Wow, very creative concept! This was very nice to move around in. She looks stunning! Only drawback is the missing animations, as stated above. For the lack of a level to be made with it, I don't see it as much. This would work really well in some sort of futuristic level (ie. Matrix ;)) and a lot of people have been making that type of level.
Wow, I love these! I mean, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but it was nice. Not the most creative thing, as basically the animation is simply sped up, but it was a great idea nobody had done before. If this is ever updated in the future I would think it would be improved with a different looking gun mesh and textures just to make it look different. Keep up the good work!
Well, I was quite happy while I was downloading this. It is a very cool idea to add to any level. When I unzipped it I became quite confused. The readme simply said it used the "rollingball" system. Maybe I've missed something, but I'm not sure what that is. After messing with it for a while I got it to load. (I'm a bit rusty with my skills) It worked exactly how it said it would, although it scared me as I wasn't expecting it when it happened. When I attempted to look at the prj I became confused. I'm not an advanced level builder, so I wasn't sure what was done. Unless you're confortable with the Room Edit interface you may have problems understanding how it works. This is not a tutorial for beginners.
Wow, I absolutely love this outfit! (Which is most likely due to the fact that I liked Kill Bill, but let's just ignore that fact) It was very well put together, except for the missing joints. For the most part they aren't noticeable, except for the elbow joints, which I thought was a bit too obvious, especially when she goes to take out her guns. The missing joints also affect the smoothness of the outfit, which can be considered both good and bad. It can create the illusion of the outfit being clumped up in parts (too big) or it can make the outfit look cheap. Besides the elbows I would say it is a plus.
Keep up the good work!
Yet another creative idea put into action! This is a very nicely thought-out and executed outfit. The meshes work nicely together and create - well - Princess Toadstool. I loved running around in my test level with her.
Overall, I only have two problems with it. One has already been stated, and that is that there probably won't be a level in which this is used. Of course, someone might decide to make a Mario-based level and this would be perfect. My other problem is that I think it's a bit too clunky and tall for me. I imagine the Princess a bit more slimming. It isn't that big of a problem though. Well done, and keep the ideas flowing!