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Interests: TRLE, Music, Art, Film, Languages
Birthday: 29 Mar 1990
Gender: f
Showing 241 to 255 of 485 reviews
by lara-carter
Coolness dude!!

Cree Jaffa!! Coolness, I like it! :) The textures a pretty good, they could have been better but at least they were well rotated. Quality is good by the correct animations and pretty good meshs and textures. It's very original, the only stargate things for the level editor I've seen is the Lightpulsar's stargate outfit and the Stargate. The meshs are a little bit blocky, it makes him look like a robot or a really old object. But he's still really cool. It's not very useable being a jaffa, but it could be used as a robot too. But still that's not very useable in many levels. I like it, it's very original and a good enimy to play against! :D

(18 Aug 2004 17:57)
Dragon Rollingball
by GeckoKid
Wow!!! :D

Wow! This is a great object for any oriental level. It's extreamly original, I think this is the first rolling ball to be anything other then a boulder (aka Lara squisher). And it's a dragon! Wow! The quality is wonderful, the shine effect makes it even cooler looking! The textures are great, they look great and it totaly resembles a dragon. And a cool one at that. :) It's not all that useable, one because it's a drangon and two boulders type objects arnt used all that much in levels. The meshs are perfect, the edges are a tiny bit sharp, but I'm amazed that you were able to get all that detail in a rooling ball object! Awesome job!!! :D :D

(18 Aug 2004 17:40)
New Wolf
by Golden Dawn
The best wolf I ever did see! :) :p

This is the best wolf ever! (I used to have posters of wolfs on my door, now Lara's pic is on my door :) ) It's not as original as some of the other baddy's made by Golden Dawn because it is a wolf, but it's the best one I've ever seen. I gave originality a 9. Quality has got to be a 10, one because you got new sounds effects, two the mesh's rock and three the textures are amazing! And all of them were well done. :) 8 for useabilty becuase it doesnt fit into citys, egypt or temples all that much. Mostly for the desert or maybe the jungel. Custom textures are a 10, they are well placed, they look great and they make the wolf look so cool! Meshs are also a 10 because they're really good and made the wolf look real! I think this should, without a doubt, be used in a level! If I ever need a wolf, I'll use this one!! Awesome job Golden Dawn!! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(18 Aug 2004 05:43)
by Golden Dawn
Cool, it'll look awesome with Ganzir!!

This object would go great with the Ganzir door object! :D A very original piece of work, I like new items, and this one is wonderful! It's very useable, it can be used vertualy anywhere. Even in an expensive bank building who love them self way to much. (lol..?) Okay never mind about that last part... The quality of the item's textures and meshs are great. I did'nt see any holes and all the textures were well positioned. Textures looked great and made the star mesh look even cooler! The mesh was great! I like the fact that it is a star, it seems very mystical that way. :) Very cool object! Awesome job! :D :D

(18 Aug 2004 05:34)
Puna Qween enemy
by Golden Dawn
jungel madness

Very original, as being a female baddy it even better. The quality of both mesh's and textures is very good. It's useable for any jungle level, or fantasy level. textures are really great, and even more so becase it's an enimey. Mesh's are perfect! I saw no holes in the mesh's. they were very good! :D A realy cool jungel baddy!! :D :D :D

(18 Aug 2004 05:20)
The Rings
by kookee_1223

Hmm, it probibly would have looked better if the flat side was facing the ground. It's original, as far as I know there are no such things as 'Lara jump rings' on the search engine. The quality is low, both because of the texture and the already made mesh. It's no useable for many levels, maybe a sci-fi level, but having Lara jump through them makes it seem like she's a curcus animal. Only my opinion, of course! ;) One texture fills out the hole object, not a very good texture anyway... I'm sorry, but I can't find much positive about this object. :( The mesh is just taken from meta. Maybe your next object will be better. :D

(18 Aug 2004 05:10)
Mutant Lara
by Michiel

This just might be THE most original outfit... EVER!!! :D I'd have to give it a 10 there. Even though it is a rip. ;) Quality is good, the only thing that bothered me was the mesh's. As for useablity, uhh, I think I'd have to give it a 6 because I really can't think of any levels she/it would fit in. You whould have to make a level spusificly for it. Textures, hmm, I think an 8 for that because 1. they are ripped and 2 they are kinda old TR (as expected) looking. Mesh's, well, if they joined together, witch is'nt all that hard, it's be perfect. But they don't, so I decided to give it a 7. ;) A really cool idea, but a vr 2 would be awesome!!! :D

(18 Aug 2004 04:58)
New Shotgun
by Danilo
whew, that's cool!!

The new animations are cool, and I like the fact that it's faster. I tryed doing that with the animation editor, umm, let's just say you did a much better job then I did. :p The mesh is really cool, I really like the tip of it, it looked very nice. Unfortunetly the textures werent so great around the stock area & barel areas (I think I have the right names for them). But for a gun I guess it really is'nt that bad. And the tip and the... umm, bulet holder thingy... well, they looked really cool. (I have no idea what I'm talking about, lol). It's useable it about any level, but I think handguns are a little more useable. The quality is good, only the textures bring it down a little, but the mesh's were perfect. As for originality goes, it's really good, but maybe not a 10. We're starting to get more weapons for Lara now, and large automatics seem to be the common intrest when creating weapons. Over a really cool gun, and I wish I could say more, but as you can tell, I know vertualy nothing about guns. :) But, from what I saw, this is a really cool gun!!! :D :D

(18 Aug 2004 04:45)
by Golden Dawn
As cool as a bull can get! :D

it's original because there arnt many bulls on the le, infact this is the only one I can think of. it has good quality because of good meshs and good textureing. it's not really useable for every situation, but it can be used in an asortment of levels. the textures are about as good as they're ever going to get for a bull enime. the meshs are flawless and look great. A cool bull, I like this one better then the egyptian one. very cool! :D

(18 Aug 2004 04:29)
Avril as baddy
by Golden Dawn
Cool!!! :D

This is very original, female baddys are hard to find, especialy good ones. So I gave origianlity a 10. The quality of the anamations are good even with the new female body, and the meshs are wonderfly fit. So meshs, a 10, and quailty a 9. The reason for quality as a 9 is because of the textures on Avril's outfit. Yes they are very good for a baddy, but I think they could have been a little bit better. :) It's useable in... I'm not sure really, but this baddy is super cool!!!! :D

(18 Aug 2004 01:32)
by Golden Dawn
Wow, that's a big cat!

First of all, this is very original. I've seen alot of Gold cats before on the Search Engine, but this is the first time I've ever seen it move!! :) The animations are great, alot more cat like then the bull animations. The textures are about as good as they're ever going to get, for being a gold cat and all. But I think it's eyes should have been glowing red! The quality is very high, the animations and mesh and textures all together are very impressive. I liked them very much. I saw no holes, no missplaced textures, and all the animations were good. It's useable for a small amont of levels, but it's still very nice! Great job! :D

(18 Aug 2004 01:22)
by Golden Dawn
WEll, it's origianl!

Well, it'll look good in a cassel level, a tomb, a temple. Maybe not a jungel, probiblty not a city and not a water level. I don't know about a home level, it depends an the owner of the home. So useablity is fair. It's very original, I have to say I don't think I've ever seen a hand sicking out of a wall quite like this before! :p The quality is good, no holes and good textures, but I can't quite tell what the arm is supposed to be made out of in surtan lighting. The meshs are good, but it's just and arm and an already made torch. Textures, I've already mentioned most of what there is to say, but they are cool and I can't see it being done any other way. Very cool job, and really original! :D

(18 Aug 2004 01:15)
Walther MPL
by baudabing
Wow, and again I say wow!

^*Drops dead* Oh my gosh, dude, you impressed Slilent Viper!! Silent Viper!! This is a day that'll go down in history!!!! The gun is simply brilliant! I don't think I've ever seen it before, so this is very origianl! A 10! I useualy don't reveiw weapons, becuase I'm not really into them a lot, but this one is awesome and diffentetly got my attention! The way the textures are made, and the meshs are so perfect, the quality is also a 10! The useabilty is a 9, only because it seems ever so slightly un-Lara style. I'm sure it'd go well with the Kurtis outfits though. :) Custom textures would have to be a 10! In my opinion, guns just don't get any better looking then this when it comes to the level editor! Custom Mesh's are a 10 as well, it looks so perfect! I really don't have any real gun to compare it to in like a picture or something, but this is a way cool looking gun! The animations are cool too, being in the slot and being a one gun thing. Very good, and really cool!!!!! This gun rocks! Awesome job! :D :D

(18 Aug 2004 01:03)
4 Horizons
by Golden Dawn

These 4 diffrent horizons can be used almost anywhere. It' got night, rainy looking, temple and evening horizons. But still, it can't really be used in citys and depending on the style, jungel levels might be hard to fit into as well. But still, I gave the useabilty a 9, because there are 4 horizons and only a few places can't fit them. :) It's original to have a pack of horizons, and they are all new and very cool. So I gave the originality a 10. The quality is some what less, because of the textures, I did'nt much like the fact that you could see the places it's been fit together. That also brings the useabilty down to an 8 and the quality an 8. And so being stuck on that number, I thought the way that the textures fit, ahe custom textures should be an 8. Yet still, being 4 difrent horizons, I sure someone can find it very useful! :D

(18 Aug 2004 00:47)
Jeep Wrangler Sport
by baudabing

The first thing I said when I saw this was... WWWWOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!! And I mean it, wow! This is amazing! This should deffinetly be put into the compition (I don't think I'll add my VW now, lol!!)! This is great! The meshs are about at awesome as they can get for a car, they look so perfect! And they fit well too. The textures are just as impressive! I can't belive the quality of this! This is outragously amzing! Yes, I'm easy to impress. :p Originality has got to be a 10. It's the first Jeep like this. It's yellow. It's awesome! Quality has also got to be a 10. Everything fits wonderfly, and looks simply amazing. The meshs are great! Useabilty is a 8 (and a 8 & 1/2 if I could). Even though it's a jeep, because of it's color it can't be used everywhere, but almost. This'll look great in a city. Won't be too good on the stealth thing. and I can't see this jeep trucking down into a tomb. But as you said the color can be changed to fit into a level. :) Custom textures are 10, for a car these textures have got to be the best I've ever seen! And just look at the wheels! Awesome! Custom meshs are also a 10, just one look and you're won over. They are all perfect and look great! I know this will be used for levels, for like, ever! :p :D :D :D AWESOME JOB!!!!!! :D

(18 Aug 2004 00:36)
Showing 241 to 255 of 485 reviews
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