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Location: Republic of Ireland
Interests: Music, art, object designing, Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat.......
Gender: m
Showing 31 to 45 of 116 reviews
New AoD Jeans
by deskj

Forget about originality. Because most outfits look alike anyway, and if you make an outfit too different its not useable. And deskj told me he didn't know about Danilos one. The textures are once again amazingly detailed. The meshes are once again amazingly shaped. the useability is high because you can use it in all orts of places. What I would like to see from Deskj is a nice jungle outfitor something a little more useable. But anyway great job on this fantastic outfit! And + I bet if someone made an exact duplicate of the Aod model with all those polygons, it'd still loose marks in originality! :P So good job Deskj. Keep up the great work!

(15 Aug 2004 00:28)
Treasure Chest
by cornchild

It looks great in game. The textures are great. The meshes are great. the useability is jigh because it can be ued in a lot of different style levels. Its high in originality because there are very few if any custom sarcophagus. Textures are detailed. Meshes are nicely shaped. The light effect is really cool. I think I've seen a light effect like that in some other game. Can't remember what game. Might have been Zelda. Congratulaions on a job well done, and I'd like to see more objects like the. :D:D:D [i]Edited by Keith[/i]

(14 Aug 2004 23:09)
Custom Blue Shark
by dannyx_nr

Woah! This is really cool! its scary! It can't be used everywhere but it can still be used in a lot of places. I'm amazed at what danny can do seen as this is his 3rd thing to add to the site. The textures were fantastic, the meshes were fantastic, not many people have made new sharks and I must say this is really great! Congratulations Danny!!! :D:D:D

(13 Aug 2004 20:48)
Assasin's Catsuit
by MrNiceGuy

Overall look: It looks amazing.I never thought it possible to make a catsuit so interesting! A kevlar vest. A new holster. Looks great. A hood. Wouldn't have been my choice but still looks great. And the london catsuit boots are a nice touch. Original: Its totally original! Noone ever thought of this type of outfit. Or a kevlar vest? Has anyone. Plus this outfit as some skin joints that are shiny. Plus this outfit has a hood over Lara's face which is completely original. And also its a nice change from MNGs last two remakes. congratulations! Quality: It deserves 10 in quality as there isn't a single bug and the shiny effect looks amazing! Useability: Every where but desert or other hot places. As Lara would frizzle. But this can be used as a wetsuit, catsuit, wintersuit, city sneaker. Almost everywhere except hot places. Probably the best catsuit on this site. Custom Textures: Awesome textures. So detailed and shiny! :P They looked amazing! Although the hood textures looked slightly plain but thats only because the textures are dark textures. Custom Meshes: Fantastic Meshes!!! So many polys!!!! They looks superb!! Although I think the thighs could have been sculpted a little better they still looked awesome!! I must say you really did an exellent job with those meshes. Well done!!! Opinion: It looks fantastic! A kevlar vest and hood wouldn't have been my choice as they're not Lara's style but that doesn't mean this outfit doesn't look amazing! No bugs whatsoever. You really did a great job on this assasin suit. Well done! And this deserves to be in the top ten! :D:D:D Oops forgot to review the weapons: Custom meshes: The meshes on that pistol with the silencer were some of the best I've seen! It looks amzing! Custom Textures: Very impressive textures on the gun. Very detailed! Congrtulations MNG!! :D:D:D [i]Edited by Keith[/i]

(12 Aug 2004 12:34)
Author Reply
Thank you for the great review, Keith! I can see you really liked the catsuit, and I like it when people like my creations! Well, when someone doesn't I might feel a bit down, but it's usually okay as long as it's a well written review that covers all the rules and regulations we have. I hate filtering my own items' reviews... It's a hard knock life for me! But, I'm talking too much. Thank you again for the review!

Elisa #2
by Trinity
Holy Cr@p!!!

This looks awesome!!! I love Trinitys outragous outfits!!! Looks great fantastic textures and high quality meshes. Not useable in every situation but still! It looks amazing! Congratualtions trinity, you've made another succesfull masterpiece.!!!!

(10 Aug 2004 22:49)

okay, I don't play RE but from what MNG says RE4 hasn't come out yet. So for originality it gets a 10. Now quality. It was really great and I found no bugs whatsever. The textures were amazing!! Small and yet detailed. Well done. The meshes were my favourite part. As they were some of the best meshes I've ever seen from SV. Congratulations on a top notch weapon wad. :D :D :D!!!!!!!!!!

(10 Aug 2004 22:34)
Lara Remake
by Danilo
My Favourite outfit Lara ever wore.

this is my fav TR outfit and Danilo has done it justice but there is one thing I must ask. What the f*ck have you done to her chest!?!?! My god!!!!!!!!!! I know Lara is a bit busty but......the only reason you gave her the backpack in this outfit was to balance her out! Stop her landing flat on her face, no, correction, landing flat on her twins! I'm kidding, its very well shaped and very cool. The textures are really great. Especially the shorts. The meshes could have been better. I was hoping to see your fantastic head mesh. Or even 3d shorts. But still you've done well. Congratulations. As for useability, Lara has worn this everywhere so I had to give it a 10. I love that people still make this outfit and I will be releasing my version of this outfit soon. Congratulations Danilo. [i]Edited by Keith[/i]

(09 Aug 2004 21:59)
How do you review levels on this site!?!

This level is a fantastic replica of the original tomb Raider 1 level The Caves. And well done. The resembles is striking. i love playing TR1 but unfortunatley because of my sis graphics crad I can't play it anymore except on my n-gage. Hats of to kingSpyder and I can't wait to see the full game finished. :D

(09 Aug 2004 19:57)
Makes me wanna go hiking!!!

When I saw this, it made me want to go hiking!! It just looked amazing!!! it was a fantastic change from the the flat textured look of the old Tr backgrounds. Its a beautiful horizon, probably the best on the site. I think this is the best horizon on this site. it looks amazing especially for dark spooky levels. the textures were nice and the meshes were nice too. You made a 3d horizon before but this is ten times better and deserves a perfect ten.

(07 Aug 2004 23:31)
Tanya ver.2
by kicia

this version is better than you're previous version. You even added the scar on her eye wich is very good! I wasn't expecting that! Like before unfortunatley the textures are bad and and are not correctly rotated. The meshes were nicely done. I took originality down because you already did a tanya outfit and I already made a few MK outfits I see you have improved and If you are doing a tanya version 3 I have the actual textures from the game mortal Kombat 4. If you want them send me a pm and I'll send them to you.

(06 Aug 2004 22:46)
Bloody Hell! This is fantastic!

Holy C***!!! This is fantastic! I've been a big fan of deskj's outfits but this is one of the best! It looks amazing in game and is useable in every situation. She looks amazing and I know this is just a remake but still, not many have made this outfit! I would like to see a tr2,1, and trc remake line. And now to review the outfit: Original: Its a remake but it hasn't been made often so I gave a little higher in originality. Plus it was only used in one level. Lara's Home. Also you used you're own textures and not ones from TR3 Quality: There isn't a single bug in this and it looks amazing. Well done! Useable: It can be used in lots of different levels. I think it would be great in Lara's Home, or military levels, desert levels, coastal levels, jungle levels, although not quite so useable in artic levels. Although Lara wore her original outfit throught the peruvian mountains in Tr1 so why not this one. :) Custom textures: The textures were fantastic! The camo textures were brilliant and so were the face textures. They were very detailed and clear which is great! I loved the textures on the boots and even the grips on her boots. I like seeing that kind of dedication in an outfit. Although I didn't like the textures on her belt buckle. Custom meshes: The meshes are fantastic! I loved them! Especially the head mesh! I loved the chest mesh because her chest looks a little should I say....realistic. :P The trouser meshes were really great! And I loved the boot meshes. Note: I love the new guns on this outfit and all of your other outfits. It adds a nice bit of originality to your outfits. Congratulations on another fantastic outfit, deskj!!! And keep these outfits coming!!!! :D :D :D

(04 Aug 2004 20:55)
Black Bunny Suit v.1
by dannyx_nr

Woah! Now this kept me laughing. I never thought I'd see Lara like this! The meshes are really good! As are the textures! Is this your first outfit? If it is...WOW! Very original but not useable in every situation. Keep up the good work

(04 Aug 2004 16:47)
by joontje
VERY Original!!!!!!!!!

Woah! Now this is really original. And I think Lara might have used a little too much garnier fructis hard glue! lol :P! Th textures were not so good but the meshes were really interesting actually. I liked them. It can't be used in a lot of levels and the eyes were not properly rotated but joontje spoke to me earlier about this so its ok. Good job joontje! You're meshes are really good but you should work on your textures. My earlier outfit I used Paint but I went through nearly every shade of a colour to make it as detailed as possible so you should try that. Or use some other programme like Picture It or Adobe Photoshop

(03 Aug 2004 20:53)
Great idea! But it needs work.

The idea was good, but the animation wasn't that great. When lara shoots there is a flicker in her animation. When she takes out her guns her arm jumps to her side. When Lara runs her arms look strange. I know Lara's arms don't animate when she holds them normally but it looks very strange with her guns at her side. I don't know know why people keep trying to change the way Lara holds her guns, coz I like the way she holds them. But this was a great idea!

(03 Aug 2004 20:26)
Author Reply
The idea was to make it more like bloodrayne and not lara

Neo my Kitty
by Trinity
Awwwwwwwwwwww so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awwwwwwwwwwww so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This looks like my old cat Wincey! Its very cute and noone ever made the cat from Meta. And when you use it in Lara's Home levels it looks great! And it sooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great idea trinity but the the textures could use a little extra work. soooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(03 Aug 2004 00:53)
Showing 31 to 45 of 116 reviews
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