4 star rating because I'm sure these objects are amazing as usual, but, when I unzip this file and try to view the objects all I see is blank slots :( Does it work for anyone else?
The preview looks absolutely fantastic - but for some reason, when I open up the wad file it appears completely empty and I'm unable to see or copy any objects. Unfortunately, I have the same issue with *all* of Delca's September 2022 uploads, and I can't figure out why. :( Does anyone else have this problem? I hope there's a solution because I would LOVE to use Delca's objects.
Still rating 5 stars because I assume these objects are great hehe, I just can't access them.
(24 Feb 2023 13:03)
Author Reply
I'm not quite sure... Maybe you are using an old/outdated version of WadTool? :) I recommend downloading a recent version of Tomb Editor (1.5.2 or above) and try again.