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Interests: TRLE, Music, Art, Film, Languages
Birthday: 29 Mar 1990
Gender: f
Showing 256 to 270 of 485 reviews
by Golden Dawn
Woo, creepy pix... o.0

Well, there is'nt a huge amount to say about this. There are two picture frames, one is simple, the other is classy looking. It's very original, at least to the Search Engine it is. :) The meshs are well made, and they are really well done. They look great! :D They have very nice quality, bettwen the meshs and textures, it's perfect. The only thing that really has it's downside is the useability. It can be used in city levels, home levels, and maybe some base levels. But not tombs, jungels or temples. :p The textures, very good. They are detailed, and I was surprised too, because it still would have been good even with simple texturing, but this is an extra step up. Very good!! The meshs are really cool. I like the one with the extra edges on the corners, that was cool. :D Ps. The pictures in the frames were creepy Golden Dawn!! Are you trying to give me nightmares? lol, kidding. :p

(18 Aug 2004 00:24)

This horizon really isnt all that uaeable, it's cool only it's at night and the sky is green. That can only be used in a hand full of levels. It's also not terrible original, being a riped that is. The quality is good though, and worth being used in any level that it can fit in. Honestly, there really is'nt anything else to say about this horizon, other then it can't be used in a lot of levels... But it does looks cool, now doesnt it? :)

(18 Aug 2004 00:11)

Originality has to go down a tad beacause of the seemingly many thousands of AOD outfits on this site. The quality is very high, bettewen the well placed textures, great meshs and such. It's useable in almost any sisuation, just not arctic. The textures are one of the best for AOD remakes, but her chest looked lop sided because of the textures. The meshs are perfect, they look simply amazing! :) I think these remake outfit are the closest you can get when it comes down to the meshs. :) I'm runing out of reveiwimg juice, but still, this outfit rocks!! :D Awesome job!! :D :D

(18 Aug 2004 00:05)
Cool, or rather, cold!

This is a really good horizon, it whould have been useful for my Arctic base level last year, I ended up useing a chessy south pasific horizon, so I'm very glad we have this!!! :D Because it's basicly riped, I am unsure of how to rate surtan things, but I'll do the best I can. ;) This horizon is useful for any arctic level, or any level with a cold climate or rainy level. It's a very pretty horizon. The quality is top totch, but I thought that the textures could have beenn better, they seem repeditive. I just wish this object had come out sooner, it would have made a nice addition to my level. :)

(17 Aug 2004 23:55)

This is very cool, she has everything from eyelashes to 3D lips. That's very cool, I really liked the eyebrow idea. I think that this is very original! :) It's quality is amazing mesh wise, only I found the the textures seemed odd for the eyes. It's useable for any Lara outfit, but not for a custom charater for movie/TV charater remake. (Or a guy), so I gave uaeabilty a 9. Very good head mesh, really cool and I'm expecting to see this head mesh pop up on an outfit any time now. ;) [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(17 Aug 2004 23:15)

Well, first of all I have got to say that this is one of the most original outfits on the SE! The originality deserves a 10! I've nevenr seen anything like this before! :) The quality is great! The way the meshs are made is top notch, the textures were all perfectly placed, but some seemed a little bland in some areas, and no holes anywhere. Quality is a 9. Usabilty is one of the things that is low in this outfit, it's a great outfit, only I can't see her being used in much of any tomb Raider styled levels. Unfortunetly, I felt that 6 as a rating for this outfit suits. The custom textures were good, the resebmle Peach and her outfit. The face textures were amazing, I like to see new faces. :p The torso textures were also just as impressive. But the shorts and shoes I was less impressed with. They seemed to lack the quality of the torso and the head, almost like the outfit had been a little bit rushed once the main part of the outfit was finished. The hair textures looks good, but not very well placed because the light spot of the hair some times faces down, and on other parts of the hair it faces up. Witch makes the hair look a tad bit strange at times. This is only my opinoin, and these things are very minor. I gave textures a 9, the torso and head were perfect! Meshs have got to be a 10!! They are so amazing!! The hair mesh is incredible! It's so awesome! :D The puffy sleves are cool, and well created. The shoes are nice too. The head is well crafted, and fits wonderfly into the hair that is lose. The hair is the most awesome part of this outfit! It's so cool! Great work! :D :D :D

(17 Aug 2004 23:05)
Basic Black
by C/y
Awesome outfit, but credit in the discription please!

>Before I reveiw this outfit, I think it is important to credit the people who made the meshs you used in the discription.< People will think you made the mesh when it was really someones else's work. If someone else wants to use that mesh they may credit the wrong person because they did'nt know who really made the mesh. I think it should be a rule if it is'nt all ready that you must put credits in the discription. Anyway, I'd like to state the credits here, I hope ne one minds, but I think it's important becuase people just don't read the readme's anymore. It's too bad though. -The pants textures were by Horus, and the spike belt looked a ton like the belt Horus made, yet he was not credited? -The chest mesh was made by me some time ago (C/y repaired the hole in the back before adding it to the outfit). -Hand joints by Mr Nice Guy. -Hands and guns by Deskj. And one other texture looked formiluar of someone else's outfit, but I'm giving the benifit of the doubt that you made it. ;) I'm sorry half of this reveiw is of the credits, but I really think people should know sence all you made was the head and legs. (They were very cool meshs that you made c/y! :) ) Ok, now to the outfit! :D The head mesh was awesome! A little messy but really cool. It looks a tad bit lop sided but it's done in a good way. The face looks young and pitet. The hands were cool, I liked the fact that she did'nt have gloves on, I found it very pretty that her hand were just her skin. The boots are cool, and so are the textures. They look formiluar? The textures for the pants (by horus) are good, horus used them as a shorts on his outfit, I think the textures look better as pants on this outfit. The belt is cool, but it really dose look like Horus' belt from the same outfit that the pants textures came from. The pants mesh near the boot is really cool, it looks better then just being all flat. The textures for the shirt is cool, I like the style for that. The black for the shirt is a little bit basic, but the blue even's it out a little bit. I also enjoyed the way that the blue shirt peeks out from under the black jacket. The over all style is cool, I like this outfit, you're geting really good at makeing outfits c/y! :) Though I'm kind of surprised that you stoped makeing your own meshs for this outfit and the other basic outfit before this. My favorite outfit is your Basic Grey and this one. But I am a bit corious why you did'nt credit in the discrption, I'm sorry, it just seems odd to me. :) The outfit is very well done, quality is high becuase of good meshs and textures. The over all style is very nicely done, and it has it's own good theme. It reminds me of only two other outfits on the site, and there are 500 something outfit on the Search Engine, so this has got to have a pretty good originality! Maybe not a 10 becuase of the meshs, but the idea gives it a high rating. It's useable in Jungels, citys, temples, even maybe a slightly sic-fi level. But not for Egypt so much, or water levels, and probibly not a base level. I'm not sure about home levels, it doesnt look very comfortible so I don't think she would wear it at home. I'm not sure how to rate the meshs, but out of the ones you made, witch were very good, I gave custom meshs an 8. (I think the head was really cool!) I love this outfit, it's very original, and really cool. I'm sure it'll be used in a level. And I'm not mad at not crediting some things in the readMe that you missed, or not puting them in the discription, I'm sure all the owners of the things you used are flaterd that you liked them enough to use them! Very cool. :D Awesome job, I can't wait to see more from your 'Basic' line!!! :D :D :D ~Trin [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(17 Aug 2004 04:40)

I liked this one better then the second. It's fairly original, but it resembles some of the traits of an AOD outfit. The meshs were awesome! I love the head and the torso mesh. The textures ere very good on this outfit, I love blue! :D It's quality is good, the meshs have no holes, the textures are well sized and well placed. The useabilty is a little bit lower, but it can be used in city levels mostly. It can be used in other levels, but manly citys. This outfit is very cool and if my memory sevres my right, this outfit used to be on the top 10. Great job! :D

(16 Aug 2004 22:51)
This is a cool outfit!

Because this outfit is so much like the first it brings down some of the originaility, that and the fact that it looks like a basic veron of the AOD jeans in TR6. The meshs are probibly the best part of this outfit. The head mesh is wonderful and the torso is really good! :) The textures for the face are really cool, the jeans are kinda bland just alittle, but the color of it is really nice. It's very usalbe for city levels and home levels. The quality is good, the meshs have no holes and the textures are all well placed. Over all this is a really cool outfit, and I'm sure it'll be used for a level if it hasnt already. :D :D

(16 Aug 2004 22:35)
Gym Outfit
by Danilo
Gym outfit!

Textures werent all that impressive. Te shoes seemed out of place. And if it's a gym outfit then why does she need guns? The quality seemed ok, yet kinda not so good. I don't know how to descrbe it. The style was okay, but it seemed to be taken from the TR comercial wetsuit outfit and changed to a gym outfit. So that takes down the originality. Nothing really new, as far as meshs go. It's not all that useable, unfortunely. I think this outfit could be done alittle bit better, and if there was a vr 2 I think that'd be really cool! ;) This is an old outfit, so it's kind of uotdated anyway, but I do still like it. :D

(16 Aug 2004 22:11)
Dragunov Rifle
by Danilo

I thought this weapon was very original. It's the first sinper rifle on the SE. So I gave it a 10 in originalty. I thought the quality of the weapon to be good, but not nessisarly perfect. So I gave it a 9. Even though SV says it's not very usealbe, I think it is. It could have been smugled out of a cuntry, and knowing Lara she probbily could have gotten any weapon on the face of the earth. :p The textures, well, I did'nt think they were all that great. I think black would have looked alot better then the wood, witch didnt seem to look that much like wood anyway. The mesh was cool but I think that the handel needed to be a little more rounded, but I still liked it. :) It's a good weapon for almost any level, it's a little to big for a city level on the street, but on top of a building, that would be really cool! I like this sniper, and it's really. A very good job and really well done!!! :D :D :D

(16 Aug 2004 22:03)
by Golden Dawn
That person that is a object... yeah...

What would be cool is if you put this head on Lara's body and made an Egyptian outfit! I have to give it a 10 for originality, it's very new... yet very old. Quality is amazing! The mesh and textureing is really, really good! They look realistic to the object, and that's very cool. So I gave the textures a 10. The Mesh is perfect, no holes and looks awesome in-game. It's useable in alot of sistuations, but maybe not Arctic, Cambodian, or jungel levels. But it can be placed in many levels, even in city musems! :D This is a really great object, and is wonderful for any TRLE builder's collection . Awesome job!! :D

(16 Aug 2004 21:43)
by Golden Dawn

Textures arnt so good, but they arnt bad eather. The torn parts are cool, but the basic textures are a little bland. The grey skin is scary looking, but very cool! I like wolves, they're pretty cool, and making Lara as a werewolf is very original. The mesh for the head was realy cool, and well done. I saw no holes, so that gives it good quality. To bad it's not very useable, being a werewolf and all. Very cool idea, and it was well done! :D

(16 Aug 2004 21:35)
by Golden Dawn
General :)

This is very original! Lara has never been a general before. It's not very usealbe because of this, but I still like it alot! She looks like a German or Russian from some TV program. The textures are not so good, but she still resembles a general even with not-so-good textures. They were a little to bland, and most of it was all the same textures. The textures bring down the quality a little, too. All the meshs were good, and original. They had no holes, at least none that I saw. The hat is the main thing that it notacibly new. Over all, this is a way cool outfit, and can be used in an asortment of levels so long as you want to be playing a a genreal. Very cool, and well done! :D

(16 Aug 2004 21:29)
Manga Girl
by Golden Dawn
Puna Qween

Originailty is a 10!!! It's very origianl and exteamly creepy looking! Quality is also a 10, because the textures and meshs all fit wonderfuly and I saw no probilems with them. Usabilty is a 6, because you play as the bad guy in this outfit and it really dosent fit anywhere but the jungel. Textures are a 10, all the textures look really cool and the rips make it even cooler! The things sticking out of her back are also well textured. Meshs are a 10, it's very TR3 style, it seems TR3 is very inspireing to GD :) The meshs are really good. Well made and no holes. They are detailed and creepy! A really cool outfit and a must have even if it can't be used in many levels. :D Awesome job!! :D :D :D

(16 Aug 2004 21:20)
Showing 256 to 270 of 485 reviews
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