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White Tiger

Location: Croatia (Europe)
Interests: All kind of art, politics, philosophy, far history, catechism, dangerous sports and charity.
Birthday: 09 Feb 1988
Gender: m
Showing 1 to 15 of 55 reviews
Lara 3 in 1
by Trinity
3 in 1... Isn't that coffe??

Sorry for long wait for review that I said I'll do long time ago :P . So, let's start. ''3 in 1'' reminds me on Nescafe 3 in 1 coffee :P . Originality is high of course. I love design and that bolero, if that's it called. My favorite is definitely blue one. Whole outfit is really nice. Quality, as usual is highest too. No holes, no misplaced textures, at least those that you can see. Lightning is also well done. Outfit is usable of course. Mostly for some cities, but could be used also in deserts and jungles as well, with green and brown one. Really good. Textures are mostly fine, but there are few things that I would like to be changed. Let's start from top. We can see that you really have given a lot of effort for so called ''fake uv mapping'', which is great, now you have more experience in that :D . But, something is weird with face texture you're using. I would suggest if you can find texture with less contrast between lighter and darker parts, or you can photoshop it your self as I do too. You can mostly notice that on her nose. This nose thing also looks weird in game. Her nose looks so thin, and then her nostrils look huge in game. Also, cheeks are too dark. I would suggest you also something that you suggested me long time ago :P . I would suggest to use more but smaller textures for hair. As we go down, it's better. Sometimes some texture could be better rotated, but not big deal. Texturing highlight of this outfit are jeans imo. They really looks great. Maybe you could add some texture of bottom of boots, but it's ok this way too. Meshes are great. Loves everything about them. Interesting shape of head mesh, but still like it. I would add belt on her hips, since I don't know how that circle things works in reality, but ok, it's original. I love details on boots. Her chest mesh is also well done, again, I love that bolero thing :D ! Anyway, this is really nice outfit. I would like some things to be fixed about textures, but it's still good as it is. Can't wait to see more from you, the things you have give us on preview looks promising :D !

(28 Jan 2009 16:38)
Excelent work!

Ok, before I start, welcome back, I'm so glad you're here, can't wait for more of you. So, let's get back on review. Originality is high, short black hair, sexy that-type-of-skirt and shoes and shirt... It's all original, no doubt on that. No bugs or found... so, quality also 10. Usable. It could be very well used in nightlife or party levels. Perfect for that occasion. I have to give you 9 from textures and meshes. In strpix you can see they could be better rotated. Though, that's not that big problem, cause most of players (and level builders) does not notice details like that while playing. The thing that I don't like are some textures with buttons which looks like they are stretched on some parts, and on some parts too small. The best parts are skin textures, and the shoes. Her face is so cute, and very well textured. But I would suggest something about eyes: [img=] See, on left it looks like she's shocked... now imagine someone walking all the time with eyes opened like that :p . Meshes are... well, I was thinking to down rate because proportions, but I guess you wanted her stylized or something. Neck is just a bit way high, like Barbie style. Then, on opposite side of her breast it's too flat (sorry, didn't know how to explain other way), and then she looks so skinny on her waist, compared to breasts and hips. But I guess it's all just style. I like it anyway. I like the skirt mesh a lot, looks great in game. The meshes have no problems with lightning in game. And I like your new head mesh. Anyway, this is really good and great comeback.

(05 Nov 2008 20:12)
Very nice outfit! 2

Quality: there are no bugs I could saw. Usable: it's usable simply everywhere. Textures: Textures had amazed me. They look awesome. I love the shirt texture, cause it looks very realistic and detailed. Also, that little hang bad is also realistic... What could have more work is front of those shorts. I know it's hard to edit it realistically because meshes, but it's not impossible. Also, the hair...the darker part looks tiled. You should make sure that the left part of the texture is the same as the right, so that this tiling is not noticable. Meshes: they are fantastic. Again, chest mesh is really good and detailed. Face is lovely.Nice to see that lighting is well done. Overall, this outfit is gorgeous. I like the way you do it.

(26 Jun 2008 12:04)
Author Reply
Thankyou very much WT :)

Very nice outfit!

This outfit is amazing, I tested it in spectrum, looks good both in game and strpix. Quality: there are no bugs I could saw. Usable: it's usable simply everywhere. Textures: Textures had amazed me. They look awesome. I love the shirt texture, cause it looks very realistic and detailed. Also, that little hang bad is also realistic... Though, front of shorts looks a bit weird, and when she screaming, it looks like she has some broken teethes. But, those are really small things hard to notice. And one more thing. Texture in back of upper hand... well, looks a bit weird, but in game it's hard to notice, so it's ok to me. Meshes: they are fantastic. Again, chest mesh is really good and detailed. Face is lovely, but I would make the cheek a bit more smooth if you know what I mean. But that's just advice, it doesn't make it less realistic. Nice to see that lighting is well done. Spectrum has really big mix of colors and they looks good on your outfit... Overall, this outfit is gorgeous. I like the way you do it. Don't let the comments to stop you building like they did to me, lol. Difference between you and some other outfit builders is that you have talent, now you need just a bit more practice.

(13 Jun 2008 13:24)
Author Reply
Wow, thanks White Tiger. I feel so much better now- I really had my fingers crossed when i saw your review in the 'latest review' listings. I will work on the face - i already have a new mesh, which I am going to test texture today hopefully. That may sort things out. I'll carry on :) Thanks so much.

Just like her!

Hey, this outfit is very big inspiration to rest of outfit builders. You have shown us that with effort you can make a real person in trle, and she really looks like AJ. This is definitely best Angelina Jolie outfit ever! So, I think you deserve also highest rates on originality too:). The quality tracks latest standards, there's no need to even doubt in Po Yu in matter of quality. Usability is high. Actually, it could fit into any possibile situation. Textures and meshes are perfectly done. It's pleasure to look at Angelina as long as you want, he he. Skin, as well as clothes, hair and other tings can't be better... Or you will surprise us again to point I'm wrong in future, he he. Anyway, good work Po Yu. Sorry I didn't review this earlier, I just forgot. Can't wait Kurtis outfit. Good luck with that, looks great so far!

(09 Dec 2007 21:36)
Crossbow and Sword
by Horus-Goddess
Awesome wearpons...

Originality: That sword rocks. Crossbow is also different then any other, I think it's very original... I personally like both. Quality: Everything is ok, those stuff have high quality. Didn't noticed anything bad. Anyway, I didn't find place to test the sword, but in inventory looks great, and shouldn't have any problems. Usability: Well, Crossbow is usable for every possible level. That sword wouldn't fit everywhere, but it would fit great in some kind of fantasies levels. It's good for it's purpose, which is most important. Textures and meshes: They fit very good one with other. They are all high quality. Both looks good in game. Sword is beautiful. I see that many effort is invested here:D, and results are really good:D. I'm glad there is more great outfit/object/whatever builders on trsearch. Can't wait what's next from you. CYA

(26 Aug 2007 21:46)
Author Reply
Thanks White Tiger! :D

Lightning is perfect:D (don't know how to call this review:P)

Originality: It's not the first remake of those 2 outfits, but definitely best. I like the way you have combine aod with legend style. Quality: Perfectly done, every mesh is fine, no glitches in game. Lightning, as I've said in Review Name, is perfect. No shadow can harm this beauty. Really well done:D. I'm in love with it. Usability: Every level with action. Even in city level like in AOD. Would also very well fit in jungle levels. Also, home levels would be great. Textures and meshes: Textures are perfect same as meshes. They fit very well with each other. As outfit builder, I know you have spend a lot time on that. Head is different from original AOD, but in my opinion much better. Those pants looks awesome. Everything is beautiful. Very good combination between meshes and textures again:D. Details are really great and there are many of them. Shirt and bag is perfect, meshes and textures. Also, I got to mention weapons, boots, hair, face... Overall: Great remake again. I like very much idea of your next outfit, and mesh of outfit you've showed me looks perfect. It's worth of waiting:D

(30 Jul 2007 18:01)

Original: Well it's not first anniversary outfit, even you have make one before, but I think it's not ok to give you less then 10, because I think this one is best so far, and it really looks like one from TRA. Quality: I have tested it in game, and I didn't saw anything strange. I have also tested it under many lights and shadows, and she doesn’t have problems with anything. Also, my eyes didn’t notice any glitch, so I think you really do deserve a 10. Usability: He he he, its classic outfit, and it fits like, everywhere. Snow levels, action levels, jungle levels, desert levels… it fits everywhere. Textures and meshes: Textures have highest quality. Everything fits perfect, and looks good in game. Also, they look very realistic. I like skin textures mostly, especially face and legs. Shirt is also well done; I like how shades of bag look realistic. Shoes are nice. Best part of clothes is those short pants. They very well fit with meshes. Just like textures, meshes are great! There are so many good details, very well done so that they don’t have problems with shadows in game (or anything else). Head mesh and hairstyle is exactly like in game, which I like. Shape of her body is very good. I like it. I also need to mention that part around belt is very detailed. You really deserve 10 points from both; textures and meshes. They are perfectly done and fit perfect one with another. Overall: This is one of best outfits (maybe the best :P) ever done. I like your effort, and I really appreciate your hard work (and not only outfits ;). You are true artist, and can’t wait to see what’s next creation by you (I hope you will not stop now). *I suggest everyone to, at least, download this outfit and see this piece of art.

(01 Jul 2007 16:53)
It's a good job!

It is really well done. Well, as someone have alredy say, we didn't see new stand animation for a long time, works well, and it's usable for all kind of levels... Well, animation is very good, but there is one thing that you should change. Look closer in her right leg (or left in anim editor)... Betwen frame 11 and frame 0 it looks odd a bit, but it's very small problem so I don't see reason to downrate this. I suggest everyone to try this aniomation in theirs levels!

(16 Feb 2007 18:38)
Author Reply
Thank you very much White Tiger! <Big hug> :)

That's hot!

Originality: This is the best one ever, so you deserve best ratings. Quality: No hole, no problems with joints, I didn't find any bug at all. Usable: First of all, it is usable for what is created. Mostly usable for levels with much water, everything else depends about story. Also, as I said before, this is just best AOD Wetsuit ever, so you deserve 10. Textures: I like the way you have combined AOD and Legend textures. I like mostly, as always, head. Skin is perfect, just like suit and hair textures. 10 Meshes: Head and hairstyle is perfect, as always, you know. But I have mostly focus on her feet, and they look amazing. Chest mesh is also awesome! Everyone should download this outfit! Amazing work!

(26 Jan 2007 22:50)
Good outfit this is;)

Quality: This outfit doesn’t have any bug. No glitches, holes, no anything bad. Everything’s perfect! Like always! Usability: This outfit is usable for all TR style levels. It’s usable for its purpose. Originality: I like this Indiana Jones style. So cool. I guess there’s not outfit like this. Textures: They are perfect. In game they look even better than in strpix. Shirt textures I mostly like. Game lightning with combination of those textures looks very good… no, it looks perfect ;) Meshes: They are also perfectly done. Proportions are very human. Hair is cute, face also. I like hands of your outfit. They are perfect! This outfit is perfect, and I think everybody needs to have it in their collection. [i]Edited by White Tiger[/i]

(28 Dec 2006 12:36)
New Outfit!!!

Before starting with review: Originally from yours ‘Read Me’ file; ‘’This will be my last outfit realed to the TRLE Search Eninge.’’ -I don’t know why, but when I have read that little info I have strange feeling, like you will left us forever… Why?!?!?!?!??! What to do to change your mind? Is there anything? It looks like your ending… Originality: Like always, outfits created by you have always high originality, just like this one ;) Usability: Only some fantasy levels, but usable for those levels. Quality: I didn’t see bugs like holes, or disappearing polys. But I have found some things- more info in ‘Textures’. Textures: They are cure. I like flower detail very much but I have noticed some little things… you can see on screenshot. That dress with flower details is beautiful, but it can be better. Textures aren’t best connected and that it very easy to perceive in game. Also there are few places that aren’t best rotated. If you have only more time, maybe one hour of hard work import in that outfit it could be 10. Oh, and belt is soooo cool! I have also noticed some detail on bottom of shoes, and I don't know did you want to make it like that... [img=] Meshes: They are fine. Head is cute, but I wish to suggest you more work on Elisa’s chin and make it more realistic, and make her more beautiful (I didn’t say that she isn’t beautiful now)! Dress meshes are good, and shoes meshes are fantastic. Good work! Overall: Fantastic outfit! So did you change your mind yet? Why not? As I have say to you hundreds times, you are my biggest inspiration. And I know that you will still build outfits and released on your web, but I just don’t see reason why not also putting them on trsearch. Please, change your mind… for me:P I want your answer! [i]Edited by White Tiger[/i]

(02 Mar 2006 21:05)
Cate Archer - Winter
by MrNiceGuy
Don't stop!!!!

Originality: There are many Cate Archer outfits, but I just think that it will be unfair to give you less than 10 because you make best C.A. outfit line. Usability: It is usable for No One Lives Forever winter levels… It is usable for what is created ;) Quality: There are no bugs detected. I didn’t see any holes, or disappearing polys. Anyway, I hope you will work more with shadows… Textures: They may look little bit weird in Strpix, but when you open that outfit in game they will look fine. Hair is fine, as head (ok, I hope you will work more with eye-makeup). Coat textures are fantastic, they really looks good and realistic. The best things are knees textures, because they look somehow like real, lol! I like your textures! Meshes: MrNiceGuy, please don’t hate me, but I really think that there are better solution to make that coat. That skirt meshes from Poison Ivy are one of the best things released for trle, but I think they are not much usable this time, because bottom of coat looks funny. I’m not sure, but I think you have change bottom of it from original idea of that outfit, I have seen some screenshots and it’s not same. It would be better if you just add to hip-mesh rest of coat, if you understand me… Or you could use meshes from P.I. and make it little bit more shorter and more sexy, :P. Anyway head is as always fantastic (but I also hope you will change it little bit so that she looks more like from last version- more beautiful), shoes are also good, and I’m so sorry, but overall mesehs are not ten... Please don't kill me or revenge to me...:P Overall: You are one of the best builders, and I know you know that, and I hope you will forgive me that I didn’t give you maximum points for meshes :), and I know that you have said ‘’ The coat isn’t perfect, but I did my best in making it TRLE compatible’’ but I think you could do better. I truly hope you will continue with C.A. outfit line, and I hope next outfit will be some beautiful blue also winter outfit that I have seen somewhere, and I hope you will work on some things that I have mention. Good work! Don’t stop!

(02 Mar 2006 19:53)

Originality: As all remakes, there are many of them, but this one is best London-outfit remake, so I MUST give you 10!:) Qiality: I didn't find bugs, no holes, everythings fine. As allways, Po Yu makes great quality outfits. Usability: It is usable for night city levels, hi tech levels, even can be usable for fantasy levels, water levels... Textures: Are fantastic! Looks great in game, realistic... Awesome job! As allways! Meshes: Are also fantastic. Head is great as allways, guns are fantastic also... I like it! Good work Po Yu!

(07 Feb 2006 18:15)
-Awesome ...

Originality: Many of people says that there are too many TR original outfits, but this is the best one that I ever seen so it will be unfair to give you less than 10. And the problem with holsters isn’t problem anymore… Now we can use that weapon… Uzi rules! Quality: There are no bugs, no holes and no errors. Your outfit works perfect! Shadows are also great; Lara really looks good from any corner. Usability: It can be usable for everything. For home levels, city, forest and jungle levels, base levels,... even can be usable for winter levels. Ho knows, we can make story that Lara was going to Hawaii but the airplane have just crash on come very cold place. Textures: I like them much, because they are small and simple but look perfect in game, so they don’t take too much texture space in wads, and people will use this outfit. Great!!! Meshes: Same as textures; they are great! Head is fantastic (as always), legs are great (as always to), and everything else is great (as always to, lol)! Breasts are also great, and in combination with textures in game look fantastic. I also like shoes! Congratulations! I think that ‘Po Yu’ is synonym for great outfits!!! Keep on with good work!

(25 Jan 2006 17:29)
Showing 1 to 15 of 55 reviews
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