Angel of darkness Jeans Combat Ready
by TrangelThe jeans outfit from the Angel of darkness with complete holsters, pistols, backpack. will update...
The jeans outfit from the Angel of darkness with complete holsters, pistols, backpack. will update...
now with normals adjusted updated torso mesh and fixed texures (8/16/2014) New Legend outfit bet...
the pants outfits featured in the prague and louvre galleries level in AOD credits:prague jacket...
new meshes, new proportions, updated textures aod weapons pack coming soon...
New Head Mesh New Scream Meshes, updated textures weapons and hands included
New Head Mesh New Scream Meshes, updated textures weapons and hands included
New Head Mesh New Scream Meshes, updated textures weapons and hands included
Full 3d composite of the lara from the new game Tomb Raider... each texture modified to fit my model...
Lara's adventure is just beginning and she's already in rough shape
The complete outfit minus all gear but the her pistol if you use this outfit please give credit to...
Because i want people to have this i'm releasing this un-finished version until i complete the rest...
The Aviatrix outfit is here!!!! first i want to give credit to where it's due,Horus-Goddess for the...
I've sorta been on this Legend bender... spending hours playing what i think is the best of the tril...
My first release in a while, and i have to say it's one of my favorites. the legend outfit with no...
Here's my latest release. Lara's Bikini from Tomb Raider Underworld. this is a much better version...
The DLC Jungle shorts outfit featured as a dlc outfit for tomb raider underworld. This outfit has a...
My latest download, Lara outfit she wore exploring mexico in tru. i've made this once before... thi...
The Casual Explorer outfit, as featured in Beneath the Ashes. I've attempted this outfit once before...
This is my updated Manor outfit complete in the style of Tomb Raider Underworld. Brand new textures...
The Adventurer Outfit, Lara Sports a white tank top, brown trousers, modified underworld gear. New...
Okay The release that a lot of you have been waiting for. My Underworld DLC catsuit. This outfit was...
A New Wetsuit for laras travels. A Black Wetsuit Top with Bikini Bottom. Underworld Backpack, and...
The tru jungle shorts outfits... you'll notice a few differences. no wrist bad, and a slightly modif...
The tru jungle pants outfits... you'll notice a few differences. no wrist bad, and a slightly modifi...
My version of the Laras outfit from TR3. New Cropped top, New camo Textures, I got tired of the aod...
My version of the Laras outfit from TR3. New Cropped top, New camo Textures, I got tired of the aod...
Credits Po yu for -Hand mesh glove textures for the hand mesh -Pony Tail Mesh hair textures...
The First outfit release of 2010!!!! Laras Drysuit from TRU with classic holsters. BTA VERSION COMI...
a better version of my original tru wetsuit. i was really to proud of my last wetsuit so i created...
This is my latest release. Lara sports a cropped bomber jacket. comes with tr2 style textures. Gu...
My final Outfit of 2009. Modernize outfit of Lara's outfit she wore in the Louvre Gallery. I've been...
Finally an AOD outfit from me worth downloading... completely in the style of the angel of darkness...
A new outfit from trangel. underworld style lara in combat pants and underworld boots. credits: Po...
here's an updated version of my winter outfit... this time minus the hood. now she has longer gloves...
Lara wears a classic style south pacific outfit comes with outfit color pack to customize your own...
Here's lara legend outfit updated with higher quality meshes and textures. a new hip design to give...
Lara sports a sexy bikini... great for water levels, home levels, any level wear lara can strip to a...
This is my third release of my new style of lara. This Time a winter style otfit. Lara wears a light...
Lara in "Origins" style classic Outfit... With Full Holsters Dual Pistol and no Cross Bow Just the...
Here's My latest outfit... Lara Croft in an outfit inspired by the origins concept art.. completely...
Well i've been working on this outfit for quite sometime. even before tru was release i was worki...
Tomb Raider underworld's Manor outfit Big credit goes out to PO YU for his lovely hand meshes... B...
the moment is here play as lara evil double credits Po Yu for his hand meshes/textures and weap...
Here it is.. sorry for being a little late but i had to polish up a few things. This is a completely...
Here's a special updated version of my TRU outfit. along with a TRU movie edtion outfit. Enjoy
This is the brand new creation of my underworld outfit, I've decided to remake this outfit because...
This is the First Underworld outfit, made based off the tiny pics released by Cyrstal Dynamics, This...
Lara casual red Lara sports a red top dark denim trademark pistols and red onitsukatiger shoes...
Tomb Raider Anniverary Outfit, This is my latest addition to my outfit collection Lara Croft Anniver...
This is my latest outfit Legend Winter with Coat. This was by far one of the most challenging outfit...
Here is my latest creation the Legend Winter outfit. this outfit is a far better upfrade from the fi...
Here's my latest outfit oriental goddess. this is the first of many new outfits designed by trangel....
there are no words that describe how i feel about this outfit. Many credits go to pu_yu For the insp...
Here's she is Amanda Evert's winter outfit. After a couple of weeks she's finally done. with new and...
Okay this is the updated version of my Anniversary Lara. I'ved tried for days to change the other on...
This is the first of many anniversary lara outfits. I've worked on this outfit for weeks and i'm ver...
these are my latest outfit creations. The New style outfits, based off the box art of the Tomb Raide...
This is the Ducati outfit from Tomb Raider Legend. There are two versions of this outfit. The Regula...
Newly created manor object pillars and archwyas new textures new meshes HIGHER QUALITY pleas...
here's an updated version of my table i mad a while back. Table comes in 3 sizes, and a dark textur...
Manor sofa based on the tomb raider anniversary sofa. comes with a swappable texture set. texture...
here are the main archways and columns from Tomb Raider:Anniversary, Trep must be active when using...
the model Sofas from the Tomb Raider Anniversary game. Textures ripped from TR:A and Model created...
just an updated version of my current anniversary weapons i added MAGNUMS!!! Better UZI CLIP M...
Here are some really nice upgrades to Lara's Arsenal of Weapons Lara's Trademark Pistol Redesigned,...
Here's a table from my croft manor project. the table was used in Tomb Raider Anniversary look fo...