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White Tiger

Location: Croatia (Europe)
Interests: All kind of art, politics, philosophy, far history, catechism, dangerous sports and charity.
Birthday: 09 Feb 1988
Gender: m
Showing 16 to 30 of 55 reviews

Originality: I’m not sure, but I think that you have first created them. Quality: No bugs detected. Usable: It is usable for everything, yes EVERYTHING!!! Textures: They are great. It is very realistic, and in game looks much better than in strpix. Meshes: Awesome! You have very good combine textures and meshes. Good job!

(11 Jan 2006 13:33)
by Po Yu

Originality: This is best head mesh ever. Quality: Everything’s perfect. Works fine, no holes or anything similar. Usable: It’s usable for what is created. For all outfits lol, and we can change hairstyle if we want to do that. Mesh: as I say before, this is best head mesh ever.

(11 Jan 2006 13:16)

Originality: Of course: 10! I like that we can change collors of outfit, and I just like pullover. Quality: As always, in your outfits isn't possibile to find any bug. Your outfits are allways perfect. There's no bug! Usability: It's usable for winter levels, Antartica levels for example… 10 points. Textures: Are awesome! They looks very realistic in game! Cool! I like hear and jacket. Pants are also great! Meshes: Same as textures. They are awesome. Head is as always great, jacket also… Everythings perfect! Great outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(04 Jan 2006 15:34)
raiding outfit
Cool outfit!

Originality: It very cool. I didn't see anything similar before. Quality: I didn't find any bug. Everything is ok. Good job! Usability: It is very usable for what is created: for driving levels, and maybe hi-tech levels. It is reall great! Tekstures: -are great. Looks fantastic in game. I like posibility of chainging colors of sleeves. Meshes: -some meshes are by Po Yu, or yu have modify them. I don't know. But they are also ok. I only don't like bottom of jacket. It's blocky, if you understand me. Rest is great. I like backpack and shoes very much! I like this outfit, but don't forget to give credits to Po Yu next time. I like style of outfit. It's cool! Don't stop building! [i]Edited by Death_spiriT[/i]

(04 Jan 2006 15:12)
Good start!

Just for the next time: if you create yung lara, put description how to install her because many of people doesen't know how. That's my opinion. Originality: Well… for the first time I see classic Lara with two pony tails, but it just can't be ten or nine. Sorry. Quality: I didn't find any bug:) Usability: Hmmm… it is usable for some training levels only, but also not much. Tekstures and meshes: are not yours so I can't rate this. Only head mesh is modify by you. It woud be better if you just use meshes and tekstures from tomb raider 4, because they are much better than tr1. Don't you think? Face is little bit strange with tr1 textures but cute. This is your first thing that you have release on Internet and it is good start. Don't stop with builindg!!!

(04 Jan 2006 14:50)
Author Reply
Thanks Death_spirit. Actually I use this outfit for one of my levels. And I prepare others outfits. ^_^


Originality: There's many cool things. Snake head is very original. Quality: I didn't find any bug. Usability: It's usable for wha't made. Jungle levels, and tombs. Lamp is usable even for city levels. Textures: Some tekstures are yours, and some are not. Your teksuxtures are fine, but i don't like some parts of snake- eyes for example. In game they are… it's hard to explain, but I will sugest you to use smaller textures on small details Meshes: They are also good. But there is also one thing that I didn't like. On snake again. What do you think, was it possibbile to make tongue so long and so thin before, let's say 1000 years?. No, it woud crack and fall somewhere on the floor. Do you understand what i'm trying to say?

(04 Jan 2006 00:44)
Author Reply
Thank you! I understand your point.

by teme9
It is very usable!

Originality: First custom ivy that I see… Quality: I didn't find any bug… Everythings ok. Usability: It is usable allmost for everything: jungle, forrest, fantasy, botanic levels even for sunny city levels. It's only not usable for winter levels. Textures: There is only one texture, but good one. Meshes: Simple, but looks great in game.

(04 Jan 2006 00:43)
Author Reply
Thank you!

You allredy know that I like EVERY your work!

Originality: This is best Antarctica outfit! Ever! Usability: Your outfit is usable for all winter typ levels: forest, mountain… Antarctica:) Quality: I didn't find any bug, or bad poly… everything's GREAT! Shadows are fine, SHE looks great from any corner. Textures: -are perfect! Jacket In game looks fantastic and also realistic, same as pants. Face is lovely. I like eyebrows and lips very much. Hair is also good. Meshes: -are also perfect. Head looks great!!! I like way how did you make jacked, also great as pants. Shoes are more detailed and everything’s looks fantastic in game. Overall: This outfit is one of the best EVER! You have really put much effort in your outfit, and result of it are fantastic! I like your work. You are big inspiration to all of us!!!!!!!!! [i]Edited by Death_spiriT[/i] [i]Edited by Death_spiriT[/i]

(30 Dec 2005 20:00)

Hey Po Yu! Your new outfit is really good. So, let’s start with reviewing ;) Originality: Truth is, there’s many legend outfit, but this one is best. So, if you ask me, this is best legend remake! Quality: I didn’t find any bug here. Everything’s perfect. Lara’s head is great, face doesn’t have problems with shadows anymore!!! Usability: It is usable for almost everything. It is only not usable in winter levels (but it isn’t possible create outfit that can be usable everywhere ;) so here I will give you 10 points! Textures: They are great. Shirt textures looks so real, just like skin textures! I like textures. Meshes: They are good as textures. 10 POINTS! They have many details. I like that legend-bag. It has so many details, so it makes her more realistic in game! Last words: You are great builder. Outfit before is perfect, but this is even better. You have big talent for creating outfits. I can’t wait to see your next (Winter-Legend) outfit! Congratulations Po Yu Chen! [img=] She looks perfect, you must agree! [i]Edited by Death_spiriT[/i] [i]Edited by Death_spiriT[/i]

(24 Sep 2005 13:22)
Olde Tyme Lamp
by trplayer

Cool lamp! Originality: I didn’t see any costume lamp… I will use it! Quality: I didn’t find any bug so I will give 10 points. Usability: It is usable only 4 old house levels. Meshes: Everything’s ok! I really like it. Textures: They are very simple. I know that this object is very small & it has shining effect, but you could put more details. But I will give you 10 points.

(18 Jul 2005 15:58)
Cactus Set 2
by karlo002
It is usable!

Originality: I didn’t see any costume cactuses. Quality: I didn't find any bug in those objects. Usability: It is usable 4 what is it made: desert level, or maybe home level. Meshes: It isn’t very hard to create meshes like that but I like it! The smallest cactus is best! Textures: Textures are very realistic in game. Good work!

(18 Jul 2005 15:57)
Ashley Carpenter
by Kimutaku

I have noticed meshes made by me, & some meshes made by Trinity. If you want to use something’s not made by u, you must give credits to those people. Truth is, I didn’t see anything like this but… Quality: Something’s wrong with some connections. Look at screenshot! Usability: It can be usable only in some fantasy levels. Meshes: I will not rate this part because I don’t know are that your meshes. Textures: They are very simple. I understand how hard creating outfits is. But I am sure that you can do better. DON’T GIVE UP! And don’t forget give us credits next time :) [img=] [i]Edited by Death_spiriT[/i]

(18 Jul 2005 15:53)
Yellow Diving Suit
by tauchwiesel

Reedy 4 action? Originality: There are many similar outfits. Only in color they are different. Quality: No bugs I found… Usability: Usability is high. It is very usable 4 levels with water. Meshes: Meshes are not yours. Am I right? Textures: Some textures are very simple & to big. If the texture is simple I always make it smaller. In game everythinglooks ok. Nice! Good beginning! Can’t wait your next outfit!

(18 Jul 2005 15:51)
Nice outfit!

Originality: It is typical your style. But you have much better outfits! I like that flower in hat. Quality: Some connections in hands are not good when she use weapons. I didn’t see any other error. Usability: This outfit can be usable most in house levels & maybe in some city level. Meshes: I want to tank you 4 giving me credits. Thanks! Meshes are best part of this outfit. That bag is very good! That bag is maybe best bag mesh. Is that your? I like that hat. Textures: I must say that I don’t like that jeans texture. It‘s not realistic. Jacked texture is realistic, but it will be better if you put more details. Shirt textures are simple but in game look good. Head textures are ok. This outfit is ok, but you can do better. I can’t wait your next outfit. You have always good ideas.

(18 Jul 2005 15:49)
Author Reply
Thank you for your review, DS! :) Yes, I created the bag myself... It took me long enough, it was hard work.... well I know that my outfits aren't as good as Trinitys, Po Yus, etc or yours. :( ;)


Originality: Originality of this outfit is really high. There are many details that I like. Your new animation with flare is very interesting. I like new items that you have made. Usability: It is usable 4 many types of levels. Best solution is jungle level & water levels. Quality: Your outfit need more work with shadows. I will not down rate it with that reason because I know how hard fixing is. There are no holes. I didn’t find any other bug. Textures: Textures are fine. Short has realistic textures & she looks sexy in that. Shoes, bag & shirt also looks realistic. They are very good. Meshes: Head is amazing. She rally looks like Lara from TRLegend. Chest mesh is as always good. As I say before, there are many details I like. God job! Animation: Your new animation is very innovating, but I will not rate it. (I don’t know much about it) After many your remakes this outfit looks best. Face is very sweet. I like it very much. Let’s all hope you will make another outfit very soon.

(10 Jul 2005 14:41)
Author Reply
Yes,the shadows have to be better,I can't fix it. Thank you for like the new face,I also like the new fashion face you made^_^ and thank you give me all 10 point!^_^

Showing 16 to 30 of 55 reviews
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