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Location: Right here!
Interests: TRLE, Music, Art, Film, Languages
Birthday: 29 Mar 1990
Gender: f
Showing 181 to 195 of 485 reviews
by Danilo
Cool, I like mars... Wooo Alien

Original: And the winer for most original is... Mars! We don't have any planets for the TRLE yet. Quality: The mesh has no holes, but some of the texture could have been placed better but that's not a big deal because it looks like it was really hard to texture. Useable: This can only be used in space levels, because to see mars too close when Earth (Were most levels are) would look odd. But in space levels this could be used and it'd look really cool! Custom textures: I like the textures, they're awesome! I just don't really like the way that they were placed... :) Custom meshes: It looks like the one from Meta, nothing new. ;)

(07 Oct 2004 02:38)
jeans 2
by Danilo
Good idea - Needs new version

-Original: As said before, nothing special, but it's not a bad outfit. If the pants had flare it would probibly look better. -Quality: Some of the textures could have been rotated to look better, and the textures that it had were vvry plain. -Useable: There realy arnt many levels that it can fit into, if the glasses were gone then I'd say a city level, but the glasses make me think of a high tech level. I don't know where it would fit... -Custom textures: I really liked the top, the skin was more detailed then the shirt, but it still looked nice. The pants did'nt look very good, but you can't have everything perfect in one outfit. ;) It was;nt as bad as everyone says, it looks okay. -Custom meshes: I loved the meshes, well not the head- it looked like the old Lara head with tr5 glasses and one hair bit. But the new chest mesh and the lower torso, they rocked! Cool outfit, but could use some revamping. :) [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(07 Oct 2004 02:24)
Jungle 2
by Danilo
Pretty nice

I know that this an older outfit and not one of your recent outfits, so I'll go easyer rating this 'cuase of knowing this. Original: This is a second version, diffrent yes but still not completly new. Quality: The quality is good, but I did'nt much like the textures, of course that's a matter of opinion and will not effect my rating. There were no holes and the textures were placed good. There arn't many new textures though... Useable: This is prefect for most of the TR style, if not all (Uhh, well not arctic) but for the level style it was made for, this fits perfectly. Custom textures: The textures for the shorts look great, I really liked those. I did'nt, however, like the belt textures. But they were better then plain black I suppose. The shoes were the same as the TR 4 Lara. The face was the same too. Custom meshes: The lower torso looks great in stripX but maybe not as good in game. Her chest looked a little too large, maybe it was the textures? And the backpack looked great. I liked the straps for it too, it was 3D, witch is always a good idea.

(07 Oct 2004 01:55)
Pine Trees
by MrNiceGuy

Original: Very original! This is (Finaly!) a really good tree to be used in a level. I alread know of s few levels that have put this into they're level and I myself have used this in my second RE level. (Infact I loved this so much that I put it into my Mansion wad, but it doesnt fit inside a house! lol! So I put it into the second level.) Quality: The quality for this is great!!! I love the meshes, they have no holes, of course. ;) And all of the textures are placed wonderfuly. Useable: Because there are two sizes of trees, and some for winter this is very useable. Just not in tombs or the desert... But for the type of level it's made for it fits great! Custom textures: Great! Very realistic and look great with the rest of the tree. The base of the tree also loooked great. Custom meshes: Meshes are perfect! I like the fact that there are large and small sizes of trees. I am so glad that you made this! And kind of like Golden Dawn's trees, the ones by this house have been cut down. It was so pretty, so I'm really glad that I to have a little piece of paridise to have in my own levels. :D

(01 Oct 2004 04:38)
COOL!!! :D

Original: There are a few gothic outfits, but this one is origianl and can stand out on it's own. That's great! Quality: Other then all the meshes made by other people, this is a great outfit! Really good quality! All the textures seemed to be placed great, and I saw no holes. :) Useable: Umm, in gothic levels? Or a church-ish level. And really she still has some Lara style so she can fit in more levels then most gothic outfits. Custom textures: Pale skin is wonderful! The grey lips looked amazing, I would have thought that grey lips wouldnt fit, well what do you know, they look great!! Hair texture was cool too! Shirt was great. I did'nt like the pant's texture, but the riped part rocks! Custom meshes: It said you made meshes in the readMe, I saw no meshes that were yours, they were all made by other people. The chest is TRANGEL's (I love that mesh, it's awesome!!!) The head mesh is mine. But you did some lovely (!) hair bits to the ponytail I had made. Errmm, I just wish people would read the readme... The boot was COOL!!! I love the gold rim! and the mesh for it was rock'n! I loved this outfit!! It so cool! And I'm flatered that you liked my head mesh enough to use it twice! :D

(01 Oct 2004 04:07)
A little work and then.... wow!

I liked so much of this outfit, but it was rushed, and in so the quality went down and somethings were not made by the author... But other then that, wow! Let's see: -Head: The eyes are great! Lips shine texture looks nice too. The ponytail is great, but I'm not sure why there is a big pink (Clear in-game) thing stuffed through her head to her ponytail (?) why not just delete it? Oh well, it doesnt matter 'cause you can't see it in-game. Hair texture loks great too! -Sleve: I thought I'd mention this, 'cause it looks so cool! It's a great idea to make a sleve like this one. You have got to take a look at it yourself! -Chest: Okay, this was a disapointment. First of all, the texture that is SO GOOD (!!) is TRANGEL's. And he worked really hard on that texture. And the read me said you used two of his textures, you used 4 of his textures. Anyway, it was at least placed really good! And the chest mesh looks like a mix of TRnut's Yuna chest, my Jill valentine chest & Deskj's summer outfit chest. (?) Oh and, I'm not sure how useable this is in the level, the shirt being the main focus of the outfit and all, I'd say 50% of the levels you put her in she'll fit! :) -Shoe: It's the old TR4 shoe, with one black texture spred all over ten one lone brown texture in the back. It does'nt look very good in StripX but in game it's fine. -Boot: I loved the texture that was gold on the rim of the boot. Awesome! But again, other then that it was all black. -Pants: The mesh is awesome! Uhh, but it's Miss Croft's... unfortunetly the texture is'nt as good as the mesh. It is nice, but it's a texture that you can find in most TR4 wads that comes with the TRLE. Other then that exture it's plain black. And the underside of the pants needs to be mirrored. -Lower torso: The belt is really cool looking! I liked that, but the rest of her is just one simple black texture. -Hands: Well, the hand joints are Mr Nice Guy's and the regular hands are nothing much diffrent then the avrage 3D hands. -Weapons: The pistols are Mr Nice Guy's also. (Very cool though!) *** Over all: The textures (Not all!) are used in other outfits made by other people, same with some of the meshes. A nice outfit though. But you need to slow down a little, you don't have to release an outfit everyday. Just take it slow and make your own textures and meshes. It's okay to use other people stuff, everyone shares! And you credited most of them, witch is good. :) A good outfit with much potential! I'd love to see this outfit style in your other outfits, but more of it made by you. :D Can't wait to see more!!!!! :D :D :D

(01 Oct 2004 03:46)
Assasin's Catsuit
by MrNiceGuy
Now this could take some time....

If I were to be WAY(!!!) picky: The black mask that Lara wares has plane textures, it's all one texture. The transfer from the black to around her eyes is very sharp, and noticable around the nose. From the side it looks nice, but is notacable from the front. The backpack's bright colors (compared to the outfit) seems unstealthy and bulky. And is somewhat distracting. The textures on the hands could have been rotated better, they when from black to a soft grey then back black. Witch would have been fine if they had just been mirrored, but the way it is now is very a sharp trasition. The hair looked odd because it came out of the mask. If you think about it, she had to of made a hole in her mask just for her hair. I found it desturbing. When holding a flare and looking at her from the front her hips are very dark and looks like there is no shine, but when the flare is gone the shine is back. Also, her hips go through her legs and is notacible when using the look botton. ^But these things are hardly noticable! I had to look for them. :) Ok, now to be Realistic! :D : Original: An Assasin's Catsuit is very original, it is a catsuit but this is diffrent then an avrage catsuit. It has the shiny pants (Very cool) and a black shirt with a dark grey chest plate (Thingy?) over it. Most catsuits are just one plane black texture, but this is diffrent. It's details have details! :p Quality: The quality is very high. The main pants texture was mainy one of the shine textures (Both had a shine effect and also looked shiny without any effects). The textures were well rotated, eccept for that hardly noticable (And not even notacable in-game I might add) texture on her hand. The meshes were great, and well made. The hips go through the uper part of the leg, but you can only tell when useing the look boton and are looking at her hips. Witch is probibly not going to be the case because when using the look boton in-game you're obivously looking at something in the level you are playing. But even with that, the mesh was well made and had no hole. I saw no holes anywhere on her or her weapons. Useable: For a stealth level, more exactly, an Assasin's level. Witch is not you're avrage TR level. So this would probibly be used sooner in a stealth level then a assasin level. But, compared to other stealth outfits, this would probibly be used about as much as any other. It might be used more then the other because of the quality, but not being able to see Lara's face might make another catsuit, for example maybe one of Deskj's catsuits, would be used more then this one. But that was less a stealth outfit, this is. I think the usability is mutual in this case. Custom textures: The shoe textures looked TR3, but I liked the fact that it did'nt have any laces. It looks very slealthy and somewhat sic-fi. The hair was the same pretty much, but I think that her hairband could have been a darker color. Same with the backpack, even though it's classic Lara stlye, I don't think that it looked right in this outfit. But that is an opinion, and dose not effect the rating because it has wonderfuly good textures and they were placed great. ;) The shine texture (Not the effect but the texture) was nice, but it was the only texture used. The shine effect saves it in-game though. So not a big problem. The shirt texture looked really nice, and I like the fact that that they were'nt just a simple texture. There were many textures and they looked good. The chest plate thing was a nice touch also. The hand textures were alread mentioned above. Custom meshes: Very good meshes! I did'nt like the way the hips worked in-game, but if they had not been there then the shine effect would not work. Witch would look bad without it. So that's ok. I think the mask could have looked smother with eather textures or done by the mesh. Not a huge thing and it is'nt a problem. The fact that her lips look like they are under the mask is great though, and it kind of saves the mask. The chest is "Normal" in size this time. Lara is usualy a bit unaturaly large. I also liked the way the fingers really hold the flare! It's no longer just floating in the air above Lara's hand. That was really imprssive, and it really shows just how much detail was put into this outfit. Weapons: I loved the stealthy gun, it rocked! I, however, did not care for the old TR2 harpoongun, witch puzzeled me. If a harpongun were to be used an updated one, atleast with new textures, would have looked much better. But you did not make it so it doesnt count aganst you. And I would have liked to see the better uzis with this outfit but they remained the same old TR4 ones. Still not a problem as the new ones arnt hard to add to the outfit. Anyway, the slealth gun was ace! Awesome outfit! I can't wait to see more outfits by Mr Nice Guy!! :D

(22 Sep 2004 19:12)
Author Reply
OH MY GOOOOOOD!!! That's the longest review on the SE, that is! :D It must mean you really liked my catsuit! I appreciate it, thank you! But, all the weapons WERE made by me. The reason why I didn't make a sniper rifle instead of the Harpoon Gun is because I had to get the outfit out so I could start working on the TRSearch HQ Project. Therefore I just added the harpoon gun from my TR3 Nevada Outfit Remake, and didn't think about it anymore.

by Golden Dawn
I saw this in a level today! :D

I know that this is GD's second outfit, so I won't go too hard on ya. ;) Original: Very original, I have never seen anything like this before! Quality: Other then the plain textures, the meshes are good. I saw no holes. And even though the textures arnt so grea they were at least well rotated. Useable: I just saw this outfit used in a level today, it was called 'Virtuelles Museum' made by mash. So someone found it very useable. :) I really don't know what kind of level this would be used in, it's got anime style with the eyes. And the blonde hair might limit it to a smaller amount of levels. The jacket may also make it slight less usable. Custom textures: No so great, they were very plain. And I did'nt like the bright yellow hair all that much. But I liked the eye textures. Custom meshes: The meshes were great! I liked the head, it was very nicely made. The jacket was also very good. No holes an no glitches. :)

(22 Sep 2004 01:51)
Author Reply
This was really used? Cool I'm always glad to hear my things are used somewhere. When you know the exactely name of the level, please tell me!

Star Night Horizon
by MrNiceGuy

Original: This is one of, if not the only, night sky horizon. And certainly the best one. The stars are very original, I don't remember seeing any horizons with stars, only the moon. Quality: The dome style horizon had no holes. The textures were pefectly placed, awesome! It's only a horizon, witch maks it hard to give a long quality discription. Useable: Only for night levels, they're arnt many night levels, the typical tr level is evening or daylight. But for a night level this could deffinetly be used. It's not a 10 in useability for night levels because the sky is so dark, the level whould have to be very dark to make it match the darkness of the horizon and sky. Otherwise it'd look like the level was glowing. It also can't be used in large citys, as said in the discription. But for ouside Lara's house, or night in the jungel or any of those styled levels, this could be used and look very good in the level. I want to give it an 8 1/2, but that's not possible... So I'll round it. Custom textures: The moon looks really good, and the little stars seem to twinkel, it's great. and the textures fit wonderfuly together. There arn't many textures, but the few that are there are incredible!! Custom meshes: I love the way the new horizon was made. It's like a big dome. It was shaped very good, and it looks great! Very well made. :) I've been consitering using this for my second RE level, but I'm not sure, I'll have to see how it looks in that level when it's built. ;)

(21 Sep 2004 20:22)
by Golden Dawn

Original: It looks alot like the lamp that they used alot in TR4, in the Alexandria levels. It also reminds me of what they used in Resident Evil 3. So maybe not a 10, but a lamp alone that can be placed on anything is original. Quality: Textures are well rotated and the meshes are great! No holes at all. Useable: Good for city levels, storage rooms or an office and pretty much any room that has a semi tomb raider style. But it can't be placed in jungels or so. But that's not what it's made for. So anyway, in a room this lamp can probibly be used in half of the levels with bedrooms/offices, ect. in them. Maybe more, depending on the style of your level. Custom textures: The textures were great, I really liked the base of the stand, it's very pretty. The light texture is cool too. The green textures were detailed but for some reason I did'nt like them. But that is only a personal opinion so it does not count. ;) Custom meshes: Perfect! The lamp top was created with nice detail, the thing on the side looked good too. A very high quality for the meshes. A nice lamp that I'm sure will be used in level's. It looks really good! Great job!! :D

(19 Sep 2004 01:49)
shootable trash-bin
by MissKroft
Ooo, exploding trash can!!

This is the first Trsh Bin that explodes! Cool! The quality is great, the meshes are perfect and all but the lid's textures a wellplaced. Every other lid texture could have been mirrored and then it would have looked much better. The textures were awesome, it's just a few placement area's that were off. I really liked the the recycle texture too. The mesh was great, no holes. It looked perfect, and it was cool when it blows up too! :p :D Great job! :)

(16 Sep 2004 00:38)
Garbage Bag
by Michiel
I love little Trash Baggy!!!! :D :D

This trash bag looks sad.. all alone.. by it's self.. lonely little trash bag that doesnt get reveiws and wants to be used in a level to forfill it's perpuse in life... ...OR NOT... Anyway, it's a cute little trash bag that makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. I don't think I've ever felt so strange when just looking at an object. o.0 So I placed about a 100 trash bags in one room and called it a garbage dump.. poor little trash bag.. Original: Well, it's a trash bag! We have two garbage tins. One of witch explodes and can't be used inside. And the other has no textures, just a mesh. So at least this one doesnt explode and has textures. That's a good thing! :) And original! Quality: Well, textures werent impressive. But why should a garbage bag have good textures? A simple ones still looks good. The mesh is perfect! No holes. And it's well shaped. Useable: For city levels. But within a city it blends in perfectly. Only not all people want a (Poor little) trash bag in there level. Becuse outside a big trash bin might fit better. But I'ed use this, in fact I'm hoping to use this in one of my future levels if the wad has enough room to add a trash bag. :) Custom textures: Ummm... Well, the lack of textures makes me want to skip on rating them. ;) Custom meshes: Very well shaped! And it looks full and not soggy! Good thing! No holes. I have NO IDEA why I like this little trash bag, but it's so funny and I like it!! :p :D

(16 Sep 2004 00:27)
by TifaNazah
Great!! I used this in a level!! :D

I only tested the torch, because I'm useing it in my level! Thank you so much, it's perfect!! :D The Torch: Original: I think that this is the first time the torch has been replaced. This is also much better then the flaming stick, it made Lara look like a cave woman. Quality: The only thing that bothered me was the animation she does when she lites the torch. She puts her hands up to her ears and then the torch has fire. lol. (This might be the falt of the outfit, but I don't think it is sense I tested in on my outfit and I used all of Lara's original animations) But other then that the textures were perfectly placed and the meshes had no holes. Useable: Much more useable then the original torch. It can now be used in tombs and citys! Instead of just tombs. But it still can't compare to a flare or be put in a hitech level. but for the style that it is, it fits perfectly into those tomby levels. :) Custom textures: Even though there are only a few textures this still looks very cool! The candel and handel looks great! The texture amont is few, but the ones on the object are good! Custom meshes: Great meshes! No holes. The candel looks great, and the handel is wonderfly shaped, maybe a little thin but that's not noticable in-game. :D Great job!! :D :D

(16 Sep 2004 00:08)
Author Reply
Thanx, but I have tested the torch in my level an the animation for lighting was there correct - well i did also not change any animation - anyhow, are you sure, youi are using the revised wads? If not, download them, it works with them without any problem... You might found them here on Miss Crofts Homepage: see u Tifa Nazah

Fast Food Pack 1
by TifaNazah
Aww, cute!!!

This is really cute! I loce the idea here. I screamed 'A hamburger as a medi pack??? Cool!!' when I first saw it. I'ed use it, but it unfortunetly doesnt match my level theme. Original: There are sevral food packs for a medi pack replacement. But this one is diffrent enough to make it very original still. Quality: On the Big Mack I thought that the texture in the middle could have been better. But all textures were well placed and there were no holes. The mini burger was perfect! Useable: Not unless there are alot of burger joints in your city level, this wont look good siting on the floor in a tomb. Sorry but this barely even fits into a city level. But it's so cute!! :) Custom textures: All good but the middle texture in the big mack. But that's really not a big deal. And it is a medi pack, and you really can't expect much from those. And this one really does have alot more to offer then most. (For a city level) Custom meshes: Perfect! They were very well made. Nothing wrong with them. They looked great and they were shaped good. Custom animations: Uh kidding > The only thing I've sceen was a cheese buger doing yoga.. No wait, that was TV.. uhh, no new animations! :p (It IS a burger.. what did you excpect?) Awesome job! :D :D :D

(15 Sep 2004 23:57)
golden girl
by Golden Dawn
Cool!!! :D :D :D

Original: This is original because we don't have a whole lot of lamps. But this is no ordanary lamp, it's also a statue and it's not no stink'n light bulb, it's flames!!! Flames baby fame! (Jk :p ) Quality: It's perfect as far as I've seen! No holes. Not missplaced textures. And the shine effect is awesome! Useable: It fits pretty good into many Tomb Raider themed levels. Egyptian, Greek, Temple... But Even in all of those, it some how seems to stick out, in a good way, but it doesnt blend in the backgroung. I guess it depends on the level you have. But it dosent really mater to me, it's cool looking! ;) Custom textures: It really is'nt boasting of many textures. But the textures that it has are defenetly good. And the shine effect makes it even more cool! They are about as good as they're going to get, so it's really awesome looking! :D Custom meshes: The golden girl who is holding the tray is really neat. I like the way she was put together. It looks like Lara turned into gold (Of course the dress is'nt Lara's style...). No holes, just perfect! ;) Very, very good job, I love it!! :D

(13 Sep 2004 05:03)
Showing 181 to 195 of 485 reviews
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