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HQ 128px Lost City of Tinnos Texture Remake #2 by Soul

Due to its huge size of 5MB I had to split the TGA into two parts and pack them with a special "methode". For the full tga you'll have to download both parts!
Contact me if you have any problem with unpacking - I'll then send you the whole tga via e-mail :)

This is the SECOND part of my attempt on remaking the whole TGA, that was used in TR3's "The Lost City Of Tinnos".
I hope you like them, as I spend many hours at recreating the whole set basically from scratch (I did use some base-textures from cgtextures though).
If you want to review the item (would be highly appreciated :D ) please write just one review for the whole set (for both items!)

Object Type

Level Textures

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2.066 hits

04 May 2012

1.27 MB

672 dl
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