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Interests: TRLE, Music, Art, Film, Languages
Birthday: 29 Mar 1990
Gender: f
Showing 226 to 240 of 485 reviews
Basic Blue
by C/y
Wow, your geting so good!

Wow, this is very cool! :D I love blue, it's my favorite color! The shorts are very original, but the shirt looks alot like one of your summer outfits. It's diffrent enough to capture it's own style though! I desided to give it a 10 because it's very uniquely done. (The shorts are extreamly original!) Quality is very high. The meshs all fit wonderfly, the textures are well rotated and they are very well placed. I gave it a 10, everything looks in order. Useabity is lower then the other ratings. It's because of sevral things, one being the outfit is blue. Blue is nice and looks very cool, but it means it can't really fit into Tomb levels, Temples or Jungels. THe fact that it is a shorts outfit means it can't fit into the arctic eather. But don't feel bad, it can fit into citys, beach's and Lara's home levels. I gave it a 7, I would have given it a 7 & a '1/2 if I could. ;) Textures are great! The blue for the shirt is good, this is much better then a bland color it's got detail. The shorts are very cool! They're almost a camo style yet very diffrent. It's very cool, I love it!! :D I gave textures a 10. (the shoes are also really cool.) Mesh's are also a 10. The hair is awesome both for the braid and the head mesh, very cool! The blet is very nicely detailed. Is the chest mesh new? It looks good! The boots' mesh is also a nice addition. :) Very cool outfit, your geting so good at making outfits! Wow! Awesome job!!!!! And I mean it! :D

(19 Aug 2004 21:00)
Gunpack 6
by Silent Viper
More then wow! Beyond the words of wow! :p

My favorite weapon of this pack is the Remington M870 Marinemagnum, that looked way cool! The barel is so cool, I like that one alot! The texures for it were good and the mesh was wonderful. (I used to have a mini toy of this gun, I think I sold it to buy music though. o.0) The Pancor jackhammer was my second favorite, it has great textures, they're a litle bit dark, but bright textures on a gun would be weird, so it looks good the way it is. Part of it looked a bit bloocky, but hardly noticable. MP5 Navy weapon is cool, it seems odd in shade, I don't think I've seen a gun quite like this before. Don't get me wrong, this gun is very cool. But not quite as good as the first two that I mentioned. It's textures are detailed, and the mesh reminds me of something from the first TR movie. The other Navy MP5 is cool, but looks alot like the other MP5's in this pack. It's long and has a stock, I thought that was pretty original. The textures also resembled the other MP5 as well. Short MP5 was like the other, yes I mentioned that. But I liked this one better for some reason. I think it's textures are slightly better on the stock and I like smaller weapons. Only my opinion though ;) -Originality: 9. Why? There are five guns and they have never been made before. There are gun packs, just there is not as many weapons as there are outfits. -Quality: 10. Why? The textures for all the guns are perfectlt placed and the mesh's are just as impressive. -Useablity: 10. Why? In any level you have, there has got to be a gun that would fit your level. With the exception of underwater levels and young Lara levels. -Custom textures: 10. Why? Duh, they're like, perfect! :p But they are really good, Gun pack 8 has the best textures, but for a weapon, these are really, really good! -Custom Meshs: 10. Why? They're very well done, and they probibly took a very long time to get them to look that close to perfection! I love it! :D The only thing I missed was seeing any handguns in this pack, those are my favorites. But all the guns in this pack are perfect and look great. I hope someone read this reveiw even though it's a little bit long, but I'm just making up for the lack of reveiws made by.. no one... In my opnion, this pack... ROCKS!!! :D Download it!!!! :D :D :D

(18 Aug 2004 22:11)
Winter Jacket
by Danilo

WWWWWOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!! This is top 10 worthy!! The textures are AMAZING! the meshs are AWESOME! Wow!! This is the best light whieght snow suit ever! This is very original, a light whieght jacket has'nt been done before, neather has the color of the jacket. It's extreamly good in quality, the textures and meshs are as perfect as they can possible get, well, for now anyway. The usability is the only thing that is not a 10. Even though it's for arctic, it can also be used in any type of cold level. For example, city, (or a snow covered jungle?) or a snowy Lara's home level. The textures are ace, the pants look like they are riped from TR6 and heavaily modifed. The jacket is awesome, best textures I've seen on an outfit in quite a while! Maybe the best textures ever for a jacket! :D The head mesh is perfect, and looks very new Lara style. It still remains classic looking, yet very 2004. :) The holsters are cool, very aod style, but really cool. The end of the sleves are 3d and very cool, the area around the neck on the jacket is also very nice. The thinker boots look like Lara found the right shoes to go in the snow with. Before her shoes were way to thin, her feet would have gotten cold, but this is done right. The long braid is nice. And the pants mesh is cool too! The only thing I have to sugest is giveing the shoes some shoe laces, but that's no big thing. This outfit is next to perfect! Awesome job!!!!! :D :D I wish you luck in geting top 10! :)

(18 Aug 2004 20:10)

Hmm, needs some work, but this is one of your first outfits, I know that, and with everyones first outfits look strange. (Except for Mr Nice Guy and Slient Viper, but they're perfect, duh! :p ) It's not very original because this is the fourth Beffy outfit. The quality is kind low because of the textures and simple meshs. It's not treible useable because of the lack of quality and the red pants are hard to fit into a level. The textures, well, they could had been one solid color, so it's good that it is a texture and not a color. But it could have been better. And they eyebrows looked, umm, weird and the hair was a little to brightly shaded. The pants mesh was good, but it really could use a belt or something. As one of your first outfits, it's expectable for odditys. But your new outfits rock!! :D

(18 Aug 2004 19:41)
by C/y

A very TR3 outfit! I love those olies, but it dose bring down the quality and the meshs, unfortunetly. This is original buy textures, meshs not so much for orignalality. Quality is ok, but like I said before about the TR3 meshs, brings it down a tad. And the textures do too a little. It's useable in only arctic, that's one down side to making arctic outfits. The mesh's are nice, but again, TR3 (Minus the head, it's TR5). The texture were ok, the jacket was good, but maybe a little bit over used, but well placed. The pants textures could use some work though. The idea and style is awesome! I love the look and feel of it, (and the gray shoes were cool, too... lol) Maybe a little work here and there, and TR4 meshs might have been better. But I liked it and I hope it gets used in a level. :D Good job!! ;)

(18 Aug 2004 19:34)
I love all the RE objects!!!

Ccccooooollllll!!!!! I love it!! :D The texture quality is awesome! It looks super cool! It's original, new cubords are always welcome, and RE cubords are even more so! It's useable in city levels, Resident Evil levels (Of course) and even in offices or bulidings located in a jungel or anywhere else. Just not in tombs, that won't looks very good. :p Textures are ace, they all look great, and all perfectly placed. The mesh for it was really cool, I think that this is the smallest cubord on the SE, but it makes sense to have a smaller one then those big one's from TRC. Very cool and very good. When I get my PC fixed I'm makeing a RE level, I think I'll deffinetly use this in it!!! :D Awesome work!!! :D :D :D

(18 Aug 2004 19:26)
Kill Bill Baddy
by lara-carter

This is the best female baddy, but I still do like Golden Dawns baddys. The textures are great, only that's what makes it un-usealbe. It might work in a city level if all the civilians are wareing birght clothing. Textures are perfect, and are all well rotated. I think the hair texture was a little too big in the WAD though. This is deffinetly very original, there are only about 4 female baddys on the search engine, so this is very original. The meshs are great, I really liked the head, it was very cool! I saw no holes in it, very good quality all the way around. :D Great job!! :D

(18 Aug 2004 19:13)
Ooo! I like it!!!

A good, useable head mesh. It's very messy, but that's why I like it. :) That bangs are very good, and the messy ponytail is cool. It has good quality meshs, no holes, very good looking, too. It's a 9 in useabilty because some prefure the braid heads and this also wont work for guy outfits. ;) It's fairly original, but this has been use before in one of your outfits and there are already messy hair heads (But I think this one is the best ;) ). The mesh is perfect, I love the way it looks, awesome work!!! :D

(18 Aug 2004 19:06)
Dark Star
by C/y
Awww, so many cute little outfits...

Originality is a 9 because this looks alot like the flowers outfit (Also buy C/y). Quality is a 9 as well because the jeen textures looked slaped on. But if they were rotated better they'd look perfect. ;) Useablity is an 8 because it's casual and can't be used in the typeical Tomb style levels. Textures are a 8 because the jean textures were'nt yours, the shirt texture looked like the flower outfit a bit. But the hair texture was cool. Mesh's were good, I loved th head, and the pants mesh was very cool. Over all a nice pretty casual outfit, good for Lara's home level or a city level. Good job, I thought it was very cute! :D

(18 Aug 2004 19:02)
Red Night Horizon
by MrNiceGuy
Woo, lightning!!!

Keith, Mr Nice Guy made this for you and that's all you can say? :p Well, the lightning is incredible! I was just thinking that we needed a horizon with lightning! It's just a rip, but the lightning is original for the search engine, so I desided to give it a 10. The quality is also a 10, it works perfectly and looks gorgous! It's not as useable as some of Mr Nice Guy's other horizons, being night and a bloody red color. Still, I gave it an 8, because Tomb Raider levels seem to match the red look. None of the textures or meshs are custom, so I kept them out of the rating. ;) A very nice horizon, and really, really cool! Great job! :D :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(18 Aug 2004 18:55)
by Girt by Sea
I wanna use this for my level some day! :)

It's orginal because.. well, this is the first of it's kind. And the fact that Lara can walk on it it very cool! The quality of the meshs are textures are perfect. I saw no holes in the meshs and all the textures looked very nicely placed. It's only useable for areas with deep water, so that kind of takes down the useabilty a little. The custom textures are very, very good. They look just like a walk way, and the wood is very cool looking. Thw meshs are also ace, they fit well with the edge of the block to the object. and it looks great! Awesome job!! :D

(18 Aug 2004 18:47)
Condition Zero SAS
by Silent Viper
Wow, now that guy looks cool!

This is much better looking then the original SAS guys! The only down side to these guys compared to the original is that they are less useable. They're outfit textures limet it to the Desert, because it'd look strange to have these guys in a city, where as the original fit perfectly into a city inviorment. But hey, it's nearly impossible to have an outfit/object that can fit into every inviorment. ;) But it is original, and of much better quality then the first SAS that comes with the LE. The meshs were good, I really like the gas mask on the one guy. The packs are cool, and the heads are well done. The textures are ace, I'm amazed of they're quality! They look great, I have'nt seen many enimys with the textures this good! Wow! Amazing work! :D

(18 Aug 2004 18:41)
Tr1 Damokles trap
by Golden Dawn
Cool falling sword!!! :D

Two of these were just added to the Search Engine, but this was the first one, so I give it fairly good origianlity, but it's also a rip, so I gave originality an 8. Quality is good, however I was'nt very taken buy the textures, they could maybe use some more shine effect on the blade or something. It's useable for Roman levels, Greek, temples and cassels. But not for citys, and I don't think it'd look all that good in an egyptian tomb. As I said before the textures were'nt really -> wow. No, they were just okay. But something could have been sdded to make it look a little bit better. But I've seen worse textures before, so I am thankful it dose have this kind of quality ;) The meshs are good, but ripped. So I'm not sure how to rate them. The falling animation is cool and works well. It looks very creepy just hanging there. A cool job, and I think it was well done! :D

(18 Aug 2004 18:30)
carnivorous plant
by lara-carter
Man eating plant... just an avrage day for Lara Croft...

I also think it would have looked better being planted in the ground. But that's ok, this still looks cool. It's very original, being a carnivorous plant. I don't think we've had any of those before. The quality is good, but I did'nt much care for the snake animations. It's pretty much only useable for jungel levels or a BioDome-ish level (Like in TR6). I was'nt very impressed with the textures, they seemed bland and at first I thought it was a sun ordament on a snakes head. Then to my surprise, I figured out it was a man eating plant. o.0 The meshs are okay, but like I said with the textures, it's a little bit hard to figure out what it is. Still though, a very good idea, maybe with a few tweaks it's look perfect. :D

(18 Aug 2004 18:22)
Custom Blue Shark
by dannyx_nr
Cool fishie!

Well it's nice, but I'm not blown away. Yet indeed it is the best shark we have on the search engine. It's original, most enimy creators do not do sharks. The quality is as good as it can get, all the other sharks look bad, this looks good in both meshs and textures. It's only useable where water is, and not all places with water the shark can be used in. For example, a pool or creek. The textures are about as good as it gets for a shark. They were well placed and looked very shark style. The meshs were the best part, the 3D teeth were pretty impressive. The new head looked very good, and the tail was cool. A very nice shark and the best one yet on the search engine. :D Good job! :D

(18 Aug 2004 18:10)
Showing 226 to 240 of 485 reviews
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