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Location: Trondheim, Norway
Interests: None. Okay, a few. Alright, lots of them!
Gender: m
Showing 31 to 45 of 136 reviews
by Trinity
Ugh... Many bugs and poor textures...

This was really not a good outfit. First of all, there was plenty of annoying bugs: The stomach joint attached to her right knee, when she draws her weapons the joints attach to her head, her legs go too much through her skirt and the fact that the joints aren't shiny is bad for the legs (but it's okay, since it's a totally black texture). So the quality is quite off. The textures lowers it even more since they are plain, and not very good looking. The backpack textures are unsuitable, they don't quite fit in. And finally, though the head looks like Boaz', the textures are still not too good, the hair is far too plain, even though it's black! Since there are no custom meshes, I won't go into those. Finally, I find it very unusable, because of the bugs. Though making Boaz textures are hard (since she only appears in her normal state in cutscenes, her textures can't be ripped), it's still possible to make better textures than these... The only upside to this outfit is the fact that it's the first outfit of it's kind, and I think the next version (if any) can be quite much better!

(17 Aug 2004 13:07)
Basic Black
by C/y
The gun animations!

There was an included Readme where the credits were, Trinity, but I'm glad you pointed it out. However, you were wrong about one thing, that being the gun animations. They were made by me, but deskj took them without crediting me, therefore everybody thinks they're his now! The only thing he changed was the pistol animation and textures, but the meshes of those are still mine. I'd like everybody to know that they are mine, since I spent quite an amount of time making them joint compatible, and fixing bugs like the "weapon-on-back" meshes. To see the original ones, check my Peach outfit. Well, with that said, over to the outfit! What I first noticed about the outfit was the weird hand connection, which looks awful. Use my joint from the Peach outfit or any of my AoD outfits to fix this. I think it's a well used idea, with the cammo pants and black top, but C/y has enough variation in it to keep it interesting. The meshes were usually taken by others (and the torso was fixed from an earlier version), but the ones C/y made looks pretty good, especially the cool hairstyle! The textures you made were a bit plain (being the torso area and boots mostly), but they work well enough with the more detailed textures, making it a "Basic" outfit in many terms! I found a single misplaced texture on the right hip joint, and it sticks out quite a bit, so that's a lower in quality. The useability for the outfit is great, it fits well into most environment, though it may be a bit too hot for tombs. Still, being a versatile outfit, it gets a 10 in useability!

(17 Aug 2004 12:25)
Resident Evil 4... before it's released!

Another fine piece of work by Silent Viper. This time it's really special though, since it's RE4 inspired... while RE4 isn't even released yet! This gives it a maximum in originality! The useability is also at a max, as these weapons are well made and fit well into any given level. The weapons themselves have very gorgeous textures, and they bring justice to the meshes, which also are great, and at their best! The animation for the pistol is very well done, I only find it to be a bit jerky in Lara's left arm when she draws the pistol. But since you didn't make it it won't affect the rating, except the quality a tiny bit. The shotgun's animation is the original one, but it should have been a little bit remade, as the handle sticks through Lara's back when she fires. Also, her right arm sticks into it when it's on her back in a few animations, but that's really no problem. I think these are bound to be used in a level, especially since they are "beta weapons", and may be changed in RE4. Great work, SV!

(10 Aug 2004 14:33)
New lara
Excellent headmesh!

Another shorts outfit. That's not a bad thing, of course, considering it's a standard tomb raiding outfit. There are still a bunch of these already, so the originality is a little off. It's also a bit inspired from AoD, but "inspired" is not the same as "made after", so it doesn't affect the rating much. But this is indeed a fine piece of work! The quality is great, I only have a few complaints there, read on: The textures are fine, but I find many of them to be quite plain, like the top textures and the bracelets on the hands. The gloves are looking good, but you forgot to credit me for the small glove texture you used. There are also many textures from AoD, and these are well applied and sized, so that's a plus. I found that the textures on the hip joints don't quite match the pelvis textures, and stick out quite a lot. The meshes are brilliant, especially the new head and the boots! The head looks so cool, and really looks a ton like AoD Lara, except the ears are a little bit too small. Great work otherwise! I still find a few meshes a bit disfigured, the top legs are a bit too blocky, and the fingers are a bit too thick. For useability this is a versatile outfit, as it's a shorts outfit, and fits basicly everywhere. I don't care about arctic environments, useability basicly means it fits into a huge variety of levels, and this it does. My personal thought about this outfit is that it's a very well-made outfit that has a lot of potential, but the green shorts don't quite match the black top in my eyes. I also have another small complaint: I can see you have used a bunch of my gun animations, but not credited me for them. The pistols are not mine, but the shotgun, crossbow (+LaserSight), grenade launcher, revolver (+LaserSight), flare and uzi meshes (not the animation) are mine, though you have retextured them a bit. Please credit me for those.

(08 Aug 2004 21:37)
Sonya Blade
by Keith

This is a fabulous outfit! It's not the first Sonya, but the other one is nothing compared to this one! I never played Mortal Kombat, but the reference picture shows an amazing resemblance! It bears a small resemblance to Alias #5 as well, but it has it's own way of making the colours work, and no shining, so it's a highly original outfit! The quality is great, there are no connection bugs in it, and the normals are working great, even on the easy-to-mess-up head, which isn't messed up at all! The textures are very good and show lots of detail, except some textures on the chest, that are quite plain, but they are okay never the less, and I can see you tried to make some muscles under them, which is good. I miss the navel though, but as you told me a short while ago, you just forgot to place it there (you were going to use mine, which was why I'm listed in the credits). There's a logo on her chest too, what does it mean? The hair texture is ace (though you didn't make it), and the pants sport an incredibly nice colour-scheme, with a perfect red colour matching the white and black belt perfectly, though I did find a single misplaced texture on the side of the pelvis. Then there are the boots, which, though without a shiny effect, still look a lot like leather and look great in-game. For some variation, one of the legs has a rubber band on it. Another cool thing is the spiky bracelets on her arms, they are very well done, and look very realistic, except they could probably use one more spike. You also made leather bands around her wrists, with skin beneath them (not placed directly onto them). The hands are very good, they even have some space between each finger, which you don't see much on other outfits. The connection is working great, even though the hand has polygons inside the joint! My only complaint is that they are extremely plain. Some nails and muscles would do good. The head is very cool in many ways. First, it's the cap, which, though a bit blocky, couldn't have been much better! It sits nicely on her head, and hair bits hang down from under it, which is very cool! Second, there are the eyes. This is the first outfit for TRLE (I think) that has 3D eyes! They are not round and smooth though, a bit cartoonish actually, but they get the job done. Still, they could require a bit more work. Third, it's the ponytail. Considering this is a Young Lara outfit, this is fairly well done, but the ponytail is still a bit too stiff, and it sticks into her back when looking around. It's also quite affected by crawling and such. My advice here is to make it an old Lara outfit instead, keep the first part of your ponytail, and then delete the rest and alter the HAIR. If you use my Princess Peach Toadstool's HAIR for reference, you may actually be the second one to make an outfit with loose hair! Just one more complaint on the head: The lips. You should apply the darker texture on the top lip and vice versa, now it looks like she has an overbite jaw... Next, the useability. This is a very versatile outfit! It fits well into casual levels, as well as a variety of environments, like cold places (pants and cap), warm places (cap and sports bra), jungles (protection on arms, as well as pants and cap to protect head and lower areas from poisonous plants), cities (okay, she has a special style there, but it works!) and high-tech (duh, she's a member of a "top military group dedicated to demolishing portals to Outworld on Earth and stopping evildoers"!) Last some personal opinions on the outfit: As I said in the start of the review, I've never played Mortal Kombat before, I've just seen some pictures in gaming magazines. And never really though much about the game in general, just knowing about it. This outfit, however, shows a dedication to a game, and I like to see that. Keith really progressed in his skills here, and gave us a near-perfect TRLE version of Sonya Blade, who appears to me as an equalient of Lara Croft in a more futuristic sense, except she fights evil instead of raiding tombs. She has an enemy. The enemy probably has some power, if he managed to fall of a building without dying... This means I can easily see Sonya going up against Kano or some other evildoers in a level, or even a game for TRLE. Therefore, I urge everyone to try this outfit! Who knows? Maybe your city playground level gets turned into a Mortal Kombat masterpiece if you try with this outfit and a couple of goons for her to fight? Therefore, I'd like to congratulate Keith on making such a wonderous outfit, and seeing how he has progressed since the Lucozade outfit, I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing how he will continue his "Quest for Mortal Kombat"! I'd also like to congratulate myself for sitting here in 30+ minutes composing a rediculously long review to honour Keith's creation. I must say I had a lot of fun doing it! And if you people out there see my dedication to the review (and even read the whole thing), I hope it inspires you to make better and more detailed reviews in the future! Trust me, it WILL help your reputation here! Greetings, Mr. Nice Guy, the Spam Cop. EDIT: It's no longer the longest review an item's ever got, it's been defeated... Trinity has went into the Bible department as well, and given my Assasin's Catsuit a mighty, lenghty, spacey, incredibly, complimentary, amazingly, truely, outstandingly, holy, majesticly, unbelievably long review!!! I was so baffled at reading it, it seemed so small, but it was downright long! Now, I need to take my place back! I want to write the best review! It's my duty as the Review Manager! It's my job! My passion! My destiny! Because I'm invincible! I can take on everybody! I can admit my failure, but I can use my failure to make a better, longer, righter, greater and superlatively superior review! I will succeed! But before that, I need to get into my reviewing mood... which may take a while, but when that time comes... **END OF TRANSMISSION** [i]Edited by MrNiceGuy[/i]

(08 Aug 2004 01:56)
Author Reply
Oh My God!!!!!!!!!! That must be the longest review I or anyone has ever got!!!! If everyone reviewed like you..well...most people wouldn't be able to open the huge pages. :P Thank you Mr.NiceGuy for you're highly detailed and kind review! I will release Sonya Version 2. It will be Sonya Blade from Mortal Kombat 3. In which Sonya wore green black and white, no cap but head band. Its different from the Mortal Kombat 4 Sonya which is the one I released already and I hope Sonya Version 2 does nearly as well as this. When I first made my first outfit (Red Raider) I never dreamed I would be able to make an outfit that would get reviews like Sonya got. Thank you all for reviewing and if I ever get Wad Merger working (please someone help me!) I'll be able to release more. if I don't get it working. Well then Sonya Blade is where my outfits will end. Edit: oh and if your looking for something to beat Trinitys amazing review, have fun trying to do that :P, my TRII Tibet Outfit is online!

Lara Tanktop
One too many bugs...

Another outfit based on AoD. It has a more personal touch to it though, so that's a small raise in originality. There are plenty of bugs to be found here. First, the right leg, which has a bad connection to her foot. That one is mostly strange because it's fixed on the other foot... The pistol animation is badly imported. First, the guns appear differently in the holsters (with different shines and such). Second, when Lara draws them, one hand has the gun, and one not, but it's still the old animation (not deskj's), which makes it very strange... I find the head a bit clumsy, but no biggie. The pelvis looks good, and the top is fine. The boots are a bit plain, and the hands a bit small. Also, you took some textures from me and cornchild, and forgot to credit. Overall, I think it's an average AoD style outfit. It has it's good parts, but also some bad ones...

(23 Jun 2004 22:57)
I like it, though it fires a bit weird...

This animation is very good, I always figured Lara held her guns too high up. Now she looks more relaxed. It animates smoothly, and only has one little fault in it. When Lara fires, she holds the guns at different angles, which looks a bit weird. Also, I noticed that the verticles on the weapons are not correctly mapped, so the joints don't attach correctly on the hand. That is barely noticable though, and doesn't affect the rating. But otherwise this is a fine work of animation and I look forward to seeing your next one (i.e. if you make more)!

(22 Jun 2004 12:33)
Well, not quite right...

The feet are nice and all, but they are too narrowed together, and the toes are quite crude. I prefer the toe-less feet version over these, but they are fine if you want some simple toes on the feet.

(20 Jun 2004 20:28)
by cornchild
Very good!

I really like it, it's original, cool and stylish. You can use this a lot in some levels, but it doesn't fit naturally into many types of levels, which brings the useability down. The animations, meshes and textures are stunning, and really puts the ride into justice, but the "fall-if-you-release-Ctrl" problem makes if a bit unrealistic, when she just stops and falls through (unless you place invisible bridge_tilt1's under the track, then Lara will just stop there). But a great object and worth the download!

(20 Jun 2004 09:20)
Foot meshes
by deskj

Though there are no toes, they are fine if you don't want the feet to be too detailed, like to keep the performance up.

(19 Jun 2004 21:56)
Best TR1 pistols!

You certainly seem to like my pistol meshes, Keith! :D That's okay of course, since you credit me for them. These pistols are a great alternative to Lara's normal pistol, and are just like the TR1 pistols, except that they have a longer barrel. Though there are a few of these here already, these are the only ones really worth downloading (and using). It's also good that you included all nesessary objects (pistols_anim, lara_holsters, lara_holsters_pistols, pistols_item and pistols_ammo_item). Get these, you won't regret it! [i]Edited by MrNiceGuy[/i]

(19 Jun 2004 12:38)
Summer Time 2
by deskj
Oh no... more stolen material...

The originality factor is hard to determine in this outfit. It's clearly part AoD (= 0), but it has a twist with the top. The quality is variable as well, the textures are brilliant, but too large. The meshes are good in some parts, but not so good in other parts (like the pants STILL sagging too low on Lara's heels). The fact that you finally fixed the hands are a huge raise, and it's done very well, but when Lara draws her weapons, they join to her fingers instead. When underwater or climbing poles the pants go into eachother all the time, and since it's "summer time", this needs some fixing. The useability is only half-way, because it fits in warm levels and tombs, but not in cold environment and high-tech. Textures are brilliant as always, but STILL too large! Also, the colour changes in her pants are too sudden in certain parts. As for the meshes, great, except for the end of her pants, and the hands, which are a little bit too small. I think the lips are fine, not too big, and not too small. Anyway, good job on this outfit! Just remember to use smaller textures next time, so it's easier to use the outfits in bigger WADs. [i]Edited by MrNiceGuy[/i]

(19 Jun 2004 12:14)
Movie Guns
by Keith
Great alternative to Lara's normal pistols!

You really did a great job with these, Keith! The textures, though WAY too big, looked really good, and though you used my ancient quality pistols remake from TR3, they appeared quite different. A thing I noticed was that the textures you had applied yourself had no shining, while the ones you just exported, changed and imported back still had the shining. It was no problem though, and doesn't affect the rating. The translucency problem didn't bother me, it just looked like a black area on the weapons. I should also mention that the empty holsters were the old ones with black texture, and with weapons in them they appeared as my version. Still, it's worth the download, and should be used in any level! A small tip: If you need small textures, try to add several objects to your WAD, then import the texture into the best texture slot you can find.

(17 Jun 2004 10:50)
by TifaNazah

Wow, this certainly qualifies to "most creative but worst made outfit". I'll start with the meshes. First thing you notice is the "hair", which reaches the fairy's bottom legs. She appears to have used a Petrificus Totalis stiffness spell on it (I just HAD to say that!), as it's as stiff as it gets! Her legs also go though it all the time, and it passes through her lower body and skirt all the time as well, in almost every animation. The better way to make it would be to lenghten the normal ponytail, or place different parts of the hair mesh at different meshes, and joining them with joints (extra hard...). When mentioning the skirt, it's quite good, but the legs still pass through the bottom of it, as well as the "hair". The wings are beautiful, but no, the arms pass through them too! This time it's acceptible since the wings are transparent, but it's still a lower in quality. Otherwise the meshes are fine, except the feet are a bit blocky, and don't have joint attachment to the legs. Unlike the meshes, the textures are beautiful, and well made. The wings are enhanched by the textures, but I didn't like the hair texture, it was a bit plain. The suit is really cool! It appears dark purple at normal, and turns light purple when shooting or holding a flare. Underwater it's blue! Quite a cool effect, and it increases the textures rating. Overall, I don't recommend this to anybody, the hair just ruins it all. If you make a shorter haircut (like the original ponytail *hint hint*), this could probably work, but it's still stupid that Lara has wings but can't fly... [i]Edited by ChatBot[/i]

(08 Jun 2004 20:28)
AoD with a twist...

This outfit is really good! The pants have beautiful textures, especially around the front. The fading effects are not very accurate, but they are ok. Most of the meshes are great, except that the pants are still hanging too low on Lara's legs, and that the hands still have the weird hand joints (these are very easily fixed by remapping the verticles, just use the original, weaponless hands for reference), causing a hole between the hands and the arms. I should also note that the hand are the tiniest bit small, but that's not a major problem. The main issue with this outfit is that it's clearly an AoD Casual outfit, only that it has a small twist with the grey top and no jacket, increasing the originality a bit. Like the Silk Tie pants, it works great in casual environments, like cities, except it's better because it doesn't have the lightning bugs. A recommended outfit!

(06 Jun 2004 11:38)
Showing 31 to 45 of 136 reviews
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