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Location: Right here!
Interests: TRLE, Music, Art, Film, Languages
Birthday: 29 Mar 1990
Gender: f
Showing 196 to 210 of 485 reviews

Original: This is a second version so I guess that brings down the rating a tiny bit. But a Julie outfit is rare, in fact you're the only one to make her, witch is really original! Quality: All of the meshes were fixed in this version, and the textures are as great as ever! Everything worked well, there were no more holes and all of the textures seemed perfectly placed! :) Useable: I have to disagree with some who say the new charcters arn't useable. It's true that they arn't useable in every typical tomb raiding event, but I think they deserve more then a 6. I mean, this character is being used in a level, so that has to count for something! :D Custom textures: I loved the eye textures! C/y ALWAYS makes the most awesome eye textures. :D The faded jeans was also very, very cool! The boot strap textures looked alot like my Elisa textures, I love that style, I guess that's why I've used stuff like that. I guess it's kind of Final Fantasy-ish. A least that's what it reminds me of. :) The shirt texture was not plain, but not detailed eather. It was a nice mix and looked great!! The hair was also very cool, it reminded me of TR6. :) Custom meshes: The hair was great!! I love the litle hair bits that she has, very cool! The boots were really nice too. I like the way that you made them, they looked awesome! I think you've used them before on one of your basic outfits (?). But it just seems more notacible in this outfit. The only thing that I did'nt like all the much was the shirt mesh, the textures were great, but it just seems a little bit too open or something. But that is a matter of opinion, and nothing was wrong with it, so it won't cause the rating to go down. It was still good though! :D Awesome job!!! :D :D :D

(13 Sep 2004 04:39)
Cool!!! :D

Original: There are medi pack replacements, but this is the first Silent Hill medi pack so it gives it some more originality, but maybe not a perfect 10. ;) Quality: Textures are nice, especially for a medi pack. But again, maybe not a 10, even thought it is nice. The meshes had no holes and all of the textures were pefectly placed! Useable: Medi packs are used in level you can find (for the LE)! So this is deffinelty useable, the typical medi packs might be a little more practical. But even if it's Silent Hill style, it's still very useable. :) Custom textures: They are good, I like the small medi pack the best. It has the best textures. It's a little plain, but for a medical pack that useualy doesnt get looked at in the game, this is pretty good. Great job! I love it!! :D

(11 Sep 2004 18:41)
by Golden Dawn

Originality: There is Brian Croft & Von Croy for this slot. But this is the first, modern guy! And he looks great! I think it's pretty original. There is only one other 'Custom' character, but this one is fully clothed. And it's the first in quite a while. Quality: From the screenshot it looks okay texture wise, and mesh's look pretty good. But when you download it and really look at it, WOW! You have got to see it yourself. :) The mesh's are great, no holes, just perfect! The textures are wonderful, I did'nt see any missplaced textures. Very good! Useability: This is surtenly better then Von croy, in my opinion, when it comes to useability in a city. Von Croy pretty much only works in young lara levels and the tombs. Ray can work in city levels wonderfuly, and jungels and stuff. And for a city level, he's really the only one to pick from. Good thing this one is awesome!! Textures: The pants textures are... WOW! I was'nt expecting that good of quality in textures, at least for the jeans. They could be used on Lara too. The shirt is the only thing bringing down the textures, it was pretty plan. But I mean, how detailed can black get? So I don't think it matters, but it does count for something I suppose. But the jean textures are good. And the face is really nice, too. I think it looks better then all of the guys on the SE so far! :D Meshes: Good! Very, very good!! The pants are pretty baggy seeing them seprately, in StripX, but in-game it fits perfectly. Things look exagerated in StipX sense you can't copare them to the rest of the character in-game. The head mesh great, very detailed. Everything fit well and was awesome! Great job!!!!!

(11 Sep 2004 01:22)
Yellow flowers
by MissKroft
wow, nice plant

Original: Like golden dawn said, this is the first flower object. Quality: textures are wonderful, and the meshs are awesome. I saw no holes in the object and there were no problems with the textures. all good. Useable: this can mainly be used in city levels, but it can also be used in jungels, with a little modifying. and for a city level this can almost surtenly be used. Custom textures: The leaf/grass looked very realistic, and it was very well done. Custom meshes: the whole object was very detailed and had alot of polygons. it was perfect. Awesome job! :D

(08 Sep 2004 02:46)
Silent Hill Textures
by Tomb Raider Fan
I used these!!!

Original: These are the first Silent Hill texture on this site, and I belive the very first out of any catagory to have the silent hill style. Quality: Some of the textures seemed blury or taken from a jpeg picture. But others looked like they were taken from the game and were very good! :D Useable: I used this as a background for taking screenshots of my Silent Hill3 Heather outfit. I also used a few of these textures in my new Resident Evil level. So for me I was able to use these textures quite a bit, but they might not be sutable for every situation that Tomb Raider Lara will incounter. Custom textures: Pretty much already said in the quality discription. Most are good, but some, like the green tiles, they looked to blury in some lighting. I used these and very much appreciate it being open for download to anyone. It's a great job, Thanks! :D

(06 Sep 2004 21:46)
by Danilo
Pretty good!! :D

-We do have a few uzi's on the SE, but not many. And I don't think we have any uzi's modeled after the ones from Max Payne. -Quality is very good, I saw no holes, and textures were pefectly placed. -Pretty much any weapon (Other then laser pistols) can be used anywhere in any inviorment. -Textures looked very good and much better then the original TR uzi. But yet they don't look quite perfect. They look old, they do look better then the TR one though. -Mesh's were very cool, I like the part on the end of the weapon. The clips look cool too. :) A nice gun, and it would look good in any level! :D

(05 Sep 2004 22:36)
Green AoD
by C/y
Cool! :D

This really doesnt look like a AOD outfit, maybe a mix of AOD and the original. I think it's originality is higher then the other 'AOD' outfits here. The textures are good, they have very nice details. Not overly detailed, just much better then plain. ;) Mesh's are good, I saw no holes. Witch is also bringing up quality as well as good ratings in meshs. They looke really nice, I especialy liked the head mesh. :D Like Lara's outfits from the offical games, this one can be in many invorments. And compared to other AOD outfits this one can be used just as much as any other. :) A really great outfit! I can see this one being used in a level!! Awesome job!!! :D :D :D

(05 Sep 2004 22:25)
Desert Ranger
by Danilo
Nice gun, big pickup

It's not completly original being an AOD gun, but it's the first I've seen of this type (I think). So it's still pretty good in originality. The textures on this gun are awesome!! They are perfect, I think it should be put in the compitition! :) I liked the shine effect on the barel, that looks cool. Quality: I was thinking about useing this in my level, infact I had put it in my wad. But when I placed it and then tested it.. Well, the gun object that Lara's picks up is Huge! It go's from one foot to beond the other foot when she stands near it! But when she picks it up it looks normal in the iventory and in her hand. If I'm going to use it in my level I'll have to make the pick up smaller. The mesh's were good, I thought that the handel coulld have been longer and the bar around the trigger rounder. But those are very small details. I liked the chocking park of the gun, most guns don't have that (on the SE) and this one's was done perfectly!! It's uaeable in practicly anywhere, all guns are (Well maybe not a laser plasma pistol or something...). I like it, and it was very nicely done! :D

(03 Sep 2004 00:14)
Fast Food Pack 2
by TifaNazah
COOL!! This is so cute!!!

This is so cute!!!! I can imagine it being used in city levels. Walk into McD's and snatch a bag and coke off the table (Please not off the floor Lara, that's grose! :p ). There are other Fast food pick-ups (Also by this author) witch brings down the originality down one point, but it's not that big of a deal. It's really cool, and very cute! Quality of the textures and meshs are perfect! The mesh's are simple but look great!! And the textures are very nicely done, they look just like the ones in MCdonalds. Great job!! :D

(03 Sep 2004 00:05)
:D :D :D COOL!!!

When I first saw this outfit I thought maybe Deskj made it, wow, C/y you are geting so awesomely good at making outfits!! Original: It IS a catsuit, but having the theme of a spy is cool, but not it's not completly new still. Quality: Because her shine textures on her legs looks weird in fog it dose barely bring it down. But other then that everything on this outfit is so perfect! I love the other shine textures too. Everything was well placed and I saw no holes. Useable: For a spy or stealth level, this is perfect! The only thing that might have made it more useable would bve if it have holsters. Custom textures: The black textures are kind of basic, but the shine textures are cool. Only in fog, the shine textures on her legs looked a little weird. The shine texture near her neck was very cool, I like it. The belt was very nicely done, and added extra style to this outfit. Custom meshes: I like the head, it's really cool! It's very detailed and looks very much like a spy. Yet it still resembles the TRC catsuit. ;) Great outfit! A good outfit for any stealth level, I definetly recomend it!! :D

(02 Sep 2004 23:45)
by MissKroft
:D :D :D

Original: The hat really looks very cute, and that's also what gives this outfit originality. Quality: All of the textures were placed well, I saw no hole, and no miss placed textures. Useable: For a cute outfit or a summer outfit, this is very useable. The only thing that might make it not so useable for a summer level would be the hat. But for a summer outfit used in a summer level, this really fits in pretty good. Custom textures: The white and pink textures are very simple, the hat textures are good. But pretty much everything else looks a little plain. But it gives it a surten cute soft look about it. I would'nt have it any other way. Custom meshes: The hat rests nicely on Lara's head, In stripX it looks a little strange when you look at her from the under side. But it could never be seen in game, and it did'nt look bad in stripx, just a little odd. A very nice summer outfit, very cute a it has a really soft look about it. :D Great job!! :D

(01 Sep 2004 04:20)
Blue Mood-Outfit
by MissKroft
Reveiw 300!!!! :D

Originalty: The hat and new mid length flare shorts make this outfit unique. Though some of the other outfits by this author look similar to this one, it should'nt effect the rating turmendisly. Textures: The texture on the rim of the shorts are very cool. The texture for the hat is also very good, probibly the best textures on this whole outfit. The only texture I did'nt like was the part of the shirt where is opened up near the neck. I made Lara looks like Lara's chest has been pushed up very un-naturaly. But this is only in the front, and when play it is not noticable. I also thought that the straps were a little bit too thin, but not a big deal, I still liked it. Useability: As a casual outfit, it can be used almost as much as any other. The only thing that brings down the useability as a casual outfit is probibly the hat. The hat brings up originality but brings down useability a little. And also the fact that her outfit is blue (My favorite color) it might make it harder to fit into a level. Quality: All of the mesh's look great and had no holes, the textures were a little plain again but they were rotated well. Mesh's: The hat mesh is great, and rides well on Lara's head. The rolled up sleve's are a nice touch. and the new flare pants is cool too. 3D socks would have also looked good on her outfit, but I won't downrate it for something it did'nt have. ;) Over all a really nice outfit. And I'm glad to see her hair long again. :)

(27 Aug 2004 03:06)

Originality: The short ponytail, young-Lara-ish shorts and the flower is what brings up the originality. It's a very pretty casual design, and very feminin. The flower is main reason why it has good originality. But without the flower it looks like many other casual outfits. So this outfit is somewhere bettwen 7-9 in originality. Quality: I saw no holes, and even though the textures a plain (Shorts, shoes) they were well rotated. Useabilty: Compared to other casual outfits this can be used almost as much as any other. It's very pretty, but the flower might make it ever so slightly less useable then the avrage casual outfit. Textures: The shorts textures probibly would have looked better if they were more detailed. If the young Lara shorts textures have been use that may have given it a tad bit more quality to the textures. The flower texture is perfect, and very cute. The shoes could've also used some work, and would have been beter if they wernt the same texture as the pants. The shirt texture is pretty and it dose have more detail then the pants. Mesh's: Mesh's are perfect, they have no holes and they look very good. There are really no new meshs except for the head, witch looks very nice. The ponytail is very cute, but I must admit that it looked very C/y style. This outfit doesnt blow me away, but it's not bad. A good casual outfit for city or home levels. The only thing I would sugest is making slightly better textures. ;)

(27 Aug 2004 02:47)
Author Reply
Hi Trinity :-) Many thanks for the nice review! But the ponytail is really my mesh ;-) Miss Kroft


As being a remake it brings down the originality a little, and there have been outfit like this before. Quality is at it's highest, the meshs are pefectly made and all of the textures are rotated great. All of the texture slots were pretty well sized so it can fit well into a good sized wad. It's useable for many TR levels, Jugels, or others like home levels. Compared to the the other remakes and even the original this outfit stands above the rest. The textures are very good, but the shirt looks like it's eather very soft, washed with a dark load of clothes or she has a black top underneath the top. But it's much better then plan white, it looks very good the way it is. The shorts are also very impressive. I like the deep green colors used on the shorts. The shine texture on her belt is also ace. Mesh's are, as always, perfectly done! The head is great! I saw no problems, I did'nt expect any eather, and it looks awesome! The smaller, more realistic chest mesh is also a nice addition to the outfit. And I always like to see 3D socks on Lara, I don't know why but it looks cool. :) This is the best remake so far, deffinetly a must have for any TR fan! :D

(26 Aug 2004 19:50)
Reveiw 296 :p

Well, the lowest rating would have to be for the useabilty. But it IS useable is sevral types of inviorments and such. Mainly in home levels, but this can be use in other places as well. It's the only Olimpic object so far, and therefor the best. :p So it's very original, a 10 for that. Quality is good, texture quality and mesh quality is ace. No holes, not a singel missplaced texture and it looks very well put together. The mesh's look good, I'd like to see Lara jump over them ( :p ). They were well constructed, and resemble the likeness to the real thing quite well. Textures, well there really is'nt much to say abouyt them, other then they look very good. :) A nice piece of work to say the least!! :D

(25 Aug 2004 20:35)
Showing 196 to 210 of 485 reviews
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