Some Spider Web objects from the TR II China levels. I've edited the collision and visibility so th...
A few non-fatal spinning orbs for your levels. You can color them whatever color you want as well, j...
These are the remake of the original Tomb Raider II Dragon Sprites, but now in good use for TRLE in...
Pack contains TR1 Cocoon and Incubator conversion for TR4 - large and small versions. Cocoons will e...
A small abandoned structure / house. There are 5 different colors, useable for desert, snow, village...
A sign to go in your city level.
The main mesh is from 3dmodels website. It has been used before in the LE by Usuki, so if it looks s...
This is a Barn House. Where I live it's common to see old barns renovated into lovely little houses....
A small arch that looks like it's made of ice or crystal. Good for snowy or fantasy levels. The arch...
A wad of a few basic items I made, that would (hopefully) fit in with a manor or house level. Just...
A flag with two long trident spears behind it.
An Apartment Building, to scale. Lara is about the size of the door, so it's very large. It's a nice...
bed objekt from sudeki
A pillar with a giant crystal in the middle. It comes in 5 different color variations. :)
This wad comes with one normal window and one broken window. Both are static objects. Can be used we...
I know the name is quiet strange but actually it's a mermaid playable on land ^^. The ennemy is an o...