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Legend Outfit 2011 by Trangel

I've sorta been on this Legend bender... spending hours playing what i think is the best of the triliogy.
after learning so much over the years i felt it was time to update some of the outfits i did in the past...
i know more remakes but honestly let's face it with levels getting more creative and more stylish
lara needs a constant change as well.

Big credit goes to Poyu i took his pants textures and applied to the shorts to my outfit I also used the leg mesh and
textures from his previous outfits...this saved me a great deal on texturing :)
also credit goes to po yu for the boot mesh, hand mesh, and
ponytail mesh.

Outfit is compatible with po yu's gun meshes so if you want to give her a full arsenal of weapons
i would go that route.

well i hope you enjoy this out, and please remember to give credit to where it's due

happy raiding

look out for more blast from the past outfits... new and updated to fit todays raiding world

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3.411 hits

07 Oct 2011

698 KB

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