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Interests: TRLE, Music, Art, Film, Languages
Birthday: 29 Mar 1990
Gender: f
Showing 151 to 165 of 485 reviews
new Scion
by Golden Dawn

I can see this being used in every Atlantis level and TR1 remake! It's not a competly new idea, but this is the first remake of this object and it's very nice. The textures are beyond perfect, and there are alot of textures, but don't worry they are small textures. The meshes are very detailed and rounded. there were no holes and all of the textures were placed great. Great idea to Re-make this classic TR object! :D

(18 Oct 2004 05:10)
by Golden Dawn

Original: A bowl of fruit, that's a new one! Quality: The meshes are wonderful! and it has no holes. The textures are perfect. But the Banana texture should have been roated (Like how Tifa did) to make it look tastie reather then a bunch of brown spots. But it's not a big deal, and it still looks good! Useable: Perfect for house levels, it can sit on a table. Custom textures: The textures were really good, they looked a little, old styled. But it has wonderful quality and looks really nice. Custom meshes: I love the way the bowl was shaped. It's very pretty! Tifa's fruits also look good in the bowl. I downloaded it and was surprised how much prettier it is then is the picture. :) Great job, it's very pretty!! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(18 Oct 2004 05:03)
Celtic cross puzzle
by Golden Dawn
Perfect! Just what I've been looking for! :D

Original: We don't have many puzzels, and a celtic cross styled one is exteamly original. Quality: Textures are wonderful, and they are are placed really good. The meshes are good, and they have no holes. Useable: This can be used in church levels as well was celtic levels. I needed a puzzel for the church part of my second RE level, and I think this just might be the perfect puzzel pieces I've been looking for! so this is very useable for me, and for a Celtic and/or church-ish level. Custom textures: Wonderful! They look very Celtic, but not so overy Celtic that it can't be used in other levels. It's a good balence. Also, The warm wood textures are good. Custom meshes: For a puzzel piece, this is really good! I'd kinda like it... bigger! But if it got any bigger then it would look really weird coming out of a backpack, so nevermind... Anyway, the meshes are really well shaped, and look great!

(18 Oct 2004 04:55)
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

Original: There are a few Resident Evil weapons, but this is the first RE Rocket launcher! Quality: The animations are more then great!! And all of the textures were well placed. No holes and it works well. Useable: Great for any Resident Evil level, witch I just so happen to be making. And this goes great with my Jill Valentine outfits! :D Custom textures: amazingly awesome textures! Even though they are dark, they have lots of details. Custom meshes: The mesh is perfect! And the size is good, I thought it'd end up being too big, but no, it's great! And it looks good when on her back too. And when I tested this on my Jill (Classic) outfit it looked fine with a backpack because Jill's backpack is black. :) Custom animations: I love the way she holds it, and it looks so cool!!! When she fires it, it looks really cool. I love everything about this new weapon! Thank you for making this! This'll add a great bonus weapon near the end of the level!!! :D :D :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(18 Oct 2004 04:39)
Yum, dead people... so uplifting....

Original: We have zombies, and we used to have a dead people pack, but at the moment other then this we've only got one dead person on the SE. (That sounded weird...) Quality: Textures are well placed, and the meshes are great. Useable: This is perfect for any level that needs zombies or dead guys. I may infact use a few of those dead people myself. :) Custom textures: Some are TR textures, and some are from Silent Viper. And, of course the new one's. :) Custom meshes: All very good, but mostly from TR. A nice pack of dead people, good idea! :D

(18 Oct 2004 04:26)
Kate Walker
by Golden Dawn
I like.. no love... this outfit!! :D

Original: This is the first Kate Walker, witch makes it very original. Quality: The hair textures could be roated better, but other then the hair all other textures looked well rotated. Some of the textures could have been a touch better. But the meshes were excelent. There were no holes in the meshes eather. Useable: For a Sybiria level this would fit perfectly! And you can use her in a winter or a cold city level any day! Custom textures: Some textures, like the hands (WOW! I had no idea hands could get so detailed) were wonderful. The jacket textures were especialy good! Others, such as the fade on her jeans, were a little rough. Over all the textures are good, but there are a few spots that could be better. Custom meshes: The chest mesh was good, and the hair looked awesome! The lips seemed a little streched on the right, but in no way noticable in game. The head was shaped really good, and she resembled Kate amazingly well!! :) Great outfit! Good to see you make outfits again Golden Dawn!!! :D

(18 Oct 2004 04:01)
BB-Basic Black
by Danilo
Oooo! Me like!

Original: Basic Black? Is'nt that C/y's thing? Ah, anyway Name has nothing to do with originalty. Being a black outfit it's not completly original. But I must add that there are no outfits, at the moment, that look exactly like this, it is a very new outfit just maybe not a completly new idea. And, no offense of course, but it is'nt hard to think up of a black sleveless shirt and black pants. (Don't get me wrong, you made it looks really good!!) Quality: there were no holes, al least none that I saw. And textures were placed wonderfuly! Useable: Black makes it very useable, 'cause black matches with most any tr level. I'm not sure what type of level this was made for, but it would look best in City levels or tomb raiding of sorts. It'd look good in jungels too. Alot of levels really! And it fits perfectly into thoughs types of levels! Custom textures: The black was pulled off really good with this outfit, and black can be used in almost any type of level. Not to mention black looks really good on Lara. The fade on her shirt was done really well, and looked much more realistic then the previous outfits with were a bit over done. The face textures could have been a little more exciting. They were the same old Lara (TR4) textures. Custom meshes: The head was nice, as always! The chest mesh was very smooth, somtimes it looks too blocky, but not on this one. The socks were really nice, too. The rounder backpack looked much better. Weapons: the weapons were a nice touch! I like the uzis, very cool. I just wish her hands held on to the guns rather then the guns floating in the air by her hands. Well, at least some of them were, not all though. ;) This is a very cool outfit. Not completly original, but very useable in most of the tomb raider theme. A nice addition to the Danilo collection! Great job!! :D

(18 Oct 2004 03:43)
by Danilo

Original: This is the second Planet, but it's the first of Jupiter, so it is very original. Quality: Meshes were perfect, and textures were amazing! Everything looked great Useable: Well, even though it looks really nice this can't be used a whole lot. But it is useable for space levels and such. For a space level thing would be great! Custom textures: The textures are perfect!! Custom meshes: Just a shpear, but it has no holes and it looks nice. This looks SO AWESOME in game with the derections provided in the ReadMe. And the Info included was really cool (Sounds like school work though... :p ).

(10 Oct 2004 20:52)
Ashley Olsen
by joontje
Needs some work, but I'll be nice :)

This is one of your best outfits, this and Blue AOD. Original: This is the first of The Olsen twins, so this is very original for that. Quality: The chest mesh needed work and some textures were oddly placed and needed to be rotated. The white part of her shirt was placed at the top of her head behind the bangs, and the lips could have been rotated better. Also a note for the texture on the head mesh (I think I've seen it before :p ) you need to add a new texture for the middle of the nose, otherwise it'll look strange. Useable: It can be used like a Young Lara outfit maybe, or a Olsen twins level (Where's Mary Kate?). Custom textures: The shirt texture was really nice, but I thibk it would have looked better without the white part. The jeans were cool! The hair texture was ok, but it needed to be rotated. And her eyes are really pretty, but they are very small. Custom meshes: The chest mesh was, unfortunetly, not very good. It was oldly shaped and her backpack was smaller then her hand. Even though that was odd, the other meshes you selected to add to your outfit (Mostly made by other people) were good. Good but needs some work. You're getting there, someday I'm sure you'll have an outfit up in the top ten, maybe. :) [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(10 Oct 2004 20:37)
VCI catsuit 1
by Danilo
Wow, I love it!!!!!!

The textures are great! I love the shine textures, from Boaz (Tr6 texture) if I'm not misstaken. And they look really good on Lara. It's not so original, but it's the best TRc remake yet! And it has it's own style even though it's a remake. The quality is amazing, the textures are perfect and all rotated really good. The meshes had no holes and were shaped very good. The chest was large, even for Lara, but with the color being black it slimed it down. And the shine effect on her chest did made her look larger-er ( :p ) it still made sense, most of the time people put shine or worn marks there when they don't need it. It's useable for water levels, stealth levels, and high tech levels. But for a high tech VCI style level this is perfect. I think everything should be a ten (Other then originality), because this is a wonderful remake! Awesome job!! :D

(10 Oct 2004 20:20)
Deep Sea
by Devoid

Original: Well, it's a wetsuit, but compared to other wetsuits this one is diffrent. No completly diffrent, it still has TR style, the stripe of color down the middle. But it's a very good wesuit. :) Quality: Some textures could have been rotated better. The backpack was the same color as her blue stripe, witch made her look like she had a lump in her suit, or a hunchback. That could have been prevented if you removed the backpack or new textures for the pack. But other then that everything looked good. The meshes had no holes and were well shaped. Useable: For a water level this is perfect. And I've seen it used in levels. And I think this is perfect for a water level. Custom Textures: It's good that you credited TRnut for the gun textures, but I hope you asked him so you could use the textures. Because in the ReadMe it says not to use anything from the Niobie outfit. Anyway, the blue glove textures were good, but I did'nt like the silver part of it. And the fingernail textures were great! And again that silver texture was used alot... I liked the way you placed the blue texture, that was cool. The black socks were cool, too! Custom meshes: The sunglasses for a wetsuit seemed odd to me... The belt was great, and the holsters were awesome as always!! :D Just a little work and this would be really awesome! I like the style. I remember seeing this in a level, I kept the screenshot of it for a year! :p :)

(10 Oct 2004 20:11)

Original: This outfit is rarely ever remade, and this is by far the best TR2 remake EVER!!!!! :D And I think it's original 'cause no one has really made a good remake of this outfit. But it's not a totaly new idea so it really can't get a full ten, unfortunetly. Quality: Well this is the best Tebit remake I have ever seen! :D All the other ones were just TR4 Lara head stuffed on TR2 body. This is so much better then that! There were no holes and all of the textures were placed wonderfuly! Useable: This is of course great for TR, it was used in TR! And it's classic, and other then the fact that she wares shorts in winter (I always thought that was funny in TR2) this is very useable because of it Tomb Raider origin. Custom textures: The textures were great! I liked the patch/logo on her arm like in TR2. And all the textures are better then in TR2 and look better then the TR4 ones. I really liked the textures! :D Custom meshes: The meshes were awesome! The 3D shorts were a great idea, and looks much better then the typical texture shorts! Her 3D socks were cool, and I like the higher polygon legs, very cool! The chest was really good too (Deskj's?). I liked the more 3D head, but I'm a little unsure if I like the eyes textures, but it won't effect the rating 'cause it's a matter of opinion. :) And, I am really glad you kept the long hair!!!! I like that you kept that! :) This and your Sonya outfit was have been your best outfits! I can't wait to see the next in your TR2 line! :D

(10 Oct 2004 19:43)
Author Reply
Thank you! The Wetsuit will b next. I will also be creating the original using the v-neck mesh you made and the nightgown, and home training outfit.

Lady Croft
by Devoid
Hmmmm.... :)

Origianl: Was'nt there another outfit called Lady Croft? Oh well, that does not matter. This looks like the gold outfit you made, I guess it's the socks and the symbol on her shirt. Black shorts and black shirt is'nt a new idea, but it looks really good on this outfit. Probibly the best black shorts outfit yet. Quality: Hair textures could have been rotated better. And using the amo clip texture many times seemd odd to me, but that's a metter of opinion and it will not effect the rating. Also the backpack texture was used on the back of her neck, in game it looked fine but it seemed bothersome in StripX. But there were no holes and some textures did'nt look very good but they were placed good (Other then the hair). Useability: This can be used alot! It's very TR style and fits great into the tomb raider theme. Custom Textures: I really liked the round detail of her ristband, that was cool. I also liked 'Angel' test logo on her shirt, but I can't figureout what the picture is suposed to be. I did'nt like the one amo texture you kept using on her belt, her rist band and her hand (?). Old shoes, nothing new there. But they still look nice. I liked the fact that she had fingernails. That was nice! The short sleves was also a good idea. And I've seen this belly botton used before, but I have no idea who originaliy made that texture. And if I'm not misstaken, I belive that those pistol textures are TRnut's just modifyed (Streched, that's all). Custom meshs: The head mesh needs some work. Some 3D lips would have looked really nice with this head mesh, but it was just texture lips. And she only has one little hair bit and gasses. The chest is the same old TR4 chest with texture straps. The leg staps were great! And the holsters too, they're my favorite holsters ever! I like the thiner legs too, but they were almost too thin. The socks were a little lumpy, but not too bad. And 3D socks always make an outfit look better. And the belt mesh was awesome! I just with you had textured it better, but at least the mesh was great! Over all, meshes could have been newer. And some textures could have been used less often (More textures maybe). I think it's the best Black shorts outfit out yet. And it looks like a classic Lara croft outfit. Worth a download and would look good in a level, maybe not modern though. and I loved the holsters!!

(08 Oct 2004 21:31)
by Golden Dawn
I really liked this one!!

This is great for building suspense! It sounds like something is coming... Very cool! This can be used in creppy levels or right before a boss battle. It can be looped or played once. It ends softly, so that's really good. Really cool effect for any level! :D

(08 Oct 2004 21:02)
by Golden Dawn
Good for jungels!

This is can be used in house's really good. Not as creppy as the others, but it still sounds good. But I'm not sure if it's as useable because of the style, I can really think of a level it's fit in really good. Well, other then lara's house or a jungel level. It still sounds like it was recorded with a micro phone, but it;s not very noticable in game. ;)

(08 Oct 2004 20:58)
Showing 151 to 165 of 485 reviews
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