinuation bothers me enough and above all I don't deserve a low rating just because you think I am a thief! The equipment I have downloaded from other authors on this site and I do not remember the name, in the readme file I say this anyway. If you see the 3d model of Lara FMV, you'll see that she's have all one color for skin, ears, hair and boots, no details! I wanted to be very faithful to the original. Okay the penalty for the texture of the shirt, I had so much pressure from people that I had to release it incomplete. I'll try to update it. Thank you for rating and bye!

New texture for a game over 10 years old. Who knew?

Thanks for uploading these, Teeth! I had no idea the Mac app had updated some of the textures and probably never would have if you'd hadn't brought these to our attention. I wonder why they only updated so few? Either way it's very cool!

(21 Apr 2012 17:48)
Snow Cave Horizon
by Trinity
dark raider

you have really outdone yourself with this one, horus. outstanding work! it\'s a recreation, but one of the first to be finished and released, so full points on originality. (; the quality is awesome. incredibly well crafted meshes and very detailed textures to match. i love lara\'s figure. best proportions i\'ve seen on a custom model. one of the best head meshes i\'ve seen, as well. a great likeliness to the newly redesigned lara. (; one of the first things i noticed when i tried her out in-game was her hair. it looks so thick and soft! ahaha! a few people were grunting about it looking weird, but personally it\'s the best looking pony tail i\'ve ever seen. this engine obviously isn\'t designed for free flowing hair, and it\'s hard to achieve anything but a braid that doesn\'t look like a turd hanging off the back of lara\'s head, but this pony most certainly doesn\'t! people rate use-ability differently, but i always base it off of how well the object would work in the situation it was designed for. obviously this outfit isn\'t meant for winter levels, but that\'s about the only place it doesn\'t fit. and the fact that it comes with a dirty version as well only makes appropriate for even more situations. deserving of higher than a 10, if you ask me. (; as i already said, the meshes are great. individually and together. sometimes you look at an outfit in STRpix and everything looks really great, but put together in-game it just doesn\'t look right. :\ the complete opposite here, though. she looks awesome. again, best proportions on a custom model in my opinion. (; the textures, as usual, are fantastic. skillfully painted and applied. i\'ve always admired that you hand paint most of your textures. that\'s so cool. it gives your outfits your own unique style. i left custom animations out, since as you stated, the custom bow animations are not your own. there were only a few things that i would have liked differently. the colors of the outfit on the "before" version were a little too dull for my taste. i personally would\'ve preferred them a bit more colorful and vibrant, but that\'s not something i would take off points for. the "before" version is also missing lara\'s scream head mesh. all you have to do is copy it from the "survivor" version, so it\'s no biggie. just a minor inconvenience. the "before" version also misses out on the crowbar and torch-in-hand meshes, and the water/petrol/dirt-in-hand meshes too, unlike the "survivor" version. but after all, a lot of outfits don\'t even come with these in the first place, so it\'s nothing i would take off points for. actually, it would be awesome if you made a clean version that also includes lara\'s gear. i don\'t have a very good place to use the "survivor" version at the moment, but i definitely have a place for the clean version! it would be more appropriate for lara to have a holster and back strap, though. (; i found no glitches or any other kinds of issues when i tried it out, just an awesome custom model. (: if you have a chance it would be great if you could post the makes and model of lara\'s new arsenal. (; modern video games have stopped calling weapons "pistol" and "shotgun" for a long time, and i think custom levels should follow suit. lol. on a final note, great outfit and great work. i can\'t wait to see what you dazzle us with next. EDIT: i\'m not sure why editing the post adds a "\" before apostrophes, but deleting them and updating the post doesn\'t seem to get rid of them. :/ [i]Edited by d|r[/i]

(25 Jul 2011 02:49)
Assault Course Outfit
by !Lara Croft!

It's not original at all. This outfit has been made dozens of times. Quality is top notch. Usable in places it would fit. Custom Textures and Meshes - well, there are none. They're all Po Yu's.

(09 Feb 2010 01:57)
Author Reply
You do realise that ive dramatically editited most of the textures.

Faster Shimmey
by GeckoKid

(21 Jan 2010 02:00)
Tomb Raider II: Xian Door Color
by Lara-Croft-En-Force

All you did was recolor Deskj's Great Wall Remake textures and then didn't even mention that he was the creator. People are perfectly capable of recoloring textures themselves, all you've done is taken credit for someones hard work.

(02 Jan 2010 18:51)
by Piega

Setting new standards for the TRLE!

(12 Dec 2009 05:51)
Snow Outfit
by Trangel

This is my favorite winter outfit. I love the originality and I really love the headmesh. I can't wait for the updated version.

(26 Oct 2009 01:33)
City Fashion- Levi's
by White Tiger

Original: 10/10 You deserve full marks here! I've never seen an outfit like this before. Quality: 10/10 It looks like Lara is wearing real clothes. Nice work! Usable: 10/10 This outfit would be perfect in city/home levels, and young Lara levels, too. Custom Textures: 10/10 Like I said before, it looks like Lara is wearing real cloths! The textures are great quality and look really nice. Custom Meshes: 9/10 Awesome once again. Lara's facial expression is a little blank looking, but it wasn't a huge problem or anything. Overall awesome work!

(26 Oct 2009 01:26)

Originality: 8/10 There are plenty of classic outfits, but this one has a little something special about it. Quality: 8/10 The outfit looks okay in-game, but when you take a closer look in STRpix you can see it could've used some more work. Usability: 10/10 It's perfect for most levels. Custom Textures: 7/10 Textures were the biggest thing in the outfit I didn't like. They were pretty basic and repetitive. It looks like you used some old TR4 textures, which could've been replaced with better ones I think. Custom meshes: 8/10 Meshes were ok. Not bad, some were from the original TR4 Lara I think.

(26 Oct 2009 01:21)
Midnight Fashion
by White Tiger

Originality: 10/10 We've seen short dresses on the SE before but none quite like this! Quality: 10/10 Looks amazing in game. Usability: 9/10 I rated usability based on how well this outfit would work in a city/home level. I think it would be prefect in either type of level, but maybe it's a bit too dressy for some. Custom textures and meshes: 10/10 Both are flawless. You obviously spent a lot of time making each mesh perfect!

(26 Oct 2009 01:12)
Great recreation.

Nice work! This is one of the best outfits I've ever seen. Great quality, and nice textures. They look great even though they're not from Underworld. Fantastic job!

(09 Oct 2009 22:15)
nice work!

(31 Aug 2009 18:24)
great outfit.

totally awesome outfit, trangel. some of your best work. i don\'t care for the color scheme, but that\'s not a big deal because i can change it myslef. lara\'s hip mesh is a little odd looking in game, but it\'s really minor. can\'t wait for your next release! EDIT: What\'s with the :\ smiley? Do you not appreciate my review? I don\'t need a sarcastic thanks from you when I just gave you a good rating. I could\'ve called it a piece of trash. I should\'ve rated this outfit much lower. [i]Edited by d|r[/i]

(31 Aug 2009 18:23)
Author Reply
thanks :/

Awesome outfit!

(31 Aug 2009 18:21)
Showing 1 to 15 of 33 reviews
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The TRLE Search Engine is not responsible for the downloads that can be found here. All items are owned by the person who submitted it.