John Dundee by Squidward
This is my new Outfit John Dundee. He should look like Indiana Jones or Krokodile Dundee. The legs based on the Kurtisoutfit, but now they are brown.
Reviews (1)
Original: Well, consitering the lack of new meshes and textures it does take down some originality. But the character it was meant to be is an original idea. Quality: Nothing to hugely downrate. The overall quailty is not completly high, but no huge bugs. Useable: Some new sound effects added would have been nice, right now he still has Lara's voice. And those who don't have new sound effects might not use him because of this. Otherwise he is pretty useable, because he has a style that will fit into lots of TR levels. Custom textures: Most from TRaod (I think Blind Intention's version) then modifyed to be a diffrent color. There are also a bunch of textures that are huge that don't need to be, like the hair texture. The face looks better in the screenshot then the real version, but it's still nice. ;) Custom meshes: All by Blind Intentions and myself and then modifyed. The modificaions were ok but low poly in the way they looked. ---- I think it's cool to have this kind of character for the TRLE, just might need to bring up the overall quality. ;)
(16 Jan 2005 00:38)
Extra Rating
Original: Well, consitering the lack of new meshes and textures it does take down some originality. But the character it was meant to be is an original idea. Quality: Nothing to hugely downrate. The overall quailty is not completly high, but no huge bugs. Useable: Some new sound effects added would have been nice, right now he still has Lara's voice. And those who don't have new sound effects might not use him because of this. Otherwise he is pretty useable, because he has a style that will fit into lots of TR levels. Custom textures: Most from TRaod (I think Blind Intention's version) then modifyed to be a diffrent color. There are also a bunch of textures that are huge that don't need to be, like the hair texture. The face looks better in the screenshot then the real version, but it's still nice. ;) Custom meshes: All by Blind Intentions and myself and then modifyed. The modificaions were ok but low poly in the way they looked. ---- I think it's cool to have this kind of character for the TRLE, just might need to bring up the overall quality. ;)
(16 Jan 2005 00:38)
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