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Location: Holland, Nijmegen
Interests: Tombraider, Website design, Playstation2, Msn, Sport, Lord of The Rings.
Gender: m
Showing 1 to 15 of 27 reviews
Gothic Angel, Cool Name

I like this outfit very much. In the pic doesn't the outfit looks good. I didn't won't to download it. But i did and looked very good in it with strpix. It's very detailed and that's important. Original: It's original, cauze there aren't a lot of this outfits added. I remember one from vrejusnor. And the name reminds me of someone. It's a cool name anyway. Quality: The most of the outfits doesn't have a lot of skin_joints anymore. This one too. But i didn't see sny bugs or holes. Useable: Useable in scary and dark levels. City levels too ofcourse. Useable in a graveyard too or maybe a halloween level. Textures: Well, some textures where from your other outfits but that's okay, some textures could have been rotated better like in the leg. But it's very detailed. Some textures where a little plain. Meshes: The meshes where cool. The hair style was new, i quess but the rest was just normal. Why should you use very new and good meshes in a gothic angel outfit. That's okay. Very cool outfit C/y Joontje

(05 Dec 2004 12:52)
I used these textures

Originality: Again something of Beyond Good and Evil, but it's still original. Quality: Is very good, cauze the textures where in right format and they are working very well and okeej. Useable: Useable in BGE levels, adventure levels, action and wood levels. Textures: They where very good. Just what i need for my level. I like the green light green textures a lot. I need them for walls. There is nothing more to say, just very good. I wish i could review this one 4 times so it get's in top 10. Very good, thanx Joontje

(03 Dec 2004 20:24)
Add more :D

I couldn't give this object lower then 10's cauze i need it for my level. Original: There is not a lot to say about this object, well it's original cauze it's from Beyond Good and Evil. And you added one other object of it. I really need them. Thanx. Quality: The quality is good, cauze i didn't see any bugs or even holes in it. Useable: Well it's useable in jungle levels or my Beyond Good and Evil and it's useable in adventure levels. I'm so happy that you add Beyond Good and Evil objects. I hope your level is okay cauze mine is. I'll credit you anyway. Textures: I like them, they where from Beyond Good and Evil. They where not simple or something. Meshes: Well the mesh was okay, maybe a bit easy but i like it a lot. Keep going with those fabolous objects, nice work. Joontje

(30 Nov 2004 17:28)
Laras Street Style

The name of the outfit fit's really well in the outfit, cauze you can just see it on the outfit. Original: I think this is the first street style outfit added on the site, and that's why it get's a 10 for originality. Useable: Well it's useable in street or city levels, or bussy levels. Quality: I didn't see any bugs or big holes. It was very fine that you fixed her arm mesh. I thought the chest didn't worked fine, but worked good. Only the skin_joints didn't looked good. Textures: Well, i gived them a 9 cauze the white texture was a little bit plain, but the green shinny thing not and the other green textures where, so it deserves a 9. And her lip texture and her finger nails where very real and fit's really well in the whole outfit. The green strippy thing that was on the arm was used in one of your basic outfits. The textures in her midle where cool, and the dark green and light green texture was cool. It makes her very like a street girl. Meshes: I like the new head mesh alot and her arms where cool. The under legs where cool, i think it's modified by you. The rest of the meshes was just normal. I like your style of outfits. Keep going with it. Joontje [i]Edited by MrNiceGuy[/i]

(24 Nov 2004 18:12)
Evolution X
by C/y
Evolution Joontje

Finally, i reviewed it. The first thing in this outfit, the name is so cool, and it's no remake or something, cauze there are a lot of remakes added (from characters). Original: It's original, because of the name and there aren't alot of these outfits added (maybe it is). Quality: Quality is cool, because i didn't see any bugs or holes and the meshes are placed right. Useable: It's useable in base levels or very maybe junngle levels, it's useable in hard levels. Textures: Textures where cool, and a good choice of colors, purple red and green (and gold). Meshes: I like the arm meshes alot and they where good modified. The head was cool too, with the 3D earrings. The legs where great and everything is just cool. ------------------------------------------------------------ Good work C/y, your getting every time better with your outfits. I'm one of your fans, i quess. Joontje

(22 Nov 2004 20:32)
Very cooooooooool

Note: The name of the outfit is very cool and good, and i like blue outfits. I'm working on 1 too. Original: It is very original, cauze of the textures and meshes. They make them very cool. Quality: I didn't see bugs in the outfit, no holes, but the legs looks in strpix very buggy. But it isn't so it deserves an 10. Useable: Huuuumm, i have no idea where to use this level in, maybe in water levels, or cool home levels. Textures: They where cool, and fit's really well in the outfit. I like the blue white stripe texture and the textures in her chest. And, of couse, they where blue. I like the eye texture. Meshes: I like the head mesh, and i love the 3D earrings too. What too say about the rest. Well, they where all cool!! Nice work, your outfits are getting better everytime. Your newest one is great too.

(16 Nov 2004 19:52)
by Trinity
Hahaha, this one is funny

I love this totaly new bookcase, a very good idea to put your own books in a mesh and take textures from the notebook in tr6 too. Very funny, now let's start: Original: It's very original, cauze there is never a funny bookcase added. Useable: Hummmmmm, useable in warehouse levels, home levels, uuuuh levels like Venice in tr2. Maybe it's even useable in base levels. Quality: The quality is very good and i didn't see bugs in the mesh. (I thought it where to many polygons) Everything fit's really well. Textures: They where funny, and has real book textures, i don't know where u got them from. Mesh: Was very simple, but it where many books and good sizes of them. Good work, Trinity, keep it on Joontje

(04 Nov 2004 21:15)
Rain II
by Trinity
Another great work but........

Okay, it looked bad in strpix, but in the game is it very good. This was a cool object but it's not so original anymore cauze there are already some rain objects added. Original: As i said, it's not so original anymore. Quality: It was very good quality, i didn't see bugs and no holes or something. Useable: It's useable in rain levels or scary levels or home levels (outside) so it's very useable. Textures: It was very cool, but looked simple in strpix, but the transparent of the textures makes it very cool, so that's why it get's a 10. Meshes: It was very simple, but it deserves a 9, cauze u made it bigger. So anyway, good work, keep going with objects but not rain object, (this is just the best rain object). Joontje [i]Edited by joontje[/i]

(04 Nov 2004 20:56)
Author Reply
Thanks for the reveiw! and don't worry this is my last rain effect, I just wanted to make one better then my old one. ;)

Basic Blue
by C/y
I like blue

Wow, what should i say about this outfit. It's very cool just like your most of the outfits. Original: Okay, maybe it isn't original anymore, but it still gets an 10, cauze this is a line, just like deskj did in his tr3 outfit line. Quality: Humm, no wrong things in the outfit, no bugs. Your outfits haven't bugs. (that's cool) Useable: It isn't very useable, maybe in home levels or water levels (cauze of the blue) Textures: The blue textures where awesome, the military texture on her leg looks cool and on her chest too. Good quality of textures. (That's very important) Meshes: They where good but u used it in your other basic lines too but her head makes it very cool, how do u do that, so anyway it deserves a 9, but they where cool. For all a very good outfit, u used good colors so that's why it's cool Joontje

(03 Nov 2004 19:30)
by Trinity
I think i'm going to use this in my next level

It's really weird that nobody reviewed this outfit so i'll review it. But i have to say Trinity that this is amazing. I already liked Jade before. (Excally i never played that game before). Original: It's very original cauze there is only a camera of Jade added and this is the first Jade outfit ever added on the site. Quality: Your outfits are all good quality, and there are no holes or bugs in this outfit. Useable: Well this deserves a 9 cauze it can't be used in many levels. Maybe in jungle levels home levels or adventure levels. Textures: They where unbelieveble, i don't know where u get them from, but that doesn't care now. I like textures on her head and on her pants. They where all good rotated, and that's important. The textures on her hand was very original. Meshes: Amazing, the head looks really cool, i like the greeny thing on her head and the meshes of her pants where awesome. Very good work Trinity, i'll credit u in my level and i will using the camera too. Joontje

(30 Oct 2004 20:31)
Author Reply
Wow! Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you liked her enough to use her in your level! :) Btw, I'm going to be making more objects for her soon. ;)

7 letters: Amazing

Wow, Trinity, this object is so cool, that's why it deserves all 10's, u are a really good trle object and outfit maker. I really mean that. Original: It's so original cauze Jade's camera is never added on this site. So that's really cool. Good idea Quality: It's very good. No bugs in this fantastic object of Jade. Useable: This is very useable cauze it can be used in base levels, vci levels, home levels. I love it. Textures: They where fantastic, they fit really well in this object. Very cool, Trinity Meshes: The mesh is fantastic, it really looks like an camera. Good work trinity Joontje

(30 Oct 2004 20:16)
Basic Red
by C/y
Heey, i like this one too

Wow, u are really fast at making outfits C/y, but that's cool, cauze they are fast done and are great. That's why i like it so much. Original: It doesn't care if it's allmost the same as the other Basic outfits. It are just the textures. Quality: I found no bugs in this spectaculair outfit. No holes in her ponytail or something. Useable: It's useable in a lot of levels, in fire levels or home levels. (Basic is useable in home levels). Maybe u can use it in Base levels too. Textures: They where fantastic, well rotated and fit's really well in the outfit. That's the importants one. What i like on the textures is that they are not only red, but black too. So it's anyway not boring. Meshes: They where not really new but nice, i don't know for what meshes u can use in this outfit, it are probably just the textures. Nice work Franzi, keep it up, good luck with your other new outfits. Joontje

(30 Oct 2004 18:46)
Basic Green
by C/y
Great textures :D

The first of all, i'm glad that u are making more outfits of basic, cauze i love them. (This one too). Let's start the review: Original: As i said, it's fine that u keep going with Basic ..... That's why it get a 10. I couldn't give it lower cauze this outfits are a great idea. Quality: No wrong things in the outfit. No bugs. Useable: I have no idea for what level u can use this outfit. May'be in grass levels or home levels. It still get's an 9. Textures: They where the important ones. They where absolutly fine and fit's really well in the outfit. The meshes on her leg looks so cool and the more shinny texture on her breast was amazing. Meshes: They where good, but u used it in all your other basic outfits. I didn't see any new meshes. (Maybe it is but i didn't see any of those. But it still deserves a 9. Nice job Franzi, i really wan't to see your other basic outfits.

(26 Oct 2004 17:15)
Amidala Collection: Red Invasion

Unbelievable, this outfit rocks my world in the trle custom outfits i've ever seen. Original: It's very original cauze this is the first star wars outfit that is added on the site. Really cool. Quality: Everything in the outfit works fine, no holes, everything is right added. Useable: It's useable in star wars levels, fantasy levels. Like the level in TRLE Gold. I forgot the name of that level. The textures: I didn't believe what i've seen. The rotating is very very good and the textures where not plain. The textures on her head where fantastic. The eyes are the best :). Meshes: They where so good. Her dress looks so cool and her head was incredible. For all is it a very good outfit. That's why it's in the top 10. This your best outfit.

(23 Oct 2004 16:16)
BB-Basic Black
by Danilo
BB-Basic Black :)

Wow, this outfit looks fantastic, it looks a little like your vci catsuit but this is different. Ok now let's begin: Original: A 9, cauze the idea of basic ... was from C/y, but it still get a 9 cauze u made an other color. Quality: Everything in the outfit was oke, no wrong things, no holes. Useable: It's useable in training levels, cauze it looks like a training suit. Custom textures: They where allmost the same as your vci catsuit, but that doesn't really matter. Maybe u can find your own textutres on google. I'll do that too in my next outfit. The meshes: They where not really new, but they where fine, cauze i have no idea to put other meshes in this outfit. So good job Danilo, Joontje

(23 Oct 2004 16:03)
Showing 1 to 15 of 27 reviews
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