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Iron Wolf Golden Eagle OBJECTS by Nina Croft

With the permission of the level builder (Milan Penčić Lima) I release the WAD with many static and animated objects from the game Iron Wolf and Golden Eagle by Lima.

This WAD contains many static objects such as trees, plants, mushrooms, wooden furniture etc. Some objects should be combined (parts of a tree, for example). Some objects can be used with the geometry so that Lara can stand on them (for example, a huge green leaf, there's also Falling Block which looks like this green leaf)

There are also several doors, many shatter and pushable objects, and five puzzle sets as well.

Most importantly, this WAD contains the Bird Boss (two variants) in the Demigod slot, and also another enemy (a bear in the Crocodile slot). Also a trunk in the Rolling Ball slot.

Credits to Lima, please!
(except for the bear in the Crocodile slot, we're not sure if this object is Lima's or someone else's. Please let us know in the comments about this bear, if you happen to know who made it)

If you want to see how these objects are used in-game, download and play Iron Wolf and Golden Eagle from


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1.377 hits

23 Jun 2021

1.89 MB

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