Really, really cute and sexy outfit!!
The textures were great and so were the meshes. Excellent! The Useabilty goes down a bit cause I don't know how to use it, but its really something new. It's so great!!! It's very original and I really like it very much!!
Keep up the excellent work!!!!!!!!! :)
Hm, I don't know what to say...
You wrote in the readme file that we don't have to review it too hard. Sorry, but especialy the textures were bad. The face textures were bad rotated or they were not there. (For example the nose or mouth textures)
The meshes, hm, what to say? They looked a little strange, at some parts, for example the torso. Lots of spikes at her skin or somewhere else. But they are your first so its okay...
I don't know, how to use this outfit, but perhaps someone else does this.
Like Golden Dawn said, this is really not sexy. It's very very short, but this is not very pretty...
The textures were boring and plain. The thong which was going out of her pants gave Lara a bi***y style. :( :(
All other textures were ugly, too. :(
Hm, the chest looked very strange again. :(
Sorry, but I don't know, why you put in a shard?! The first gun looked strange, too. The textures were no so good, sorry. Try to make better. The rest was okay, but next time, make something new....
It was okay, but I don't know, where u can use it. Never mind, it was okay.
But the chest mesh looked very very very very strange!!!!!
Oh my god!
The textures were boring, it was like "party" but not so good.
It was only one texture, like always. Please try to make better.
Hm, the whole outfit was okay, not bad and not good. ;)
Things like this make me angry. :( If you are not good in creating meshes, use the "Old Lara Meshes". This what you done, is really NOT okay. Low rating... what do you thought?
meshes are stolen.... textures- I don't know, if you made them yourself...
Try to make it better!!
Nice outfit, especially the meshes were cool. Only the head... Hm, like I said often before: I doesn't look like Lara. Never mind. ;) :)
Hm the originality is a bit lower, cause you made some outfits like this before ;)
Altogether I liked this outfit and I think you can use it in many levels! :)
Great work ;) :)
Well, like Trinity said, really bad. I don't rate the mesh, cause it's mine, so it's not new. Especially the hair texture was ugly, like Trinity said.
Well, try to make something new, MK is Keith's ;) ;)
EDIT: You forgot a credit. Chestmesh is from deskj.
[i]Edited by C/y[/i]
Hm the textures were okay, a little plain. It's original. You forgot some credits ;) But thats no problem anyway ;)
I didn't like the eyes and the mouth, they were too big :(
Perhaps you can make better textures ;)
First Thing: You forgot one credit! The head is deskj's.
Textures: Hm, there was always the same, plain orange. 4 or 5 textures- always this orange. Why? ;)
Well, originality is lower, because you'd done one outfit like this before.
Next time please use some more colourful textures. This would make your outfits better.
Nice casual outfit! I liked it. :) I didn't like the head, it didn't look like Lara. The textures were good and the meshes, too. Perhaps you can make a new head, this would be better :) ;)
Altogether good work :)
Urgks, excuse me but this outfit is really ugly, sorry. The textures are very low quality and plain withot ending :D ;) (No joke). All the textures were created with paint, you can see it, a 2 minute job. Thumbs down. Next time, take more time for an outfit! :( :( :( :(
Wow, nice story, nice outfit ;)
Espiecially the ponytailtexture was great!! The other textures were good,too, but you had, in some outfits before, created some better textures. But they are still very good :)
The headmesh was not new, but I always like it :)
Great work!! (Like always ;))
Wow! This is really good. :) The textures- they were glittering, when Lara was movin'. Great effect!! Hm, only as I said in my last review in one of your fantasy outfits: Perhaps they can be used in fantasystorylevels ;)
The eyes looked scary, wow! The meshes were really cool, especially the head!!
Great work!!! Keep it on
[i]Edited by C/y[/i]
like the other two said, try something new :) let's go
the textures were better than before, but not really good. Altogether a little crazy this outfit, but funny ;)
Good work