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Kitchen fridge by Lara Levelbase Stuff ( LLB )

Fridge by Masha & Sponge

Masha und Sponge haben gemeinsam einen Kühlschrank gebaut, welchen Lara öffnen und durchsuchen kann.
Die Meshes stammen von Masha, Texturen und Effekte von Sponge.

Für den Fall, dass deiner Lara die entsprechende Animation fehlt, haben wir diese mit ins Wad gepackt, im Lara-Skin.
Diese Animation ersetzt Animation 439 deines Lara-Objektes, wobei du die Einstellungen aus dem enthaltenen Bild übernehmen solltest.

Viel Spaß damit!
Masha & Sponge

Masha and Sponge have created a fridge that Lara can open and search.
The meshes were mady by Masha, textures and effects were added by Sponge.

In case your Lara is lacking the correct animation, we also included that one in the wad, in the Lara_Skin.
This animation replaces animation number 439 of your Lara object. Please make sure to enter the data from the enclosed image file.

Enjoy these objects!
Masha & Sponge

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553 hits

01 Jan 2024

156 KB

215 dl
LARA CROFT and TOMB RAIDER are trademarks or registered trademarks of Square Enix Limited.
The TRLE Search Engine is an unofficial site for trle fans, by trle fans. None of the downloads on this site is supported by Square Enix Limited nor Crystal Dynamics / Eidos Interactive / Core Design.
The TRLE Search Engine is not responsible for the downloads that can be found here. All items are owned by the person who submitted it.