China Girl Gold by litepulsar
Reviews (1)
Original: I don't think I've ever seen a dress with this type of textures before! That is original. Unfortunetly, praticly every dress on the SE uses this same dress mesh so it beings to look repeditive. Quality: The shoes mesh has a hole and her legs go through the dress even if she walks. Also there are alot of textures that look almost exactly the same as all the other ones. Useable: It can be used in city levels fairly good and in home levels this would look rather nice. :) Custom textures: This dress has a soft look, but Lara's face could really use some pink or something so she won't look as harsh compared to the outfit. Another odd thing to me was the dress is gold but ehen she cralls this flashy red underware apears. It probibly should have been the same texture as her dress, then it would'nt have mattered. Custom meshes: I know this is an old outfit. And for then this was about as good as it got. But still, the shoe mesh has a hole and her legs go through the dress even if she walks. Her hands a TR4 and so is all the meshes other then the dress and shoes. It's hard to get a dress to work right. And for when this was made this was really cool I'm sure, and it still is. It just needs an upadte. :)
(29 Oct 2004 20:53)
Extra Rating
Needs an update! But still cool for when it was made!
Original: I don't think I've ever seen a dress with this type of textures before! That is original. Unfortunetly, praticly every dress on the SE uses this same dress mesh so it beings to look repeditive. Quality: The shoes mesh has a hole and her legs go through the dress even if she walks. Also there are alot of textures that look almost exactly the same as all the other ones. Useable: It can be used in city levels fairly good and in home levels this would look rather nice. :) Custom textures: This dress has a soft look, but Lara's face could really use some pink or something so she won't look as harsh compared to the outfit. Another odd thing to me was the dress is gold but ehen she cralls this flashy red underware apears. It probibly should have been the same texture as her dress, then it would'nt have mattered. Custom meshes: I know this is an old outfit. And for then this was about as good as it got. But still, the shoe mesh has a hole and her legs go through the dress even if she walks. Her hands a TR4 and so is all the meshes other then the dress and shoes. It's hard to get a dress to work right. And for when this was made this was really cool I'm sure, and it still is. It just needs an upadte. :)
(29 Oct 2004 20:53)
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