This is so cool aniamtion,i like it!
It\'s so real and it\'s useable for level which is based on TRL!
Now there are a lot of TRL aniamtions and now this is finaly falling!
Anyway,there is an little bug....
Thanks for sharing!
[i]Edited by traider99[/i]
Well,PO YU i am your big fun!
I like all your outfits!
All are usable just like this!
I like meshes and this outfit is perfect for THAILAND!
Good luck with Dismond Miles!
This animation is usable in TRLE levels,just change grab position in wad merger and sprint jump will be bigger that basic,i like it and because it's too similar TRAOD!
I like this aniamtion,it's just like TRA!
I love it!
(20 Dec 2011 15:49)
Author Reply
I've just seen this review (yeah, it's been a long time), and... Actually I disagree with it. x)
I never tested this animation myself, nor I used it, and after seing it used in some levels I find it even more awful than how it looked like in WadMerger when I made it. It's smooth, but I find it... don't know... it's ugly imo.
Well, if some people like it, it's good too. =p