Myst1 by Golden Dawn
Reviews (1)
Original: It sounds almost exactly like another one of the Myst tracks. But other then that it doesnt sound like many other tracks on the SE. :) Quality: I don't recal it sounding fuzzy or hearing crackles. So it was pretty clear, sort but it sounded good. It ended fairly soft too. Useability: Good for building tension, or before a puzzel. It can be used in most any TR situation. Very cool! :D
(29 Oct 2004 06:22)
Original: It sounds almost exactly like another one of the Myst tracks. But other then that it doesnt sound like many other tracks on the SE. :) Quality: I don't recal it sounding fuzzy or hearing crackles. So it was pretty clear, sort but it sounded good. It ended fairly soft too. Useability: Good for building tension, or before a puzzel. It can be used in most any TR situation. Very cool! :D
(29 Oct 2004 06:22)
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