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Location: Right here!
Interests: TRLE, Music, Art, Film, Languages
Birthday: 29 Mar 1990
Gender: f
Showing 136 to 150 of 485 reviews
by Golden Dawn

Original: It sounds almost exactly like another one of the Myst tracks. But other then that it doesnt sound like many other tracks on the SE. :) Quality: I don't recal it sounding fuzzy or hearing crackles. So it was pretty clear, sort but it sounded good. It ended fairly soft too. Useability: Good for building tension, or before a puzzel. It can be used in most any TR situation. Very cool! :D

(29 Oct 2004 06:22)
by Golden Dawn

Original: It's a remake and it has been done before. But this is by far the best remake and I personaly think that she looks much better then the TR3 Sophia. Quality: Meshes are shaped wonderfuly, the textures are a little plain but it looks good. No holes that I saw, and all textures were placed nicly. Useable: She's a good TR enimy, so she can fit into those levels and she can also be used in some fantasy levels because of her weapon. Custom textures: There are not many textures, and some are plain black. But her face is prettier now. Her hair looks nice too. :) The staff is really cool, and the textures for that was cool too. Custom meshes: I love the pants, they have a great shape. I think the head may have looked better if it had been originaly Lara's face then modifyed, it might have had more details then. But it still looks really good. All of the meshes are wonderful and look great. :) This is very good, female enimys are always my favorite, and the fact that she has a weapon other then a gun is enjoyable. :D

(29 Oct 2004 06:12)
Basic Green
by C/y
I love it!!!!!!!!

Original: This outfit looks like another outfit (Can't recall the name of the outfit though.) made by C/y. But the shirt makes it look diffrent from that outfit. The shirt style was also used in Basic red, but I have to admit it looks good enough to use more then once! Quality: Textures were well rotated and well made. The meshes had no holes and they had a good shape. Useable: Green fits into most TR style levels. Such as outside, home, city, beach and maybe a few types of tomb raiding levels - but it streches the limet there. Custom textures: The shirt has good fade effects, it could had used maybe some rinkels or something so the green wouldn't look as plain. The cammo is good, a little bright but still very useable and it looks good. The boots could have used some more details though, they looked very plain. Custom meshes: The chest mesh is more realisic then most, that was cool. The shorts were 3D and the legs had better shape then the TR4 Lara. The face is very pretty, lips have good textures too. :) -This outfit has a pleasant stlye and looks more "atractive" then the avrage outfit that it created for Lara. I really liked this outfit, it has some sort of cool style that's refreshing. VERY cool!!! :D - [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(28 Oct 2004 04:48)
I like Liz! :)

Original: The fact that it's Liz Parker (I love custom characters!!!) is original, but if you titled it just red worrior then people might say it looks alot like Alias. So title aside, it does look like Alias. There have been alot of outfits with red hair. But this... This has something that the other did not have. I can't quite figure out what it is, but this outfit has style! :D Quality: Meshes are well made, I personaly did'nt click to them, but they were well created so it my opinion will not effect my rating. I saw no holes. Textures were good, it could have maybe used a larger color palet, but red is cool. All of the textures were well rotated. Useable: It could be used in Alias levels, or a club or something. It's cool, I'd like to see it used in a level someday. :) Custom textures: I like seeing fingernail textures on the hands, it's starting to be more common now. :) And is it just me or does the pants textures look exactly like Karla's shirt texture? Oh well, it's cool. ;) The shirt textures were very good, and the fade was placed well. The only thing is it somehow looked very uncomfortoble to ware in real life, but she's not real, so who cares? :p The shirt is a little plain, but it has fade, so it's pretty good. There are not many textures, but you really can't fit many textures into a tube top and shorts. :) Oh, and I almost forgot, I loved the hair! Red hair rocks! Even if it's not original, it's still cool! :D Custom meshes: The pants mesh was detailed, but it looked somewhat like she stuffed cotton in her pants. So it almost looks too baggy, but you pulled it off and it looks good in game (Just maybe not in StripX). I loved the head mesh, it looks like a girl I know. lol. The hair is shorter and has body, most other hair looks flat and waffer thin. This is good. :) Liz is cool!! I can't wait to see more outfits of Liz Parker! :D

(28 Oct 2004 04:31)
Cool! :)

Even though I'm not much of a Delta force game fan, I have to admire the enimys it has. It's just a shame it has to be an enimy, why not a troops? Oh well, it's still really cool! ;) Original: There are a few other guys like this, and they're Delta forse too. But he looks diffrent and better then the older ones. Quality: Texture quality is very high. Other then the hat mesh, witch is'nt bad, all of the other meshes are great and well rounded. There are no holes, at least none that I saw. The textures look very well placed also. Useable: This is useable in army or base levels. In those types of levels this could be used in almost all of those levels.The only thing keeping it from being used in a base level might be the cammo, but pretty much only if it's a VCI type level. Good for Navada type levels. :) Custom textures: The cammo was great! I liked the packs too, and the belt textures were very impressive. Custom meshes: The weapon looked really coo. The packs and the gun on his belt are really cool. The only part that I did'nt like was the head, if you look at it from the bottom the hat part disapears and it looks like he just has cammo instead of hair. But this is not noticable much in game. Over all, probibly the best army man on the SE. And if you need to use one, go for this one! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(28 Oct 2004 04:06)
by Golden Dawn
wooo.... it's coming.... (! o.o !)

It's really original! I've never heard anything like this. It sounds like there is a creature or an object making some sort of sounds, witch is really cool but might not work in all situations. It starts sort and ends soft, it's long and it's great background music for a creppy level or a tension builder before a fight. It's really good, and pretty creppy! Cool!!! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(21 Oct 2004 03:52)
by Golden Dawn

Original: I do belive that this is the first Gargoyle. Well not much else to say about originality, I mean nothing looks like this. :) Quality: The meshes had no holes. The textures were good, but the wings textures could have been rotated to make it look better. But it's not visable in game. Useable: This can be used in creppy levels, but it's have to be outside on the top of a mansion possibly... *Idea pops into Trinity's head* Oh this is perfect! I can us this!!! I just hope I have enough room in my WAD! Cool! I can use this so I gave useability a 10. Custom textures: Good, and amazingly small for such detail! It makes the useability in a WAD much better. Custom meshes: The first mesh is awesome, (It's in two pieces) the back looks a little odd in some angles but if it's on a building it'd never be noticed and it's not that bad anyway. The head it the best part, and the wings! :) You always make stuff that I can use in my RE levels Golden Dawn! It's starting to freak me out! But thanks!!!! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(19 Oct 2004 21:26)
Author Reply
I'm glad that I can help you with your level;)

Wow, cool!!!!!!

You forgot two credits, the chest was originaly TRangels, but you did a ton of wonderful modifictions to it! And one of the skin textures, mostly on the shirt is by dannyx_nr. Original: The dress is like Lara Carter's, but it's diffrent and looks a little more normal. I think the dress is very original. The chest mesh's style is new too. And loop earings are quite new! It carry's your style, and that's a really cool thing! :D Quality: The 12 hours were worth it, I know 12 hours is a long time for making outfits. (I think the longest time I worked on an outfit was a month, but the outfit would'nt even load...) The textures are all placed well, and they had good quality. The Meshes had no holes and were rounded, witch is very good! Useable: Summer levels, citys, home levels. I think it can be used in those types of levels, the only thing that might keep it from being used in a level is the dress. The dress it's self is good, but some people don't like Lara waring a dress in their level. Custom textures: The textures give a really soft look for this outfit. The eyes are really nice and the soft lip color makes her look so sweet. The shirt textures are good, much better then a plain texture. The dress has great textures!! It's wild and yet soft at the same time, wow! Custom meshes: The head is awesome! It's got a great shape! The earing are so cool! The dress looks pretty good from the back and from the front it's ok. But from the side it looks very odd, almost like she's riping her dress. A moving dress is very difficult to make, it's HARD. And I think that this is a very good try. This outfit is very pretty and makes Lara look so lady like. I love it! Awesome job C/y!!! :D :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(19 Oct 2004 21:03)
Natla, cutscene dress
by Golden Dawn
Wow! Cool!

This really looks like Natla in her Dress from TR1! Original: There are some Natla enimys, infact I think she's the most remade enimy from any of the TR's. But I think that this is the first of her in this outfit though. Quality: All of the meshes are well made and they had no holes. The textures were placed really good and they all seemed to be placed good. Useable: Natla is very popular and she gets used alot. This is a great addition to any TR1 remake or a level that needs a good enimy. Custom textures: The black textures were detailed, much better then plain black, it had some worn spots. The hair was great and her face looked alot like Natla. The skin texture looked good, because in some places it's shaded. :) Custom meshes: For an enimy her meshes were wonderful! Her head was really well shaped and looked a ton like Natla. Custom animations: I was'nt 100% sure if these were new animations, but she seemed to walk diffrently then the avrage SAS. And walking with the dress looked really cool!! Great job!!! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(18 Oct 2004 19:22)
by Golden Dawn

Original: I don't think I've heard this kind of style before, it's a little bit funny really. Quality: It's starts good and ends very softly. The sound is again crisp and very clear. Useable: Well, you might be able to use this in an army bunks level when everyone wakes up. But still that doesnt seem to fit quite right. I'm not really sure where this would fit. It does sound interesting though. :p :)

(18 Oct 2004 19:09)
Author Reply
I know, it's not usable in every level;), but maybe someone needs this someday.

by Golden Dawn

Actualy this doesnt really sound like it's builing tension, well not as much as some of the Myst ones you released. Original: I don't know if I've ever heard something quite like this before. Very original! Too bad it's very short. Quality: It's very crisp and clear. It sounds great. :) Useable: This can be used in alot of area's, it's not so much made for any one type of level. You can add this after a puzzel or before a fight. It could also be background noise for a space ship or generator. Basicly, what ever your imagination can come up with. ;) [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(18 Oct 2004 18:50)
by Golden Dawn
Cool, I might be able to use this!

Original: Church bells, hmmm, I think this is the first! Quality: Great sound, it's not muffeled or fuzzy sounding. It sounds cool. Useable: It's very short, but if it were longer it'd become innoying. This can be used in a church level perfectly! As always, I'm searching for stuff that'll fit into my RE levels. This just might fit more then wonderfuly into my second RE level! Thanks!!!!

(18 Oct 2004 18:42)
lion statue
by Golden Dawn
Cool his head is cut off!!!

Original: The head off of the body part is new, but not so much for the statue. Quality: Perfect! It's the TR statue with it's head cut right off (Gotta love it!). All textures are well placed and all meshes are wonderfly made and no holes what-so-ever. Useable: It's got great TR style, so it can be used in alot of levels. It'll look good in orential levels, too. Custom textures: The new texture is really cool! And the other TR4 ones are good too. :) Custom meshes: Well, the head choped off part is new. And it was done very well, I like the way that it looks so crackeled and stuff right were it's head used to be.

(18 Oct 2004 05:34)
glass/ice swan
by Golden Dawn
Cool... ermm cold!

Original: A gaint exploding glass/ice swan. Not your avrage object, yet very cool! Quality: The mesh had no holes, and the texture was nice, and it was well rotated. Useable: This can be used in.. a palace maybe? But even there it might not fit perfectly. Too bad though, 'cause this is very cool! Custom textures: I think it should ha an eye texture, or a tiny bit more detail, other then the one texture that it has. But sense it's transparent it doesnt matter much. :) Custom meshes: It could have been a little bit more round, but it really did'nt look too shaby. I'd like to see this used in a level. :)

(18 Oct 2004 05:23)
Celtic cross
by Golden Dawn

Original: Another Celtic Cross by Golden Dawn, but this is difrent, it's a staic object and it has a diffrent stlye. Quality: Textures are well made and they are rotated really goo. The meshes are really well shaped and they have no holes. Useable: I saw this in a level-in-the-makeing! And this would probibly look really good in my second RE level, too. (lol. I'm always shoping in the objects for a good addition to my RE levels :p ) Custom textures: Really great textures! The stlye is nice and they look very good, especialy in game. Custom meshes: Perfectly shaped and it's more then just a simple cross style, it's rounded. Very nice job!! :D

(18 Oct 2004 05:17)
Showing 136 to 150 of 485 reviews
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