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PSX Inventory Background (TR4 and TRC) ~ UPDATED (1st July 2022) by MarlenaCrystal

This package contains a .bmp image resembling the classic inventory background of the Playstation versions of Tomb Raider 4 and Tomb Raider 5.
It was made with the original textures of that background, which were stored in the DEFAULT_SPRITES object in all of the official wads.

The picture comes in two sizes:
-1024x768 (Works best with a resolution of 4:3)
-1920x1080 (Works best with a resolution of 16:9)

Additionally there is a version with more color contrast, so it matches the original Playstation look.
In the folder there are some example pictures of how it looks like with different resolutions.
You can use the background image with TRNG scripting via the CUST_BACKGROUND flag in a Customize= command. For more info check the 'Reference' tab in NG_Center or look up a tutorial. :)

Have fun with it and happy raiding! <3

Core Design
MarlenaCrystal (every credit is appreciated, but you don't have to since I only put all of the textures together and did some simple image editing)

Object Type

Level Textures

Building / City / Desert / Fantasy / HighTech / Lab / Land / Nature / Oriental / Snow / Space / Steampunk / Underground / Water

TR Version
Tomb Raider The Last Revelation / Tomb Raider Classic / Tomb Raider Chronicles

File Format

no rate
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1.631 hits

19 Dec 2021

4.73 MB

358 dl
LARA CROFT and TOMB RAIDER are trademarks or registered trademarks of Square Enix Limited.
The TRLE Search Engine is an unofficial site for trle fans, by trle fans. None of the downloads on this site is supported by Square Enix Limited nor Crystal Dynamics / Eidos Interactive / Core Design.
The TRLE Search Engine is not responsible for the downloads that can be found here. All items are owned by the person who submitted it.