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Location: Right here!
Interests: TRLE, Music, Art, Film, Languages
Birthday: 29 Mar 1990
Gender: f
Showing 211 to 225 of 485 reviews
by Golden Dawn
Wow, cool!!!!!

I've been looking through the SE for objects to put in my Resident Evil levels, and I think I have found a perfect enimy for my first level! The originalty (Not counting the two other versions, also by Golden Dawn) is very high. This is probibly the best dog enimy, even if there are alot out to chose from. Quality is high!!! The textures are ace and the meshs are perfect. The anaimation was nice to have too. For a creppy level and all sorts of TR levels, it's really very useable. Textures are great, the blood a guts textures are perfect. :p The fur also looks nice. Meshs are ace, the bones are amazingly well done! Very cool job, I'm defently useing this!!! :D :D :D

(25 Aug 2004 20:26)
RE2 Policeofficer Zombie
by Silent Viper
Cool!!!! But still the pukeing soundeffect?

Ewww yucky, but very cool! :p Original, yeah, but there are zombies on the Search Engine. Though I think this one is probibly the best. ;) Quality is good, the textures were creppy (In a good way), but they could have been rotated better. The mesh's were a little blocky but not very noticable for being a crazed Zombie who sounds like he's pukeing. 0.o If you need a zombie, this one will probibly do the best and is a very useable zombie dude. The only thing that might not fit with TR is the Resident Evil style. But it's not a huge thing. Textures were good, except some could have been better rotated. But it really did'nt look all that bad, and the rest of the textures were very good. Meshs were good too, but they looked kind of typical baddy style mesh's. A good zombie, probibly the best one so far. I'm planing on useing this in the forth level on my Tomb Raider Level editor RE game. :D

(25 Aug 2004 20:12)
Lion Fountain
by Piega

This is very pretty! It will look good in many typical Tomb Raider themed levels. So it's useability is high. We have no fountans that look like this, so originality is high. Quality is good, the textures are perfect on the object, only the water looked odd at some angles. But that's hardly noticable. All textures are good, except that one small thing I mentioned. Meshs are great! But the 'Lion' doesnt look like a Lion. It almost looks like a... hog, or something. But that's not a big deal. ;) [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(25 Aug 2004 19:51)
by xavier34000

This is original because of the logo, the colors and style. The onlyt hing that is'nt original is the head, I did'nt much like it, but you did'nt make it so I won't count it aganst you. Quality is very high. Textures on the pants could have been a little bit better if you're trying for perfection, but realisticly this outfit has very good quality for textures. Meshs that you made all looked good and fit well. For a jeans outfit, it's very useable. Comparing it to other jean outfits it's ONE OF the best, but maybe not THE best. Textures are good, the pants were very cool. The shirt was saved from being plan buy the logo. Mesh's were well made, and they looked very nice, I saw nothing wrong with them. In all this is a very cool outfit! I'd like to see it used in a level someday! :D

(25 Aug 2004 19:43)
Shatterable computer
by cornchild

I'm guessing you get frustrated with computers? :p Well this is original, an exploding computer! lol. We don't have much of any shootalbe objects here, much less a computer then you can break (For free even!). Quality is good, only I think that the keyboard could use some textures. And the mesh had no holes (Till blown up). There are really no other computer's to compare this to sence there are no there PC's on the Search Engine. So, if you need a computer this is the one to get (If you want to be able to shoot it). Again, I think the keyboard need textures, but the inside of the PC had very good textures! I like this computer! Meshs were good, and once blown up it's still really cool. :) :p

(25 Aug 2004 19:36)
Oriental Lara
Better, and very pretty!

The jeans are not very original but they do have good quality. The shirt is very original, I don't think I've ever seen a shirt like this before! :D Quality is ace, meshs fit well and I saw no holes. Textures for the pants were great, and very well rotated. Out of any other oriental outfit, this would be the one to chose! So I gave originalty a high rating. Pants textures are fab!! ;) and the pockets look good. The only little thing I didi'nt much like on the jeans was that it somehow made het bum look a tad bit large. But that's not a big deal and hardly noticable. The backpack textures were good, and the shirt textures were very pretty!! The only thing I did'nt much like on the shirt was the worn spots. Yes it's very TR6 style, but it doesnt look natural. But the rest of the shirt is very pretty. The head was ok, I saw nothing bad about it, but I was'nt won over buy it eather. Over all, a pretty outfit that works good in oriental or city levels, good meshs and nice textures. :)

(25 Aug 2004 19:18)
Angel of Darkness

Honestly, this is not original and the quality is low. Originality goes low because it's another AOD outfit, and if an aod outfit is needed Deskj's AOD line or MNG's AOD line would be first pick. Quality is low because of the textures, the shirt mesh went from dark grey to a very lite color very quickly, and did'nt look very good. As for the mesh qquality, the knee joint looked bad when runing. I did'nt see any other glithes, but aparently MNG saw more then I did. When this is compared to other aod outfits, it just doesnt look very good. And even when only being compared to aod outfits, it can't be used much. As mentioned before, the shirt textures were'nt very good, and the pokets looked odd. I also think that the shorts were longer then the one's in TR6. The shoes were nice. But when playing this outfit, you don't go, 'oo the shoes are good!'. I'm not even going to go into the head, but it at least looked more 3D then the original. Bottom line, it has glitches, not very good textures, if you want a AOD outfit Desk & MNG have good ones. I have nothing agenst the author, my reveiw is my opinion on the outfit, I'm just not very impressed with the quality of this outfit.

(25 Aug 2004 19:07)
by joontje
Better then before, but not very real looking

Well it's original, I have to give high rating for that. And the textures were very new. Quality was not so great, but not bad. Some of the meshs fit, but they did'nt look quite right together. You also forgot credits. The textures were good, in my opinion, but they were very oldly placed. For example, the dark blue at the top of the pants, then it go's lite blue- dark blue- lite blue - then Purple! It's good in originality, but it won't really fit in many levels. And texture quality goes down a tad. It's very fantasy styled. The bare feet did'nt quite match the outfit... It's still one of your best, your three most recent outfits have gotten better then your first. It's getting better, good job!! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(25 Aug 2004 18:50)
Animating computer
by cornchild

Aww, a happy computer! :) Well, this is original, I don't think I've ever thought of trigering a working computer. Very cool idea! The mesh's quality is very high, I saw no problems. The mesh for the computer worked great, only it looked like a very old computer. The anamtaing textures are good but it really needed something more realistic for the keyboard. They're are keyboard textures that can be riped from TR6, that would have looked really good on it. It can fit in more then 25% of the TR style levels, but maybe not as much as 50%. It's look good in offices and home levels, or in a city level. Hey even base's. Just not the whole Tombs, Temple, Castel and jungel thing. Maybe a 45%. ;) I would deffinty recomend this for any happy level that needs a computer. :) [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(25 Aug 2004 18:38)
Russian Soldier
by Silent Viper

Being a Russian is very original to the Search Engine! I like Russians, I know a few, but I'd never want to live there. Anyway, Originality is at it's highest. Both being Russian and the over all style of the baddy is very new. The texture quality is very good, they were not plan and they were nicely detailed. That's one thing I enjoy most out of all of Silent Viper's work, it always has a surten realistic quality to it. The mesh's quality were also just as impressive! If baddy's got anymore detailed we would have to upgrade Lara to keep her ahead. :p Oh, and I saw no holes, no glitches, not a singel miss placed texture, all very good. :) As for usablity, the deffinition of this has been changing alot at the moment. The only thing that would keep this baddy from geting used in a level might be the snow on his shoes. But it just looks so cool, it's be hard to get rid of it!! I gave it a 9, but I'd give it a 9 & a 1/2 if I could. ;) Textures, I mentioned most of the textures and such under quality and useablity. But over all the textures are very well done, not plan and they all fit well. Same for mesh's really, they have no holes and look very good. The gun he carries looks like something he took from Lara. :p The hat and coat are very cool, I like the way they were done. I like it very much, I'm amazed at the quality you have put into this enimy! It's awsome, a good baddy for levels, and a must have for any snow/cold level! :D

(25 Aug 2004 18:29)
by xavier34000
A little work maybe, but pretty good!! :D

Ahhh, this is much better then your first. :) You used and modifyed sevral meshs, witch is good, and you gave credits were they were do. Originality has got to go down a tad because it looks both like your first and like TRangels outfits. But it is diffrent enough to give it it's own good style. I gave originality an 8. (Another reason being the jeans, alot of outffits have jeans) Quality for the meshs are good, but the textures for the jeans are not ver well rotated. No biggy there. But I gave the quality an 8 as well because the jeans texture needs to be rotated and the head mesh is TRangels trademark thing. ;) Useabilty is an 8. The jean textures bring it down a tad, the cool but possible less useable shirt brings it down a little too. It can't be used in the arctic, and probibly not tombs or a temple. But this would look great in Lara's home level, a city level, probibly a jungel level and a AOD style level. Textures for jeans were not so good, but the shirt was very cool! I gave textures a 9 because they're not perfect, but the shirt is diffenetly unique and looks well thought out. Mesh's is a 9, I'm counting for the ones that you made. The ones you made were well done. I liked the shoes, they rock! They were all good, but hopefuly a new head mesh for your next outfit. I'm amazed at the rate that you have learned to create good meshs, I hope to see more of them soon. Good job! :D

(20 Aug 2004 18:37)

The high poly head is a cool idea. But the hat really did'nt need that many polygons. In game high poly stuff can make the game run slower every time it loads. And in game the hair bit looks like it goes through the eyelash. So some of those things bring down Quality and being a modified version of the TRC head brings it down some in Originality. It's only useable for Arctic pretty much, so that limets it. But the mesh is good, and adding the 3D lips is cool. :) A good job, maybe not very useable though ;)

(19 Aug 2004 22:40)
Pretty good. ;)

Well, nothing really new but bringing back the TR5 catsuit to a TR3 look is cool. Origianlity is ok, it's a catsuit so that takes it down a little and the fact that it's the TR5 catsuit (but changed to TR3) makes it even lower. I gave it a 7. Quality is good but old meshs arnt very good, I really don't know what else to say. Useabilty is kinda low both because it's a catsuit and TR3 meshs. I did'nt mention any of the other ratings. I think a very good idea, I just wish I could rate it higher.( My favorite outfit by Keith is Sonya, you've gotta download that!) Your new outfits are cool, this one was just kind of a bonus or something. :) ;)

(19 Aug 2004 21:52)
by xavier34000
Oh here we go again...

Wow hey man, this is TRangel's trademark thing! Has anyone ever taken anything of yours and got the credit for it? Well, it's not oringinal. This is a take a slap on something outfit. This is a diffently a taken outfit from TRangel. And even if was all your meshs, ect. the originality would be down because of the AOD style and the type of jeans she has are getting kinda old. Quality is way down, her hips look messed up because some of her pants have shine effect and some don't. And the fact that you used none of your own meshs. It's ok to use other peoples meshs, but this is all of TRangels meshs that he released less then a day before this outfit. Just shows how short of a time you worked on this outfit. :( As for useability, it would have been a lot more useable if the shine effect was'nt there. Another thing is her shirt, it looks odd near the arms, it needs sleve's or something to make it look softer around the edges. I did'nt rate these, but I did want to mention them: The textures are ok, but as I said before, the shine effect makes the pants look bad and the shirt needs some work around the edges. The meshs, I saw one new mesh, I don't know who made it but you could see Lara's leg through it. Better luck next time :)

(19 Aug 2004 21:37)
Ready for Fall
Nice pants, noughty shirt

Originailty is ok but this style of outfit has been done before. The pants are cool but I have seen it many times before. Same with the holsters. I like the outfit, but she needs something new to stand above the rest. To look like no other oufit, to boldly go where no other outfit was gone before! Quality is good. Pants textures are very well placed and even though I did'nt like the shirt the textures were rotated really good. The meshs had no holes, and they looked nice. Useabilty.. Hmmm. This can go in a jungel, temple, city, home level and maybe even a tomb. The only thing it can't go in is an arctic level and a water level. Textures are really good on the jeans. The faded effect is very cool. The hair is nice to, but the shorter braid is'nt as pretty as the longer one. The only texture I did'nt like was the chest, it looks like she diper her chest in bleach. I mean that's the first thing you notice on this outfit. o.0 The meshs for the head is cool, I don't know why people make it such a big deal weather the head's on your outfits are perfect or not. It's a matter of opinion. The backpack is classic but she might have looked better with a black backpack. It would match the pants better then brown and make it look like the outfit was meant to go together. But I must say that the brown and green together does make it look like a fall outfit. The belt is cool, I like the way the starps for the holsters join closer together then the old belt. A very nice outfit, really cool. The only thing I did'nt like was the chest textures. But other then that this outfit looks really cool. Great job! :D

(19 Aug 2004 21:23)
Showing 211 to 225 of 485 reviews
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