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Location: West Sussex, England
Birthday: 08 Jan 1992
Gender: m
Showing 1 to 15 of 16 reviews
New Manor Column
by MaskedRaider
A monolith compared to other columns

great work! Orignal-Yeah, fairly. they are the only decent columns on the search engine for a long time so high marks! Quality-No bent faces and the shadow is nice...god bless the light editor Useable- IN a manor or stately home...perfect :) Custom textures- From TR:legend but they fit nicely so good work :) Custom Meshes- The best looks very nice. I tested it in a Orange tomb and when i adjusted lighting on it to be orange it looked perfect...i'd be proud to have columns like this:D Great work :)

(13 Apr 2008 23:08)
Author Reply
Monolith? Well, I don't really understand this word, but i get the general gist of the review! Thanks :)

HK-Super Dual Pistols
by MaskedRaider

well done Masked Raider! the meshes were perfect they really look nice in game. I love shiny too so that's even better. Textures fit together no holes or overlaps. Thank you for these I am sure they will have a happy home next to the shotgun and the save game icon :)..and in TR-Spectrum ;)

(12 Apr 2008 22:46)
Author Reply
Wow thanks! Hadn't noticed this review before - it's lovely. Thanks very much, and I'm glad you like them :)

Nice attempt........

I like them okay, they are of a nice-ish quality though the are a direct rip from tr1 so a bit of fuzz quality (which to tell the truth can be fixed with Audacity ;)) Not original since Ggctuk has also released a set of these but not all tr1 sounds so thats good. A nice attempt thanks :D

(13 Mar 2008 16:28)
If immitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Firstly. All my points for using poyu's meshes/textures are deducted. The meshes are of course very nice since they are from PoYu; not your so i cannot add any marks on. The quality of the 'recoloured' textures is okay. It looks a little too drawn out and discoloured for my liking. I could give it the max marks (deducting the fact you made none of them; just recolored the textures on her shirt). I added a point on since i like the colour of behind the bag. No custom anims. Originality is okay. A hot climate is pretty far and few on here...apart from all the outfits since 2002 that are like lara's trademark outfit. Overall; i don't think using someone else's outfit and uploading it as your own basically is a good idea. You did change the colour of the shirt but thats the same as uploading a level from tr1 and replacing the textures with TRXtra ones. Next time; i think you shouldn't release your tests.

(22 Oct 2007 23:30)

it looks...okay. The anim itself was smooth but when she ran with with her guns she looked quite weird as her body looked out of control and unsupported. I mean...try running yourself anmd jumping with your arms right in..its weird. Also if you modified core designs, it wasnt done totally by yourself so i cant give fuller marks for that. Whos hand mesh did u use for that? was it your own or was it poyu's/trangels/other? becuase there was no credit for it. overall; okay but looks weird when she runs but 'a nice try'...

(20 Aug 2007 16:00)
Author Reply
Thanks for your comments. I will maybe post an update, so she moves more naturally. BTW; It was Trangels, but the item is an animation, not an object. ;) TrKing

its okay

well its quite original i think. The quality on it is not very high since its the original tr3 mesh and that wetrent very good. The animation was okay again but with no sounds and no new features or meshes it just middle ground. I cant see this in a tomb or somethoing but i can see it well in a burnt out street or a manor level...but i think nowadays people like to step up from the original meshes. To improve this object maybe u could like have several for the tv and maybe another mesh for a DVD player that falls out from underneath it with the wires trailing behind it?

(07 Aug 2007 18:45)
Author Reply
yeah i will do that thx for the idea ;)

You have finnaly done it!

Poyu; you have finnaly done the best looking outfit that is possible. I can see the textures have been taken from anniversairy; but you have placed&divided them up effortlessly. The newer headmesh is different becuase like TRA; it makes her seem younger; which is a good thing. You've even got the shadows/stresses/creases on her t-shirt perfectly down. Overall ;the outfit s a masterpiece. Well Done!

(01 Jul 2007 14:25)
Author Reply
in fact, texturing is not effortlessly.

New Age Evening
by MaskedRaider

Well okay...most people have seen this outfit grow in production from screens from the author (he deserves a clap) far is my favourite formal outfit anyware (aprt from Japan TRL but that don't count). I's wonderfully crafted and very different; especially in the face from anything. and hurrrrrah!!!!! not a remake ! which is extremly pleasing to me since i wanted something new. This outfit is too good to pass down If you do not download; i will personally come to our houe and force feed it into your WAD...okay...only joking but seriously;; use it;even if your level don't match the outfit. Lol i tested it "The Lost Libary" level; and unnless Lara wass on crazy pills; she would never wear it there. A small note when using this outfit; if you've set TREP's ponytail gravity low; change it back becuase it don't suit this outfit [i]Edited by stranger1992[/i]

(07 May 2007 19:22)
Author Reply
Thanks so much for this wonderful review - thankyou also for being a source of support during its creation.

Your best to date....

This animations is your best to date.!!! it looks likethe swimming to land pull up lara does, but no points off for that. I like it as it is quick. However, I want to make a suggestion with the anim: Pelase can you update the animation so that lara makes the step sound when her feet get pulled up, it's just silence. Other than that, i could've this full marks. A good effort though none of the less. Well Done :) [edit]OMG!! I didn't rate this for animations!!! I give it a 9 for animations. [i]Edited by stranger1992[/i]

(03 Apr 2007 00:08)
Author Reply
thanks, i added an update with feet sound.

by illyaine

original: Quite origina; in that you provided the texture, DXF and object in one package. That makes it more easier to use. Quality: Nice, high res textures :) However, the do look a bit weird in the editor, but it's not fair for that to influence my score. Useable: If you need a hanging down vine or plant, then this is your dream. Perfect! Overall, soo good to use and very well made. Well done

(16 Mar 2007 22:24)
They do not work

"These samples do not work and causes Tomb4 to crash" They do now, they are prety good but, yes, they are quite loud but very realistic, and sounds like TR: Legend. [i]Edited by stranger1992[/i]

(21 Feb 2007 18:16)
Author Reply
Use TREP patch with the extended sample memory from 256kb to 1024kb. it should work Use SFX editor to decrease the volume

New Wolf
by Golden Dawn

Finnaly, a high-def (ish0 animal. The textures are great and applied pretty well. The new sounds are very realistic and well suited. Overall, a great attempt to bring high def animals to the Search Engine and to TRLE Well Done!

(15 Feb 2007 02:50)
Quality Assured

Well Done Zolee for creating such a fresh and new standing anim for lara. It's original abnd new, only to be done by...yourself I guess. I must admint, when I saw this and saw it who made it i was skeptical. I was sceptical because the 50% standing aanim was a bit tricky to use as I was'nt able to come out of the stanfing anim when I wanted to, but instead hasd to wait. but I thought, hwat the hell, I'll download and see what it's like, and, I can tell you, I was very suprised. It's useable enoguh for any level, any location unless Lara ws hyper for some reason :) A brilliant attempt to make something fresh and original, and it payed off. Stranger1992 (PS: This is my credit, as I'm using myself in my new levels)

(11 Feb 2007 17:45)
Author Reply
Thank you very much!:)

Zipline with sounds
by Girt by Sea

This is just a delight to work with, and the results are worth it. Very original and accessible. i would be honoured to use this in my levels. Excellent.

(14 Jan 2007 04:08)

Well, this outfit certaintly has a very high standard. It looks like the new screenshots for the Anniversairy game: Therefore; looking very next generation (PS2, XBOX, Gamecube era). I have seen anniversairy outits like this, so, it looses a point for that i guess. However; this sets the bar higher as it looks like the textures were acurately drawn for the Polygons so that they look ultra realistic. I once had a go at editing the legs, and arms of this outfit for my levelm, and i couldn't because the textures are matched up with precision. It shows the mark of an expert. The custom meshes don't seem to extrude, or mess about at the joints like some other outfits do. Therefore; I think a 10 deserves it. Overall, I see this fit to be used anywhere, I know I'm taking this to China, Venice, and the Atlantic ocean, so it can't be any worse than brilliant. My final Word: SPEECHLESS LOL

(09 Jan 2007 20:58)
Showing 1 to 15 of 16 reviews
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