As I started testing this outfit, I noticed a lot of things that you haved improved on. Congrats you are learning a lot of new techniques to improving your lara. i did notice some things that might improve your oufit.
How I scored you...
It's good that you wanted to give a try on the old lara, but there are enough classic outfits out on the search engine that stand out above this one. You could of changed her top like a one strap shirt, maybe showed here stomach..etc and still gave it a classic feel.
the quality of this oufit is pretty average, the textures are smooth, like where the head meets the neck. The short textures were a bit all over the place. i didn't really understand the pattern...
it can be used anywhere...
as stated before some of the textures did not flow together, giving it a rushed feel to the outfit. The face textures were a bit freaky looking, blotchy does not suit lara ;) i think using the textures from Legend and Anniversary would of help with the skin, because skin is a hard thing to recreate and Crystal Dynamics has done a wonderful job creating good lara skin textures. The boots could of used a bit more time again the orignal textures from legend would been best. The backpack textures were too outof place, you had brown then was an unatural look to the backpack. Laras arm textures just stop at the forearms, which looked a bit strange. The textures needed a lot of work but i did some improvement from the last outfit.
I thought you did a wonderful job on some of the meshes, Lara body shape is almost perfect, the hair mesh looked a bit unatural, i've never seen hair just drapped in front of the face. There is a way to show a feeling of movement without actucally moving the hair, just look at some of the work of po yu's mine or horus goddess. the boots good try they were really different.
Good but not great there are still many things that could be touched up. If i were you i would of released it first as a beta and asked for comments before the official release(which i plan on doing with my outfit) just so people can get a feel for it in the beta stages, that way they can give you the most useful comments.
I hope this helps if you need any help i don't mind give you tips on texturing and mesh creation. keep growing asa creator and i'm looking foward to the next release from you
(13 Jun 2008 02:34)
Author Reply
Originalty - she has new camo shorts, a new backpack, new boots, new hair, and you give me a 7 because i didn't change the top?
I'm sorry but I think this review is terribly unfair - exactly why did the meshes have two points knocked off because you didn't like the hairstlye? Also - I believe a five for quality is horrendous. There are NO holes, the body shape is good, the textures are of a high quality DESPITE you not liking the backpack, and all in all I feel this was a smear review in order for your outfits to remain higher in the top ten.
Compare this to the review above AND below-do you think quality and texturing are REALLY as bad as a five? White Tiger is an amazing builder, surely he knows his stuff. Considering my earlier outfits - which you said I'd improved on - recieved 8 and 9?
Not really very nice. Sorry.