Male character grunts by Advent Calendar
Ever wanted some unique grunts for your own original playable male character in custom levels, but don't want to bother reusing ones like Kurtis Trent and the like, that have been done countless times before?
Well never fear, fellow builders. I have recorded grunts for both a young and older male character (depending on what you prefer), with all the original sound files for Lara's grunts successfully covered by yours truly.
I hope those of you who choose to make levels not involving Lara as the main character, find these useful and convenient. I'd also like to personally thank AoDFan for generously converting them to a format that the editor will be able to register properly, as this kind of stuff is just a tad beyond my understanding. :P
Credit goes to Ceamonks890
Uploaded from the 2015 TR Forge Advent Calendar.
Sound FX
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