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Interests: TRLE, Music, Art, Film, Languages
Birthday: 29 Mar 1990
Gender: f
Showing 301 to 315 of 485 reviews
revised TR1-Egypt wad
by Golden Dawn
Dedication baby! :D

If this and the set tomb wads were put together that's be awesome! I think you should make a Egypt wad with all the best object's and enimes from all the TR egypt levels! :) Like all your object's this is ace, no holes in the meshs, well done textures and rotated good, all the textures in the texture map were all well sized. Again as being a remake it set's the originality down a tad, and the useabilty is down a little too because it's all for egypt. But some of the objects can be used anywhere, for example the chairs. The textures were really good, some of them still looked TR1, like the egyptian chest box, but others, such as the cat statue, was amazing! :D I hope you're releasing more, I have very much enjoyed these objects, I love your deication! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(10 Aug 2004 23:28)
revised TR1-Italy wad
by Golden Dawn

Wow, I am really impressed! This is really cool! It's mostly Pilliars but there are also theres, plants, status, ect. This one really reminds me of both TR1 in Italy and TR4's catacomb levles. The mesh's are perfect, no holes and the all look great! The textures are ace, I love the new look, it's so much better then TR1! :D Unfortunetly it's not useable in city's but the plants and stuff make it useable in Lara's home! The quality is amazing. You must have worked hard on this, and if not you're even more amazing then I thought! The textures were well rotated and they were'nt too big. No holes of anything, just wonderful! The Originality is down a little like any remake would, but it's still awesome. A very well done object set. It's more usedable then the previous, but I love all of your object remakes so far! Great job!! :D

(10 Aug 2004 23:19)
Basic Grey
by C/y
:) pretty good.

Most of the meshs are taken from other outfits and modified. The head is the one I most recently made, my Kayla outfit, but eyelashs and hair bits were added (Very nice addition). The guns were Deskjs but I think the texture had been changed a little. And also the torso and arms are TRangel's. They say that in the read me but I think that I should metion them before I continue reviewing the outfit ;) . The textures were really, really good! I very much enjoyed the detail in the shirt and the hair textures. It's not very original sence mesh's were used from other ppl's outfits and the outfit strongly resembles Lara's original outfit witch was resently remade. A good thing is that the textures were well placed and they were all rotated right. The mesh's had no holes and had no glitchs. :) The whole outfit is well done and I hope it's used in an level one day. :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(10 Aug 2004 19:48)
Lara Remake
by Danilo
Lol... Uhh, Green M&Ms, huh?

The mesh's are cool (I really like the new gun!!), I love the head! It's so classy! I loved every mesh, except the chest. I'm hoping that part was a joke, because she was busty in the orininal TRs, but this is over kill. It was well rounded, so I gave meshs a 10 anyway. The textures were good, and well placed. They resemble TR4 textures, but some how still doesnt capture the look of Lara's original outfit. It is usealbe in any level but Arctic (Sure she used this outfit in TR arctic levles, but Core Design must have been on something when they did that to her).It's not really original because it's a remake, but it's a good one. Probibly the best remake of this outfit. Very good, keep up the good work. Ps. I hear Green M&Ms make Lara's chest get bigger. She must have ate ALOT of green M&Ms!!!!!! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(10 Aug 2004 01:49)
Sonya Blade
by Keith
Wow! So cool!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D

Wow! This is amazing! By far this is your most awesome outfit! :D The textures for her outfit are ace! The pants, and the belt, wow, it all fits and is well placed and has wonderful quality! The chest's textures are ace as well, and looks really good in-game. The only textures I did'nt like was the lips, they needed a tiny bit more detail, maybe some shine whould help. And the darker color should be on the top. The mesh for the head was amazing! It's so 3D, and the hat is very original. The hair is incredibly cool! The chest mesh is cool, too. I was impressed with the other mesh's as well, such as the belt and straps. Very well done! :D It's not as useable as some of the other outfits, like the red shirt makes it hard to place it in Jungle levels, but some how the hat makes up for that. It's an amazing outfit! The quality is really pretty good, the textured are well placed, well rotated, they wernt too big, ect. I love your MK outfits and your defenity geting so much better at making outfits. This is my favorite outfit of yours so far! :D Kepp up the awesome work!! :D

(10 Aug 2004 01:26)
revised inca wad
by Golden Dawn
WWooooooWWWW!!!!! :D :D

Wow! I figured this was a slightly changed rip too. Oh but no, this is amazing! I only remember seeing a few of these objects in TR1 so it's a new experence. :) The mesh's are incredible! and textures are way better then TR1! It looks very TR4! :D I gave it a little bit lower ratings in: -Useabilty, some of the objects can't be used in, say, City levels or home levels, ect. -Originality, It is a remake so that brings it down. And the really 10 deserving stuff: -Textures, WAY better then TR1! They all fit and were corectly placed. -Mesh's, one word: Amazing! If you see them for yourself you'll get what I'm talking about. The had no holes or anything, all good :) -Quality, No bugs or holes. Texture sizes were all good and everything worked well. All in all, AWESOME! I just wish it could be used in more levels! :) :D

(10 Aug 2004 01:07)
by Michiel
This is very cool!!

Very original! I think this is deffenitly the first time I've ever sceen this kind of object for level. It's very usable for Lara's home or a bar or something. Or even in an apartment building. I think I might use it in Kurtis' home level. :) The quality is amazing in this object, the little details and dedication is wonderful to see in anything on this site. The textures are also good, I saw no flaws. And of course the mesh it's slef is good and no holes. ;) I really like this, it's very cool and I hope it's used in a level, I know I'm probibly going to use it in my level. :D

(04 Aug 2004 21:46)
Vector 2
by Danilo
WWWWWooooooooWWWW!!! Guns!! Muwahaha!

I did'nt take a really close look but from what I saw, those textures rock! :D The only thing I'd change whould be the hands, it looks odd that her fingers arnt griping the weapons. But I know, this is about the guns, not the hands. ;) The quality was really, really good! The textures look amazing. And, wow, I don't know what else to say. But I whould defenetly use these in a level! :D

(03 Aug 2004 04:47)
Raider in Thong
by Blind_Intentions
:'( Ecckkk!

Hmmm, textures- Paint? Idea- Don't wanna know. Lara looks like a sleaze! The poor girl. And the textures, in my opinion are not very good. Quality is terrible! But hey, at least it's original! ;) The thong coming out of the pants is just grose and I doubt it'll be used in a level. :o Sorry, but I really dislike this outfit. Even if it was redone, it'd have to be totaly over hauled cause this just doesnt work. I don't know what else to say, just, this is ugly... :( I'm sorry...

(03 Aug 2004 04:34)
Some vert good some not....

Well I know you're starting out with the outfit making thing, and I don't try to be mean and all. But, you don't have to make a Vr2 for every outfit. I liked the first version better and the only big thing I saw that was diffrent was now she shows more skin. and I did'nt terribly like the one texture you used for the outfit. I'm trying to be honest in what I see, and people do like your outfit and it does capture a sence of inocence. The shade of color was a nice choice and pink-ish camo is a good idea, maybe next time a black tank top and pink camo shorts or something. Just so the textures arn't over used. The idea for this outfit was a good one, and original, just needs a little tiny bit of work. But for the way it is, it still looks great! Good job, I'm glad you keep going! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(03 Aug 2004 04:21)
Sexy Black Top
by Gabriel Inghilterra

I like the style of the shirt! Wow, that's nice! :) The red short's are very cool, too. Texture's are okay, nothing eye grabing but it's still very pretty. The belt textures and the stretch on her shirt look very Danilo style. Hmmm... :p The shirt mesh is nice, is that Danilo's too? I can't think of an outfit it resembles, but it looks farmiluar? I can't place it, but i think I've seen something like this before, so originality is down a tiny bit. This outfit is'nt od great quality because of used texture and meshs from other ppl and the textures arnt outstanding. But I still like the look of this outfit so I gave it 7, anyway. I like this outfit alot, but I found it hard to judge the ratings on this one. ;)

(03 Aug 2004 04:14)

Well, I like this one the best out of all of this authors work. The only problems with textures was I saw some textures on her pants that needed to be rotated. The belt thing was okay, but something did'nt seem right. But no big deal, it's fine. ;) The head was pretty nice and so was the shirt. It's a remake so the originality is down a bit. Quality was fair, but I gave it an 8 anyway. The shirt was a little plain but I liked it. So, a pretty good outfit, and it looks like you put some time into this outfit. It's nice! :D ;)

(03 Aug 2004 04:01)
sweet! :D

The quality is amazing! The little details, like the logos and stuff, wow! It's great to see those things in outfits. The camo textures were great, colors were great and the camo joined well. The only things I did'nt like were her head and fingers. The head has awesome quality. and the textures are amazing, but something looks off on the lips, but only in Stripx. I think she needs a highlight on her lower lip then a dark spot, maybe that's it. But trust me that's a tiny little thing and I do love the hair! And the hands, it's just the fingers look to thin. No big deal there, I barly even noticed it and it really doesnt matter. ;) The chest mesh was... Wow! Finaly a good looking arctic jacket! :) The meshs for that was wonderful, same for the pants. Their textures fit so good and looked great! It's a shame you can't use it in level other larctic ones, so it brings down the useability. But as for originality, it's fair, I mean it is a remake, so unfortunetly I have to rate it low there too. *I do declaire this, in my opinion of course, THE best arctic outfit!! :D

(03 Aug 2004 03:53)
She be cool! :p

It's fair in originality, there are only two Aguilera outfits but it has been done before. The textures were good. The pants textures were the same as the old just a diffrent color. The top textures looks a ton like the striped textures I used in my 4th Of July Outfit. But stripes are really easy to make so it could have been made by anyone. None of the mesh's were very really bugy or anything so that's a plus. It's not as useable as most outfits, and I'm not sure witch CA outfit whould be more useable. It's not as useable because, one it's a bikkini top, and though the shorts with long leging things are cool they're not very practical. The head mesh is cool, I think it Golden Dawn's. and all other meshs are good, they work well and look great! Over all a really cool outfit! Maybe more for show then useing but it still really really cool! (Even though I'm an Avril fan.. hehehe...) [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(24 Jul 2004 23:45)
by kicia

The head is cool! The textures are also nice. the plain yellow part is okay, but could be better. The belt is also nice, but it needs to be lower or, like Keith said, it makes her bum look rather.. umm, huge. I like this outfit, it's cool. Good job! :D

(23 Jul 2004 21:19)
Showing 301 to 315 of 485 reviews
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