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Location: Scotland
Showing 1 to 15 of 30 reviews
George Maciver

Used this dude in Imprisoned Spirits 3 and he suited the castle level perfectly. Can only fault him in one place - his sounds. He really needs new sounds as the existing demigod ones don't suit him at all and detract from his refreshing originality. I changed his growl in IS3 and what a difference that made. Also, being in the demigod 3 slot, it means you can have a few of these guys around and only one will come to life at a time. Makes for intriguing gameplay possibilities. He works and animates perfectly and looks brilliant in game. Just remember you need the bubbles object in your WAD, like EssGee pointed out.

(13 May 2006 08:33)
Pair of doors
by Sorata
George Maciver

Used these doors as the entrance doors to the Castle in Imprisoned Spirits 3. They look imposing and suit a dark castle very well. Work perfectly too.

(01 May 2006 23:43)
Author Reply
Thank you for your review, George! I'm always glad if someone reviews my stuff. So thanks again :-)


This new native has one fabulous feature - if you use it, your baddy slot is freed up to use something else. By using this native I was also able to use the Shiva statues in the same level. It has another advantage over the original native in that it's a little tougher. This thing can even hurt you if you swim to close to him when he's on the bank. Being in the horseman slot, there is the shatter gem sound, but I didn't find that a problem. Most folks think it's just some trinket round his next that gets shot. I couldn't fault the animations or textures or sounds if I tried. But, it's not original, so I couldn't give it top marks even though I wanted to.

(18 May 2005 05:36)
Custom Blue Shark
by dannyx_nr

Smooth swimming sharks that take big bites if you get too close. The graceful way they swim around is amazing to watch. Animate and sound fabulous. They are easy to outswim, but don't let that put you off. Used in Jungle Ruins 2 to great effect and proved very popular with Raiders. Recommended if you want a big fish.

(18 May 2005 05:30)

I just love this thing. He's been in three of my levels, including The Imprisoned Spirits, and he will be in Jungle Ruins 2 as well. When he beats his chest, you can't kill him with pistols, so that makes him a worthy adversary. Put 2 or 3 together and you're talking a major adrenaline rush. Another bonus is that it responds to AI. Stick an AI ambush on his square and he'll stand there grunting away adding a deep undertone of menace to the atmosphere. Thanks EssGee mate, my levels just wouldn't be the same without you.

(04 Mar 2005 18:01)

Like the Emerald Evil, what a fabulous beast this is! It has the same drawback as the Emerald Evil in that it can't be killed with pistols yet one single shotgun blast will take it down. Having said that, it animates and sounds perfect! In The Imprisoned Spirits I used 2 of these together with great effect. Fabulous piece of work EssGee, thanks mate!

(04 Mar 2005 17:55)
Emerald Evil
by Trinity

What a fabulous beast this is! I used it in The Imprisoned Spirits to great effect. It has one drawback in that it can't be killed with pistols yet one single shotgun blast will take it down. So in The Imprisoned Spirits, when you first meet it, you only have pistols, which makes the meeting that much more dramatic. Later in the level I had to use 2 together as by then Lara had a shotgun. Thing is, once players realise how easy it is to kill with a shotgun, they quickly lose their fear of it so careful placement is needed.

(04 Mar 2005 17:50)
Tr1 falling block
by cornchild

This is a perfect crumbling floor as used in The Imprisoned Spirits. I'm also using it in Jungle Ruins 2. It looks good in game because it is so much thinner than most of the crumbly floors, and I loved the golden TR1 colour which blended well with fire rooms. If you're looking for a crumbly floor, this one is well worth the download.

(04 Mar 2005 17:42)

Brilliant piece of mechanised machinery by Bojrkraider. There are 3 animating objects, the puzzle item, puzzle hole and puzzle done objects. In the Imprisoned Spirits, I placed two puzzle holes and triggered a door to them allowing access to a switch which then triggered a flyby cam sequence. During the flyby the cogwheels were activated and then a flip map so it looked as if the cogwheels had flooded the floor of a huge temple area. It worked an absolute treat, and the sound effects are excellent. Good work and highly recommended. [i]Edited by GeorgeMaciver[/i]

(04 Mar 2005 17:31)

Used this chap to great effect in The Mutant's Demise. It was great to hear the TR3 'hey!' sound as he spots Lara and runs towards her with his club. Put a 3 in the OCB and he stands guard, hitting his palm with his club. He won't fit into every level, being somewhat of a mutant, but if you need a good quality mutant enemy that does the job and animates and sounds great, this one is a must. GM

(13 Dec 2004 01:21)
by Baddy

A nice little animating helicopter. I used this to end Jungle Ruins and will be using it to start Jungle Ruins 2. You have to add a sound loop to your level to get the helicopter sounds. If you need a helicopter for show only, you won't go far wrong with this object. GM

(13 Dec 2004 01:14)
TR1 Atlantis Boss
by Michiel

What a perfect end to The Mutant's Demise! Reading the reviews says it all - folks loved meeting this old guy again. A number of people have said that downloading The Mutant's Demise was worth it just to meet this guy again. Having said that, you can't just stick him into any level in any room. You need to set up an environment that suits him. For a start, he is huge! And he is only good as a Boss enemy if Lara only has pistols. Anything more powerful and she kills it too easily. There is also a lara dying animation you need to add using Wadmerger. But the readme is comprehensive and the instructions are easy to follow, so don't let that put you off. The animations are superb. Just like in TR1, when you kill him, he goes through his full routine. It's great. GM

(13 Dec 2004 01:06)

Animates and sounds just like the original and it is deadly! Used with low ceilings of 4 clicks makes this an incredibly difficult hazard to pass without health loss, but it can be done. 5 clicks is far easier. It's a good idea to anti-trigger it after passing so the constant blade swishing noise doesn't annoy you. You can always set a trigger and anti-trigger on both sides if you want Lara to go back and forth a few times. An excellent trap. GM

(13 Dec 2004 00:55)

Raider X and I used this to great effect in Jungle Ruins. Had a bit of a problem getting the glass to shatter when the obelisks activated but Raider X finally narrowed the problem down to not having the shatter object in the right animating slot. I think it only worked in animating slot 3, but you'd have to check that. Lara animates just like in TR4. All in all, well worth the effort of downloading and setting up. GM

(13 Dec 2004 00:48)
by Baddy

This raptor made an appearance in the final level of Jungle Ruins. It is one mean raptor, takes a lot of health and isn't easy to kill. It animates and sounds perfect. I shall be using this raptor again. The only drawback is that being in the scorpion slot it sometimes doesn't want to attack Lara so you have to be careful and test it. I had to drop 2 raptors from one area because they just refused to attack Lara until she shot at them. But when it works, it is fabulous. GM ***Figured out the non attacking problem. If there is a baddy anywhere else in the level, these raptors won't attack. Get round the problem by using flip effect 46 before triggering them. That way you won't have any problems with them not attacking*** [i]Edited by GeorgeMaciver[/i]

(13 Dec 2004 00:36)
Showing 1 to 15 of 30 reviews
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