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TR 2013 SFX part 1 by Kubsy

"Can we have TR 2013 sfx plssss? :D"

Say no more! I took a challenge and extracted all sfx including Lara which is to be used for TRLE, in this folder you will find sorted sound folders.

Enjoy :)

You do not have to credit me, all credits to Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix.

Sounds are in MP3/OGG format, you should convert them to WAV!

Miscellaneous folder is the general sfx where I couldn't classify them, you may find sounds that should've been put in the correct folder, if that's the case then I am sorry. There were too many sounds to extract and lost track a few times :)

note: there were sfx which were for example 21 of the same sounds in the same category (for example rock rumble 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 etc etc)), I only extracted half of them

Object Type

Sound FX

File Format
.mp3 / .ogg

TR Version
Tomb Raider 2013 / Tomb Raider Reboot

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1.227 hits

04 Mar 2022

15.07 MB

415 dl
LARA CROFT and TOMB RAIDER are trademarks or registered trademarks of Square Enix Limited.
The TRLE Search Engine is an unofficial site for trle fans, by trle fans. None of the downloads on this site is supported by Square Enix Limited nor Crystal Dynamics / Eidos Interactive / Core Design.
The TRLE Search Engine is not responsible for the downloads that can be found here. All items are owned by the person who submitted it.