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Location: Brazil
Interests: tomb raider, tomb raider, tomb raider
Gender: m
Showing 31 to 45 of 175 reviews

really nice outfit!!! Originality: its very original, I´ve never seen an outfit like that! ;) Quality: I found many bugs: 1º- the legs have no skin joins 2º- 3D clothes may be cool for other games, but not for TRLE. why? try to use a camera far from Lara...You will see that some vertices will disappear . 3º the hair has only 4 meshes. the author could make smaller meshes and used anim editor to reduce the length of the ponytail. 4º MANY double faces @Trinity : 1- use all meshes of the polytail and try to avoid this 2-these 3 images show the clothes disappearing. 3-this pic shows that the double faces in the jacket gets black in light places. about legs: I saw that there is shiny effect, but there is some ways to make the joins shiny... I hope you fix this bugs soon, I loved this outfit! ;) Useability-this outft rox in urban places!!! Textures: AMAZING!, but maybe a little big? ok, I wont downrate for that :P Meshes: really nice too!! The torso is great!! [i]Edited by Danilo[/i] [i]Edited by Danilo[/i]

(26 Jan 2005 23:51)
Author Reply
The legs have no skin joints because the pants have the shine effect. Did you not notice?... I tested with fixed cameras, fly by's and regular veiw and I never saw anythng disapear. 0.o And double faces? There are two sides in many places so her clothes look 3d. Hmmm, could you send a screenshot please? I'd like to fix the things I did not see. Thank you for pointing them out, and for the reveiw. ;)


Originality: well, There is a lot of AOD outfits and jungle outfits using AOD cammos, so its not original. Quality: The only bad thing I noticed : double faces. Useable: It can be used in many jungle levels, but the blue shirt looks strange in some jungle levels.... Textures: (Im just rating the torso and boots textures)The jacket has a amazing texture, it has many detais. The shirt is not just plain blue, and thats nice. OBS: Yes, I ripped the textures, but I also had many work to put then in the right place. The pelivis joins have many triangules, so I had to make many tests to see if the textures were working correcly, so I think you shound have put it in credits too. Meshes: I liked the jacket, its very cool and well done. The head is really cool too!

(11 Jan 2005 23:17)
Stone shiva
by cornchild

amazing shiva enemie, the best one Ive ever seen its nor really original, coz its a remake, but it works perfectly and it can be used in all india level I liked the sounds of the bullets hiting Shivas swords the only bad thing on it is that Shiva dies too quickly, but thats hardcoded...... [i]Edited by Danilo[/i]

(16 Dec 2004 18:33)
Author Reply
The enemy in the wad was created by Daniel. I fixed the stone statue that is in the animating slot. when you trigger the enemy object and the animating object on the same square, it gives the effect that the stone staue turns into the enemy object like in tr3.

Paris Horizon 1
by Trinity
good horizon

there isnt many thing to tell about this horizon its AOD stuff, so its not really original its works perfecly as all other horizons, and the textures are well placed. its can be used perfecly in citys and AOD remakes

(13 Dec 2004 21:24)
Basic Green
by C/y

great outfit ;) its a green outfit ( no shit!) as many outhers in trsearch, its a bit original coz is 100% green lol. There is no neck joins here. no problem anout it, but the author shouldnt had forgotten about the hole in laras head that is used to cennect the neck join :/ its useanle in jungle levels, but the green colors are too ligh, so I suggest using it in "happy" levels ( kids levels) The textures are a bit boring, coz they are all the same green tonality! I sugest the auhtor to put another kinds of green. the meshes are great, the hip and legs are amazing, the torso is too simple, but is good anyway.

(13 Dec 2004 21:12)
Snowflake Angel
by Trinity
really cool

humm, this is a really cool winter outfit! ;) there is many original things in this outfit, like the belt, but teh colors makes me remember other winter suits, like siberia outfits ( that outfit used by AJ in tr movies) I found some bugs here: -again, no skin joins in the torso mesh. -there is no neck skin joins, but there is a hole in laras head for this connection. when lara swims, for example, this hole appears. It can be used in winter levels, but, there is a big area in lara´s torso without any clothes! :o, its sexy, but it makes this outfit less useable. The textures are good. but I think the the pockets in laras hip could be more distanced. The meshes are amazing, the new belt is really cool, and the head is great ;)

(13 Dec 2004 21:00)
good, but need improvements

nice idea, classic lara with long pants, well, its a remake, but teh new pants makes it a bit more original unfortunally, the outfit has many bugs: -there is only one pants texture, and its used in all meshes. -double faces in hip mesh and torso mesh -the boots textures are a bit strange It can be used perfectly in many places, jungles, temples, tombs. Almost all textures are from original Lara. The belt textures ara simple plain black :/ The textures are good, nothing really amazing, just good, and some has double faces, as I said before. I hope to see a 2º version, without bugs and with better textures and meshes ;)

(13 Dec 2004 20:36)
Author Reply
Yes, I'm working on it :)

Chris Redfield
by Trinity

i JUST LOVED THIS ONE well, there is many RE outfits here, and TR_NUT was making a Chris outfit some time ago, right, so its not REALLY original Unfortunally, I found to little problems: - NO joins in the torso. OKOK, Laras joins are to small for a Men, but if you are going to use this outfit in a level, avoid using too many lights - The hend is too small, is the same hend of Lara´s, and his arms are big, so it looked a bit strange in game. The textures are really good. The pants are cool and the torso testures are fantastic -The meshes are amazing, Im really impressed with the auhtor´s job, The torso has so many details! amazing work! I hope to see a level with this outfit :D [i]Edited by Danilo[/i]

(03 Dec 2004 02:05)
too much bugs, but its really cool!

COOL! a really nice outfit!!!!! its a city outfit, we´d already seen many city looks, but this one is original ;) the only bad thing here is the bugs: 1º no skin joins in the torso mesh.... 2º the hair, I know that the author couldnt do anything to fix it, but it looks bad, I suggest to put the original ponytail insted of this one 3º there is some holes in the arms connections.... :( It can be used in city levels perfectly, u can even use it in base levels. The textures and the meshes ar amazing, perfect! I dont know even what to say the head is great, the texture of the belt is really nice I could give you 20 for the meshes and textures, but I can only give 10 :( Im not an animator, I dont know anything abou anims, so Im not rating then

(25 Nov 2004 17:08)
great one!

realy cool, is original, but it looks like TR_nuts ALIAS outfit I found bugs here: some faces, like her boots, desapears when you walk or turn :S the neck is in the same mesh of the torso. OK, its not a big problem, but there is a hole in the head for the neck connection :S it can be used in casual levels perfecly ;) the textures are great, but I get a bit tired of red, maybe some other colors wound help here The meshes are great, The leg mesh is amazing!, but as I said, some faces disapears when lara moves, and There is some double faces in the hip mesh.... great outfit anyway, I hope to see more Liz Parker outfits!

(25 Nov 2004 11:51)
humm, really nice!

good outfit, a new style of outfit ;) the colors are great and really original ;) I found some bugs inthis outfit: 1º one: the torso has NO skin joins! it looks terrible when u make an acrobathic move... the flower in laras head is reallty cute, but when u enter in a room with many lights, this flower gets darker or ligher then laras body, coz it has double sides... And there is some strange textures in her ears :S This outfit is really basic so it can be used anyplace the textures are amazing, some textures doesnt have many details so it could be smaller, anyway, they are realy good! I loved the meshes, they are really well done, the torso doesnt have connections with skin joins but its really well done!

(25 Nov 2004 11:39)
nice remake

I like to see remakes in trsearch, but they arent so original, unfortunaly. I found a bug when I tested it:there are double faces in some meshes like the torso mesh, the lighting in the torso mesh is not really good. it can be used in almost all levels for TRLE the textures are great, the new shorts are really good! the meshes are great too, but as I said, there is a double face in the torso mesh :( anyway, great outfit, hope to see more outfits by this author!

(21 Nov 2004 23:37)
by Skateboardkid

I really loved this one, it will be in my next level!! well, I´ve searched a lot in and its the only TR2 fish I found, so it can be considered original. The quality is great, the fishes are really fast and strong. I didnt like the dead anim, but its ok, anyway. It can be used in any place that has water ( The planet is almost made by water so it wont be difficult to put this in a good level) the meshes and the textures are great, the white colors makes it even more useable and the teeths are great! ;) GREAT JOB! in my opinion, the better fish in trsearch!!!

(26 Oct 2004 23:06)

OWW the perfect tibet jacket remake! Its not original couse there is a lot of remakes, but the jacket textures are new so I gave 8 to originality It has no bugs that may affect the quality. I like tibet outfits, but I dont think they are useable so in winter level, coz Lara is wearing little ( REALLLY LITTLE) sorts. So it not warm enouth to keep her safe from the cold. The textures are amazing, I loved the new jacket textures, they´re great. The shorts textures are mine so Im not rating then. The head mesh is mine, its the 1º high resolution head. The 2º ( and better, in my opinion) could be used here, it has better eyes... well, anyway, the head is mine so im not rating it. The torso is really good, and the legs are amazing. I dont use to use custom leg meshes coz I always got problems with the connections, but It seems u fixed then :P good work!

(14 Oct 2004 03:42)
Basic Brown
by C/y

nice outfit its not very original couse it looks like Laras original outfit ~the quality is high, but the shorts looked a but strange to me, the textures of the joins are different from the textures of the hip, do I gave 9 Its very useable in temple od tomb levels, but it has no backpag so it can´t be used in levels that lara has to get many items ( where would she put then??) The textures are nice. The shorts looke very familiar to me. I think the author took it from Lara Remake, but I saw no credits in readme ( but I can be wrong about these textures) The shrt texture is really good The meshes are nice, but teh torso could be better in my opinion. The hip is mine so Im not rating it. The shoes are really good. great work ;)

(14 Oct 2004 03:25)
Showing 31 to 45 of 175 reviews
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