by MissKroftLara wears a hibiscus-flower in her hair. She´s wearing a yellow shirt and green, short trousers. Ma...
Lara wears a hibiscus-flower in her hair. She´s wearing a yellow shirt and green, short trousers. Ma...
Lara´s summeroutfit with pink hat and shirt and white, short trousers. She wears pearl-earrings. Man...
Lara with straw-hat in blue, short jeans and a turquoise shirt.
Lara with safari-hat, orange shirt and shorts.
Lara with ponytail, red shirt and short jeans. She keeps her mouth closed while shooting.
White space-outfit with transparen helmet and gas bottles
Brown winter outfit
Short outfit with white top and green pants.
Winter outfit with white jacket and green pants.
Outfit with violet top, black arms and a violat cammo pants.
Wintersuit fully in dark blue and with a blue cap
Short summer outfit with purple shirt.
Fully blue clothes with red hair.
Lara in blue shirt and dark blue pants
Light green catsuit
Lara in white shirt, brown jacket and brown pants
Green shirt, blue pants and white shoos.
Lara in rose shirt.
Lara in blue shirt and white pants.
Lara in rose/blue.
Lara is fully dressed in green, including her shoos.
Winter outfit with purple jacket
A blue wetsuit for Lara
A red wetsuit for Lara
Lara in green and brown
Winter outfit with blue jacket , red shirt and jeans.
Lara in blue/green shirt with green pants
Winteroutfit with white cammo pants and blue jacket
Smaragd Ocular-Combo Puzzle - Please read the Readme.
Ruby Cube Puzzle - Please read the Readme.
The Puzzle contains a royal dress and a jewel-puzzle-piece, which must be fixed at the belt of the d...
A make-up table with mirror and a separate small chair. For bedrroms f.e.
A small piece of gras with a small metal-fence and yellow flowers.
A trash-bin to shoot it away and to hide items inside of it ;-)
Various garden objects
Various furniture objects
Small XMas package from Miss Kroft from the Laras Levelbase Stuff.