Young Lara Shorts/Jean jacket White shirt
by kurtisandlaraA young lara outfit for you. A white shirt jean jacket and jean shorts. Mesh credit for po yu and !l...
A young lara outfit for you. A white shirt jean jacket and jean shorts. Mesh credit for po yu and !l...
A young lara outfit for you. A darkshirt jean jacket and jean shorts. Mesh credit for po yu and !la...
This is TRANGEL's TRU outfit just retextures. Credit TRAngel for the outfit you dont have to credit...
This one is labeled as an Exotic/weird color it has black stripes with red outlning. -- This is TR...
This is TRANGEL's TRU outfit just retextures. Credit TRAngel for the outfit you dont have to credit...
This is TRANGEL's TRU outfit just retextures. Credit TRAngel for the outfit you dont have to credit...
This is TRANGEL's TRU outfit just retextures. Credit TRAngel for the outfit you dont have to credit...
This is TRANGEL's TRU outfit just retextures. Credit TRAngel for the outfit you dont have to credit...
This is TRANEGL's TRU outfit just retextures. Credit TRAngel for the outfit you dont have to credit...
New snake same model as TR3 but retextured to fit into any fitting level!
Pushable button, i just retextured :). I hope you like it :D.
A Castle window i made :). The download comes with 2 versions, a non-transparent (see through versi...
4 new crates. I put 4 in the pushable slots 4 in static slots and 4 in shatter slots, enjoy :)
A hanging lamp for manors, venician or any other type of levels :).
The second version, now with a plant. The plant is from teme9's plant giveaway wad.
A manor vase. Mesh designed by me textures from TRL. Credit me. This version does not have a plan...
A Croft Manor Ceiling light. Read the readme for credits.
Wall collumns to use in your manor. Inside or out. The collumns are 10 clicks high (you can reduce...
The TR2 and TR3 boats. (Venice/antartica) Credit Core Design and Paolone :). Requires TRNG to use...
The TR3 Valve from Antartica :D. Enjoy :).
The wheel Switch from TR3. Read the readme :).
READ THE README IT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING!! -- This is the Crofts picture. With Lady Amelia Croft and...
A pilar for your peru level. Credit me please :) Me and Crystal dynamics. Textures from TRA meshes...
Now i made a counter. 3RD object :). Hope you like it. Review please :)
**UPDATE**: Added a new wad to the Zip file. The new wad contains the same thing except i added book...
This is my first ever custom made object. Textures found on google. Its 4 clicks high It goes on th...
NOTE: YOU HAVE TO PUT A DUMMY TRIGGER UNDER IT. Thanks !lara_croft! for reminding me that there was...
NOTE: YOU HAVE TO PUT A DUMMY TRIGGER UNDER IT. just like title says it acts the same way i just re...
This is just a smashable bike floor and wall retextured to look like ice :). Credit me if you want.
These are all my "Unused Meshes" that will never see the light of day...So to speak..These are my ob...
Exactly as title says though you will have to resize it just a tad have fun :) Kurtisandlara
I was playing around in meta and made this use it if you want, give me credit if you texture it then...
Includes- -New Crowbar -Swingpoles -TeethSpikes -Pillars -and much more Crowbar and meshswa...
A plant package i made today, it includes about 10+ plants. Enjoy and rate please :)! Credits in th...
A wad with about 5 modern type paintings. Modern meanings for more modern type houses. CREDIT ME I...
A wad filled with all kinds of paintings that could be used in all kinds of levels lol. Paintings i...
*THE LAST FILE WOULDNT UPDATE* These are the TR3 Lara animations, you can use them if your building...
These are all the TRC animations to use if you were making a TRC levelset :). PLEASE IF YOU NOTICE...
Updated version here: https://www.trsearch.org/Items/3264
Yeah, to many outfit releases lately so i made this. Enjoy. Review please. So i can make a better...
If want to use the classic boats ive uploaded download these to go with it :)
The music from RE5 now here for your pleasure/use :) enjoy. Sorry i had to upload the file to sends...
Theres been way to many objects and outfits uploaded here for awhile and no music :(. So here you g...
Here's a new motor cycle sound thanks for downloading :).