Tomb Raider 2: Lara Sounds by stranger1992
Fully working and compatible TR2 Lara sounds now on TRSE!!!!
This is part of a set. I am going to add more sounds for doors and switches at a later date.
To use, you must change the sounds.txt. I have included the entries appropriate for the sounds though you may change them accordingly if you suffice. Credits. I ripped them, renamed the samples, converted them and wrote the sounds.txt entries for them Soundjack-Program used to rip them and dMC-r10 to convert them into the standard format for trle.
Enjoy and please review- or no AOD sounds ;)
Sound FX
Reviews (2)
I had a go with these recently. Now for my ratings. =] Originality: 10/10, no one's done a TR2 soundpack before. Quality: 9/10, only because the sounds are slightly fuzzy in quality, but I guess that really can't be helped, or can it? Useability: 10/10. They're Lara's standard sounds. Unless you're using another character, but what's TR without Lara Croft? The sounds are great for their purpose. Now go and do the AOD sounds! Me wants. xD
(23 Feb 2009 11:29)
Great Sounds, I look forward to using these.^_^ Original, 10/10 obviously they're from another game, but everyone wants sounds like these and this is the only soundpack I know of that's tr2. Quality, 9/10 these sounds would be perfect... but there's just 1 problem. YOU MISSED ONE!!! I shouldn't make a huge deal out of it since it's just 1 sound, but it's practically the MOST important of them all. It's the regular climb up sound you here every time lara vaults onto a block... I think the sample name is "clim_up3" and it's not in this sound pack. :( Otherwise, they work perfectly, but It would be nice if you could add that missing sound. ;)
(14 Jul 2010 20:24)
I looove Lara sounds! =D
I had a go with these recently. Now for my ratings. =] Originality: 10/10, no one's done a TR2 soundpack before. Quality: 9/10, only because the sounds are slightly fuzzy in quality, but I guess that really can't be helped, or can it? Useability: 10/10. They're Lara's standard sounds. Unless you're using another character, but what's TR without Lara Croft? The sounds are great for their purpose. Now go and do the AOD sounds! Me wants. xD
(23 Feb 2009 11:29)
you missed one but otherwise it's great
Great Sounds, I look forward to using these.^_^ Original, 10/10 obviously they're from another game, but everyone wants sounds like these and this is the only soundpack I know of that's tr2. Quality, 9/10 these sounds would be perfect... but there's just 1 problem. YOU MISSED ONE!!! I shouldn't make a huge deal out of it since it's just 1 sound, but it's practically the MOST important of them all. It's the regular climb up sound you here every time lara vaults onto a block... I think the sample name is "clim_up3" and it's not in this sound pack. :( Otherwise, they work perfectly, but It would be nice if you could add that missing sound. ;)
(14 Jul 2010 20:24)
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