Lara's desk
by mathew9rit's 1 by 1 tiles and has textures from google LOL Enjoy !?!
it's 1 by 1 tiles and has textures from google LOL Enjoy !?!
These are Shiva statues from TR3, one standing & one sitting. feel free to review.
The skeleton is from my icelavel, it has a sword inside one hand and you can place an item inside hi...
Inside this wad are many static objects which i used inside my level icecave.
My Tech objects, which are based on the VCI TRC ones.
New objects by me. Inspired by tra and original tr1. These objects suit well in mine level. Enjoy! P...
New objects by me. Inspired by tra and original tr1. These objects suit well in mine level. Enjoy! P...
Here's a table from my croft manor project. the table was used in Tomb Raider Anniversary look fo...
Lamp in a static slot, imported as Moveable. (Because of the shining) Meshes all by me. Textures fr...
Downlaod includes 2 versions of the object. 1. Static, imported as Moveable. (Because of the shinin...
just a few objects I had made for my own levels I thought I'd share with you all. :) More credit inf...
Pictures of Garfield, Odie and Nermal. The meshes for WhiteTiger. I "retextured" the object.
New palm for trle now re-created from Peru levels of anniversary. Please review, thanks!
A small 'one tile sized' object that resembles the raised 'bloop' of lave releasing pressure. Used w...
New palms for your levels. Textures created and meshes created by me. Please review, thanks!