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Ladder moves set 3 - Ladder jump up by SSJ6Wolf

Ladder moves set 3 includes previously released ladder to crawlspace (shift + down) and ladder to monkeybars (shift + jump) moves, along with a new move that lets you jump straight up by pressing jump + down. This will let you jump up to another ladder or ledge at most 5 clicks above you, or it can be used to climb faster. To install, first open your LARA object and add new animations until you have 476 slots available. Then, open laddermovesset3.was (you need the latest version of WADMerger) (users unzipping in Windows, ignore the weird files with ._ before the name) and copy over all of the animations. Animation 164 will be replaced in the process.

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3.148 hits

28 Feb 2007

15 KB

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