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Raider Skyrim - Package I by Level NextGen

Beware it only contains a link where you can download the full package as it is too big!

This package contains pine trees, leaf trees, grass, ferns, bushs and roots + a special lightray object.
Pine tree and tall leaf tree were made in a special way to fit with room size. Indeed pine tree is divided into 3 parts that
fit each other (in certain way of course ;) ). They have exactly 8 clicks in high. So you could have as very tall pine tree
or small one without it disappear when you are in higher room. There is also two version of the pine tree, one has more thorns,
but more vertices to handle for editor (take care of this with the editor)
It the same with the tall leaf tree but it is only divided into two parts (of 8 clicks) and so there is only one combination
possible. There is also a small one-part leaf tree.
Grass and ferns are quite big, cause they have to fit with these tall trees.
Bushs are meant to act like wall, Lara can walk through them so you could use them as barrier.
Roots are made in special way to be used on wall or 3-4-click slopes.
The lightray object fit nice in firs or leaves, like if the light is passing throw them =D.

Plus there is a snowy version to fit with colder place.

Anyway, I give 2 tga (green & snow) with three 256x256 texture to use as a base ; there are no transition textures.

Textures were extracted from the game Skyrim of Bethesda, but mainly modified by me ; every mesh were created by me. So if
you use it Credit me: Level NextGen and Bethesda.

And as usual, don't forget to enjoy =D
More to come with Skyrim content ;)

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3.088 hits

25 Nov 2012

367 KB

1.064 dl
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