TRC Larson
by ggctuk2005Same rules as Pierre - copy everything. Includes Revolver and Magnums.
Same rules as Pierre - copy everything. Includes Revolver and Magnums.
Pierre Du Pont from Tomb Raider Chronicles. You must use the custom LARA included, however you may r...
Based on Michiels but my own and now fixed. BTW - I extracted this straight from a WAD ripped from L...
TR1 Lara with guns
She is now playable! Unfortunately, no weapons yet.
A custom-made Tibet outfit with the TR2 Tibet costume and TR4 Lara Head. Compatible with HAIR object...
The Costume Lara used in TR1's Lara's Home level. For the same results as in the TR1 Lara's Home lev...
Fully-working Centaur mutant in the DEMIGOD2 slot. Credits to sapper for fixing the firing issues.
The TR1 Mummy in the Ahmet slot. Meshes by kaufi-lc. Usable with either TREP or TRNG with the explod...
New Egyptian items, including pillars based off those seen in TRAE and TRA, torch bracket, jade cat...
Egyptian Pillars based off those seen in TRA and TRAE.
A diary for Load Game/Save Game based on TRA diary. Meshes by me, textures by Zique.
The spikes from the first South Pacific level in TR3, fixed by me.
A better version of the TR2 Grenade launcher. Includes Grenade Launcher, grenade and ammo items. Mes...
The weapons unlocked when the Time Trials for the Lost Island level are completed in Anniversary. Te...
Dual SMG and Shotgun from Tomb Raider Anniversary. Now compatible with Po Yu's TRA Outfit.
As it says, but not 100% yet. it shoots the fireballs from a mesh other than the fireball launcher o...
A second pack of Egypt Items based on TR Anniversary Egypt items.
Weapons based on TRA Weapons. Meshes by Po Yu, Textures ripped by Zique, all modified by me.
Some items modified by me, based on Egypt objects seen in Anniversary.
All mutants (except for the Centaur) from TRUB Remake. To get the Centaur, look in Michiel's creator...
Mummies from TRUB Remake, in the SCORPION and HARPY slots. Updated so the HARPY now has no collision...
The Droid Starfighter from the Phantom Menace, full sized.
The Droid Starfighter from the Phantom Menace, small sized. Shoots guided rockets at Lara. Useable i...
The DC-15s, as seen is Star Wars Battlefront, Clone Wars and Episode 3, now for TRLE
The gun flash from Star Wars Battlefront.
Skeleton converted to the SAS slot so it fights the SAS, fitted into the TROOPS slot. Skeleton conve...
The werewolf from TR3 gold.
Some guns from TR2 - including the Greande Launcher, Shotgun, Uzis and Automatic Pistol. All using o...
A Blaster Rifle
Mummy from Tomb of Qualopec in MUMMY slot, with original mutant scratch anim by EssGee
Falls on Lara and kills her if she's under it.
On the tin.
The Bloody dog from TR3 Subway level in the DOG slot!
The Dog from TR3 Gold Highland Fling level!
3D Panther based on TR1 Panther made from Tomo's TR3 Tiger
Based on Cornchilds Evil Lara with 3 new evil versions, although you will need a story structured ar...
London Gun Man working in the SAS slot with TR4 sounds.
That's it, a straight meshswap as the TR1 bat didn't work at all.
Simple enough. Credit to EssGee. The TR1 T-Rex sounds (included with EssGee's) were speeded up TR1/T...
The launcher used by Natla. Make sure that you only give out Explosive bombs
All guns from TR1, some from TR2 and from TRC.
TR1 Bomb Firing mutant working in the DEMIGOD3 slot, with TR1 sounds. For best results, download the...
TR1's wolf working with TR4 sounds, fully working in the dog slot. Please review.
Straight meshswap for TR4 grenade Launcher. TR2 Ammo included.
Outfit ripped from TR1 and pistols ripped from TR1 as well as sounds. Credits included.
A statue which becomes a dog. Based on the Dog Stand in the Title WAD.
This is Tomo's TR3 T-Rex conversion with sounds (His didn't contain any) from TR3. It works in the S...
The Iris, extracted from Race for the Iris, and using the Iris animations from TRC's VCI levels.
Ignore this. OBSOLETE!
Bat Swarm extracted from TRC in the FISH and AHMET_MIP slots. Sound included.
This is the TRC Crossbow with Lasersight item, TRC crossbow and new ammo items. No credits, I didn't...
This is the TR1 Larson with TRC Larson anims with TR4 sounds. It is unfinished, coz I don't know how...
A simple mod which replaces the head from Baddy 2 with the Troops head. Inspired by The Mummy Return...
Two replacement Von Croys. One has glasses, and the other has no hat. They work in the VON_CROY slot...
Fully working Automatic Pistol from TR2, with lasersight and custom sound. It's in the SIXSHOOTER sl...
This is the Rocket Launcher from the PS1 demo of TR3 (which took place in an unfinished Area 51).It...
Hi resolution Sphinx heads and faces. Face mesh modified from one of Po Yu's head meshes.
Objects from Return to Egypt for the TRUB Conversion. Can also be used in any Egypt-themed Tomb Raid...
WAD ripped from TR3 and TR2 Lara's Home. With objects in the right slots and sounds included, as we...
My WAD for Return to Atlantis. It has been made obsolete by my much newer WAD (which I am keeping to...
New textures for Atlantis levels, based on TRAE textures.
Windows based on TR1. Combine it with the brick textures in Phys' set found here (http://www.trsearc...
Version 2 of the enhanced Tomb Raider I Egypt Texture collection, made by Core Design and modified b...
Egypt textures based on the TRAE textures. Modified from TR1. Brick overlay by Carl Yellot Bilby.
Textures from the two Bespin levels of Star Wars Battlefront - Bespin Platforms and Bespin Cloud Cit...
All textures from Naboo Theed level. Now with NGLE, you can use these textures 128x128, that is good...
The textures for The Hive for theTomb Raider Unfinished Business Conversion
Some sound effects extracted from LEGO Indiana Jones
Some sound effects extracted from LEGO Indiana Jones
Some sound effects extracted from LEGO Indiana Jones
Some sound effects extracted from LEGO Indiana Jones.
Sound effects from LEGO Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy) ripped by me.
Sound effects from LEGO Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy) ripped by me.
Sounds extracted from the PC version of the Phantom Menace Video Game - and of much higher quality t...
On the tin... some sounds from Medal of Honor Underground for the PlayStation. Good Quality. Please...
Sounds extracted from Star Wars Episode 1 the Phantom Menace Video Game from the PSOne. If anybody c...
Sounds extracted from Star Wars Episode 1 the Phantom Menace Video Game from the PSOne. If anybody c...
As on tin.