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Location: Somewhere in Rio de Janeiro
Interests: Tomb building, origami, movies, and much more... :-P
Gender: m
Showing 1 to 15 of 27 reviews

I like them very much!!! :-) The snake in the wall is so cool, the grass is lovely, the lightbeams are great, the lamps are great too! Just the fire has a problem: it rotates well but it keeps moving to one direction side, when you see the fire is in the other side of the map D: It can be fixed, but all the other obejects are perfect: meshes textures, everything! I'm really going to use them!

(29 Dec 2005 03:45)
Author Reply
Thank you!

GREAT! (what a surprise...)

Originality: Remakes aren't original, no matter what you do. They shouldn't be rated at this point, period. Quality: *looks for bugs and doesn't find them* Useable: NOT IN A DESERT! LOL Textures: Great! Well applyed and detailed! Specialy the pants one. Meshes: Great too! VEry detailed! The new face... is amazing! Overall: GREAT! (what a susprise...)

(22 Nov 2005 03:34)
Mobile Snake
by GeckoKid

Ten in every rating. What more can I say? The big fun is that it is in the crocodile slot. I not only slithers on the floor, it also swims! And that's perfect anywhere! If you're tired of that "moving suitcase", you MUST use it. The animatons are amazing, and the dying animation... TAERG! lol!

(03 Nov 2005 06:04)

Piega's work. I don't need to tell anything else, do I? Well, I found out that she looks around even when she's fighting. I mean, she is shooting, standing somewhere, and then she looks around. That's odd. But it works only when she is shooting or aiming and not moving, so, not a big problem!

(03 Nov 2005 05:35)
Desert Ranger
by Danilo

No originality because it is based on AoD and it is very outdated now, lol... Quality: Full score! No bugs found! No useability: because almost every weapon can be used everywhere. they shouldn't be rated in this point. TExtures: good again! Well applied! Meshes: Great. Again. Because. It. Is. Perfect. PS: The laser detail must be used. If you use this in a level, don't forget to use the lasersight!

(03 Nov 2005 05:28)
New Gun Flash 2
by vixion

I wanted a new gunflash to my game (!). I wanted a blue one (!!), so I did the new textures by myself. However, the hardcoded lights messed everything up (!!!). But this one... It is perfect! The new mesh, the new textures, and we can even see the bullet! I'm going to use it!

(25 Oct 2005 05:33)
Author Reply
thank you so much.. i didnt expect such a good review, infact i didn't expect any at all... i'm happier now :D

Covered jeep
by cornchild

Original: I think i havent seen something like this before, so, 10. Quality: I haven't found any bugs. 10 again. Useable: I can't see a place to use it. 10 again. Textures: They are really great! Full score. Meshes: They are good too. 10 again. Animantions: Good again. Full score. A good Jeep I'm going to use :-P

(16 Oct 2005 18:20)
by C/y

It's original because it's difficult to see new fountais aroud there. I guess i can count them in my fingers. Quality: It's good. There is a texture on the waterfall object that isn't correctly rotated. But some clicks in Strpix solve this. Useable: European city level, old cathedrals, and such. TExtures: Speakes by itself. Meshes: Good again. I love to see those amazing new objcts!!!

(16 Aug 2005 06:12)
Perfect! (oh, how interesting...)

Well, everybody knows that Piega's work is amazing. I won't spent my time here saying that these binoculars are great, that they are bugless, that they can be used everywhere, that the meshes are wonderful and the textures are well done, and perfectly applied, and that it is good to see somehing new from that blocky things Lara has been using since 1999. My only complain... Why not to create new BINOCULARS_GRAPHICS too? It would fit perfectly with these! Just a suggestion...

(08 Aug 2005 06:11)
Author Reply
Thanks for liking them :) But how to adjust the binoculars graphics? Not that I'm not able to but how to change the shape when looking through round glasses :D

*speechless again*

Po Yu, why dont you create something really bad? I'm tired to say that your outfits are amazing! I was just joking. Original: It's based on another game, and this is not the first Kurtis we have. But I don't want to give you 9, it deserves a TEN! Quality: I saw some small bugs on the shoulders, but, it happens all the time, and that's the very only problem on this outfit! No other problems! Full score again! Useable: Remakes are always useable everywhere. THere aren't many Kurtis levels out there, but it is just because the authors don't want at all. 10 again. Textures: Have you ripped them from AOD? Well applyed, well done... 10 again. Meshes: perfect again... Animations: Probably the best part. In my opinion, the most important new animation in a male character is the walking one. And this is so great! I remade my test level just to test this outfit and its animations, but I do not regret doing it. In fact, I want to build a Kurtis level just because of this outfit! Keep working, talented boy!

(21 Jul 2005 07:14)
Author Reply
Thank you give me all 10 point!! :) but can you tell me what's teh shoulders bug? because when I tested it ingame,I don't found shoulders bug...I want to fix it if I know.:) thanks again!

I'm speechless!

I couldnt tignore this outfit! Original: New (and cool) shorts, new belt, new haircut... Quality: There's a small bug in the elbow, but I noticed that only because Piega showed us at the othe forums. Since it is too small, and you fixed that, full score! Useable: It will look strange in snowy levels, but full score again! Textures and meshes: Speaks by itself. Animations: Your first work in the Anim editor paid off! Overall... TEN!

(17 Jul 2005 18:33)
Author Reply
thank you give me all 10 point~!:) yes,this is looks strange in snowy levels,so I will make a winter version:P In fact,this is not my first time to make first time to make anim is for Kurtis!:) (I said this is first time I made new gun anim,mean this is first time I made new gun anim "mesh":)sorry,I can't use English well!)

water lilies
by TifaNazah

That's good! Original: speks by itself Quality: speaks by itself Useable: note everywhere, but in a very big variety of levels: jungles, parks, homes, gardens... Textures: They were a little plain, let's consider it, please ;-) Meshes: Good too! But so simple... A small note: in-life water lilies are like any other plant: they need to have roots, and this one doesn't have roots. Why? Thats a big mistery... But I'm using it in my level!

(02 Jul 2005 05:42)
Silver Hawk
by Rainbow
Silver Hawk...

Original: Speaks by itself... Quality: I downrated because it is strange in the inventory, nothing more than it. Useable: speaks by itself... Textures: speaks by itself... Meshes: Speaks by itself... I can I say? That the object speaks by itself?...

(26 Jun 2005 19:41)
New Shotgun
by Danilo
What a cool thing!

This weapon is... different. Original: It's based on another game, but it is still cool. 9 here Quality: Lara doesn't aim exactly to where the bullets go. That's the only problem. Useable: *Crane thinks: Weapons can be used in so many places, why to downrate it?* Textures: I didn't see problems, so, they are nice. Meshes: hummm, you really mixed all TR4 weapons. Looks amazing and well done, no holes. Animations: Now I can say that there's something faster than the light (Einstein was wrong...). I never saw something so fasssssssssssssst! Mainly beacuse of the shotgun ammo, that causes more damage. Killing a croc with it was faster than using uzis (and I was using the normal ammo! Imagine what it can do with the wideshot thing...)! A good weapon, but, as I said, Lara doesn't aim at where the bullets go. But, since players will be busier using it, I think it doesn't matter at all. [i]Edited by Crane[/i]

(26 Jun 2005 18:35)
Generic Day Horizon
by MrNiceGuy

Generally when I give ten in a review i dont explain, because a ten speaks by itself. But not in this item. Originality: We have a day horizon with sea, a day horizon with snowy mountain, a day horizon with a city, a day horizon with a desert... Where is only the sunny day when we need it? Quality: I hate box horizons. But, here in Brazil we have a saying: "Every rule is an exception (toda regra é uma exceção)." This is true here! This box horizon is simplly amazing! Perfect! Bugfree! Why??? Check below!!! Textures: Aren't yours, but, does it matter when they are well applied? Perfect! well matched, in the right size, what more can I say? Useability: Almost everywhere! It is suitable in many places: cities, jungles, deserts, bases, artic, only underwater (obviously). But it's not a big problem. Suggestion: I has cloud in one side, so, if you want a sunny day with an impending rainstorm... We have some perfect objects. This is what was missing. *Crane thinks: lol, I've written so much! Maybe I should say more...*

(26 Jun 2005 05:42)
Author Reply
Wow, I'm glad to see that you liked the horizon, Crane! :D I know what you mean with box-horizons being ugly, so I tried my best to avoid the boxness showing in-game. I hope someone will find it useful! :)

Showing 1 to 15 of 27 reviews
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