I always liked the wetsuit from TR2, and this remake is amazing! I love the new hands! I love the textures!! I love the tank!!! But she has no backpack to store things in. In general, I love this outfit!!!! But, based on the guidelines, I couldn't give it 10/10. By the way, this is my 50th review! I'm 1/4 of the way to 200 reviews!
I like this outfit, the eshes look really nice together. This outfit is much better than the one in TR2, and it's not just a plain extraction. Unfortunetly, it has a bug. You can see inside lara when she does certain things like swimming and pushing objects. The strand of hair was a nice touch. Excellent remake! :)
Laa travels to the final frontier (space) in this futuristic Star Trek-inspired space suit! The originality is high here, and the textures may be a bit plain, but they work. I'm also a fan of the show, so this improved my rating (lucky for you). :D
Lara looks like a little kid to me in these pajamas! Anyhow, the meshes are great, well made, and the textures are kinda monotonous, but this outfit is good anyway! The usability is a bit low but would go good in a home type level. Good job, as usual, TR_Nut!
This is a good early outfit made exclusively for snow levels, and I think it's the first, so a 10 for originality! The textures were excellent, despite the pants being rather simple. Also, the pants are pink underneath but I think this is supposed to be shadow (I hope). ;) Good for you, TR_Nut!
This outfit looked very nice, much better, but I can't say it's anything special. The usability isn't very high at all. The color is beautiful, but the textures needed more detail. Altogether, it's another beautiful, original outfit from NoAngel, but sadly, it' NoAngel's last. A good end to a very unique series. :)
This isn't much better than the last outfit, I'm sad to say.
The idea is creative as usual, and i fits in any setting that I can think of. The vest doesn't look very good. Nice try.
[i]Edited by VoodooChild97[/i]
Well, this is a little too close to the default outfit. The textures are just changed from the original ones, a method which I strongly dislike. Hope the next one is better.
This outfit is not as good as NoAngel's others. The shirt is rather plain and the pants I think are taken from another NoAngel outfit, but the concept of these outfits are brilliant!